
Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

An otaku dies because he saves someone from the Legendary Truck-kun. He gets the wish come true of all the otakus out there.... I don't own fairy tail neither the cover...

TNT_Subho99 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Grimoire Heart VS Fairy Tail (III)

A/N: Ok... some readers are asking what will Magic Council do to Fairy Tail if Axel and the girls get frozen for 7 years. It is an obvious doubt so I would like to answer to that. This is the reason Meredy & Lisanna were not selected for S-Class exams. Cobra, Jellal, Hoteye, and Angel are also present in the Guild. Magic Council is going to find that out the hard way, don't worry. I have some plans for that.


A/N: I noticed another thing that I never announced the teams for the Exam soo here goes to avoid confusion.

Natsu & Happy

Mest & Wendy

Gray & Juvia

Elfman & Evergreen

Cana & Lucy

Now let's start with the chapter.



Gray and Juvia were walking by a small lake. Gray had asked Juvia to be his partner since both of them together can perform Collaboration Magic. They decided to take some rest by a tree when they saw a blue flare to light up the sky.

Gray: Damn... I guess Cana completed the exam.

Juvia: Don't worry Gray we can always try next year. All of us knew that Cana was an S-Class mage already.

Gray: It doesn't make me feel better you know. Cana was almost equal to us before she started to train with Axel.

Juvia was about to say something when they saw the red flare lit up in the sky.

Gray: We are under attack...!! We need to head back now.

Juvia: Let's go, Gray.

Both Gray and Juvia got up and started to run back towards their camp. After some time they were halfway back to the camp when Cana and Lucy came flying from one side and Ur from the other side.

Ur: Gray are you alright??

Gray: Yeah... I am fine and congratulations, Cana.

Juvia: Congratulations Cana.

Cana: Thank you... we need to head back towards the camp.

After that, all of them started to head back towards the camp when two figures showed up in front of them. Capricorn and Kain Hikaru stood in front of them, Lucy was shocked to see a Celestial Spirit here.

Cana: If I ask you to step aside, you won't listen to me right??

Kain: Obviously that works that way.

Capricorn decided to keep quiet because he felt uneasy and dangerous vibes coming off from Cana. He could also not feel any Magic power from her which made him more worried.

Cana: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Cana raises one hand and grabs that hand with the other one for more support. A huge amount of Magic power erupted from her body.

Cana: Fairy Glitter.

A huge light erupted from Cana's fist and which caused a huge explosion obliterating anything in front of them including the ground. Ur erupted an Ice Wall to protect Gray and Lucy. When the smoke and dust cleared out there was no trace of Kain and Capricorn's left side was completely bloodied. Capricorn only survived the blast because he was a Celestial Spirit.

Gray and Lucy were shocked to see the amount of destruction caused by the spell and how strong that spell was. Capricorn was severely injured so he disappeared into white particles.

Cana: Lucy I am sorry to hurt a Celestial Spirit, I have no other way.

Lucy: No problem, he was an enemy.

After that, they started to walk towards their camp.


Axel: I have found something interesting, both of you can stay here.

After that Axel rose up and flew away, after flying some distance Axel disappears. Axel appears inside Cara's realm, Cara immediately hugs him and pulls him into a kiss.

Axel: Cara I wanted to ask you something.

Cara: Ok... what do you wanted to ask??

Axel: Can I copy someone's magic or something similar to that??

Cara: Yes... with my Mark you can do anything but doing only doing that will chew half of your insane Magic Reserve.

Axel: I am fine with giving that much. This Magic is too important to give up.

Cara: Ok... good luck.

After that Axel kisses Cara goodbye and disappears from that place and appears near a certain silver-haired member of Grimoire Heart.


Natsu saw the blue flare in the sky and slumped down.

Happy: Don't worry Natsu you will pass it next year.

Natsu: Thanks Happy.

After that Natsu and Happy found a small lake and they started to fish. They didn't even notice the red flare which lit up the sky afterward. Suddenly both Natsu and Happy were attacked by black flames. Natsu got up and started to look for the attacker and found a man with spiky blond hair.

Zancrow: You are so pathetic... Dragon Slayers are so weak. You don't even hold a candle to us God Slayers.

Natsu: What kind of nonsense are you spewing??

Natsu said and attacked Zancrow with his flames, Zancrow just ate Natsu's flames.

Zancrow: As you saw how easily I ate the flames of a Dragon but you will never be able to eat my flames of God.

Zancrow said that and attacked Natsu with black flames which Natsu was unable to eat. Natsu screamed out in pain and got up to attack again. This scene continued until Natsu was almost defeated and was standing with a lot of difficulties.

Zancrow: Say your last words puny Dragon.

Zancrow said that and attacked Natsu with a God's Roar. The attack was about to hit Natsu when it was stopped by Gildarts. Gildarts looked at Natsu and gave a smug smile.

Gildarts: Hey kid... you lost to such weakling?? You must have grown weak.

Natsu: The hell old man... I will defeat him. Don't interrupt my fight.

After saying that Natsu dropped on the ground completely exhausted. Gildarts looked at Zacrow who had a mocking grin on his face.

Zancrow: Not even you are a match for a God.

After saying that Zancrow attacks Gildarts with his flames which was destroyed by Gildarts's Crush Magic. Gildarts and Zancrow continued their battle for a few moments before Gildarts punched Zancrow on the face. Zancrow was blown away and embedded himself on a mountain and lost his consciousness.

Gildarts: That was one arrogant prick...


A/N: I have decided to skip the Infinity Clock Arc... it is the most annoying Arc in the series.