
Fairy Tail : COLD HEART (ENG)

A reboot of Gray Fullbuster's story, Deliora's attack certainly took the lives of Gray's loved ones but also gave him an accidental gift that will make him the most powerful of mages. Gone was Natsu's so-called rival whose fights were rubbish and whose psychology was far from a boy who lost so much in life. No power of friendship and its power will have a completely logical cause in relation to its universe. English is not my first language and I don't have an editor so there will certainly be vocabulary or spelling mistakes. I wish you a good reading and I thank you for the edifying remarks in the comments if there are things to improve in my writing or my narration.

The3Entities · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

chapter 27 : The one I need

"Feeling my whole body, feeling each cell, feeling the energy of my whole body, feeling the energy in each of my cells...the pathways...the energy of my body flows through my channels …" Gray sat in the lotus position and chanted what he had learned about the process of awakening life energy.

 It had been several days since the last events and three days that he had been trying to awaken to the body's vital energy.

 As he continued to repeat these words, he immediately fell into a state of concentration that he had never experienced before, he was completely alone in the world, without concept, without notion of time or space and the only thing he was fully aware of was his body.

 He could perfectly feel his organs, their functioning, his blood circulation or energy pathways within him but above all that, he began to feel his cells.

 Unfortunately, he left that state very quickly because of all the information that needed to be processed.

 Gray was now completely drenched in sweat but a smile decorated his face, he had been able to awaken to this energy completely different from magic and remembering in detail this level of concentration, it will be child's play for him to do it again to master it step by step.

 Where the thing was special was that the book talked about feeling the whole body for starters but feeling the cells and energy in it at a much more advanced level but Gray had a level of understanding that he did both things at the same time, which is why he couldn't process the information effectively.

 "Gray-sama, Juvia brought some refreshments..." Juvia came with a tray with juice, fruit salad and a napkin on it.

 " Thanks Juvia ." Gray gave her a smile and took off his clothes to change into his underwear before starting to dry himself with the towel in front of a completely red Juvia.

 Gray: You're always so perfect and caring, thank you Juvia.

 Juvia: Perfect?

 Gray: For me, yes. In life, we get four things: What we want, what we need, what we deserve and finally what destiny gives us, good and bad. For the first two, they allow our satisfaction in a certain sense but are totally different.

 Juvia: I'm not sure I understand...

 Gray: What I want may satisfy me but it will not really give me the well-being that I seek, whereas what I need will really make me happy and for the longest time. There is a girl that I loved and that I wanted, she was a good girl and she loved me too but her problems prevented her from opening up fully to me, if we were in a relationship it would have had a certain toxicity although there was love between us.

 Juvia: Gray-sama already loves someone...

 Gray: However, you arrived and you immediately gave me love but above all respect and attention, it's very important Juvia. I finally realized that you are the one for me. Love isn't everything.

 Juvia: So Juvia isn't the one you wanted...?

 Gray approached her calmly as she turned red and slowly, he leaned towards her and gently kissed her on the lips then he looked into her eyes.

 Gray: From the moment I knew I needed you, I wanted you right away.

 The kiss, the words he had just said and the way he looked at her sent Juvia into the equivalent of a volcanic eruption but on an emotional level she started crying and Gray held her close until she calms down.

 "Love is beautiful..." A young boy's voice was heard from a corner, they looked at him and a boy about 12 years old was in a corner, he had certain traits with Natsu but his hair was blue and he had cat ears on his head, it was Happy who was sweaty and doing stretching exercises.

 Gray: Shut up and keep concentrating, you need to maintain this form for five minutes.

 Happy: But it's too hard, Gray. This body is awkward, the limbs are way too long, I don't have enough hair and-(interrupted)

 Gray: You are going to add 30 repetitions to each of your next exercises.

 Happy: WHAT?! But-(interrupted)

 Gray: We said no complaints, you wanted me to train you so shut up and do as I tell you.

