
Fairy Tail Chat

These are regular day basis Fairy Tail members. Always doing this and that! They are very lively as always. Please come with me and enjoy these Fairy Tail chats I may mix it up and it is not going to be exactly like the show These characters are not my idea. They are Hiro Mashima. I also don't own the cover. Fairy Tail 4 Ever! Enjoy!!! (I wrote this when I was 10 on Wattpad and I'm 14 now. So it may be bad and I'm uploading from Wattpad)

KARMAWAIFU · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Fairy Tail Chat Room

Wendy- Wow who made this chatroom.

Erza- I know. It's amazing right?

Wendy- Yes.

Jellal- Ok babe. Don't get caught up with urself. Remember what we added her in for.

Erza- Oh yeah.

Wendy- so why did ya add me?

Gray- Because the boys are doing a good looking contest. The girls just had theirs and Juvia won.

Wendy- Oh congrats Juvia.

Juvia- Thank you.

Levy- Ok can we start the game now?

Lucy- Aww someone's a little salty because she came in last place.

Levy- Lu-chan that's not even funny and that's not the reason.

Natsu- That's enough Lucy. She's ur best friend treat her with some respect.

Lucy- Sorry Levy-Chan

Levy- Its ok.

Gajeel- Ok let's start. I'll go first. Let's do one pic this time.

Natsu- But I have so many pics I wanna show.

Gray- Me too.

Jellal- Oh well I don't have a lot so we are doing just one.

Gajeel has downloaded a picture.

Levy- Nice babe but I give you a not impressed 7.

Natsu- Wow that must be tough hearing that from your girl.

Lucy- Natsu shush anyways I give him a 1 