 "I'm sure even Erza would have been less harsh..." He muttered complainingly.

 Gray: I hear you, idiot. If you do things well then I'll ask the cook to make you some excellent fish.

 Happy: Is it true ?!

 Gray: Fish is a great food so, yes. Now you have to keep working, I helped you learn transfiguration magic and you showed a lot of talent. However, you are the only one capable of improving your limits. Make me proud, Happy.

 "Yes boss…" He replied before concentrating and returning to his exercises.

 Juvia: By the way Gray, today there will be a new member in the guild and the master wants you to be there this afternoon.

 Gray: A new one? It's a good thing, we'll be there for sure.

 They arrived at the guild a few hours later with Juvia all smiles and clinging to Gray's arm who didn't seem to mind.

 Everyone seeing this was shocked. Gray had a reputation as the prettiest boy in the guild and very capable but they had never seen him involved in any romance in all these years.

 The girls of the guild were the most shocked but the most touched was undoubtedly Mirajane who didn't believe it because Gray was quite open and had not pushed away those who wanted to be close to him so she kept her smile.

 Wakaba: So I can't believe it, Gray and the new girl!

 Macao: Well, I don't see the problem, this kid had never had a girlfriend and that worried me. They grew up, that's all. (To Gray) HEY KID, YOU DIDN'T TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT YOU AND JUVIA.

 "It's very recent, in fact it's only been a few days..." Gray responded calmly while covered in embarrassment, Juvia buried her face in Gray's chest muttering who knew what.

 "Love is beautiful..." Happy teased in the corner with Natsu completely surprised, Lucy and Erza were totally red while in his corner, Mirajane froze and her eyes started to get watery.


 Happy: Have you ever been interested ?

 Lucy: He dares to compare himself to him...

 Levy watched this from upstairs and started to hide her face to cry, it was like a blade in her chest.

 "Well Gray, you're going to make a lot of people unhappy. Many older girls in the guild were in love with you but you gave a new one a chance…" Laki came to tease Gray but especially Juvia.

 Gray: I was single this whole time and no one tried anything, Juvia took the right chance and she won.

 This remark from Gray was direct and true, so true that the distressed girls in the room understood that he was in fact available this whole time and that it was entirely their fault that another was in his arms Today.

 "YOU'LL TELL US HOW YOU DID." Several girls charged Juvia to go and question her while Gray, helpless, stood there scratching his temple.

 He then ordered a beer from one of the waitresses before leaving to sit at Natsu's table.

 Natsu: What do you want? Taunt me? Tomorrow I'll find myself a girlfriend too.

 Erza punched him in the head before stuttering to congratulate Gray with a completely red face and he thanked her.

 Gray: (to Natsu) I didn't come to taunt you, moron. I have absolutely nothing to gain from it. I just wanted to know how you are doing and if you are recovering perfectly.

 Natsu: I feel better than ever and I'm ready to beat you whenever you want.

 Gray: Hm that's good then but don't tempt the devil again, you're lucky Erza called me very quickly.

 Natsu: Tsss, yeah thanks for helping me.

 Happy: He literally saved your life, not helped…

 Natsu: We didn't ask you anything.

 Lucy: By the way, Gray...

 Gray: Hmm?

 Lucy: You and Juvia live together in your mansion ?

 Gray: Yes but it's not that important, I interrupted my training because it seems that the old man wanted me to be there. Where is he ?

 Erza: He'll be here soon...

 Natsu: Training, that's all you do.

 Gray: That's why I'm stronger than you.

 "REPEAT THAT A LITTLE" Natsu knocked over the table and Erza's cake that was on it at the same time before jumping on Gray to start a fight and they dragged the others with them to start a bar fight and objects were flying in all directions.

 Gray grabbed Jet by the leg and started hitting the others using him as a club, Natsu did the same with Max and the two looked like ogres which scared the other mages who decided to ally against the two S ranks.

 Meanwhile, Erza had snatched a strawberry cake from another guild member which she began to eat.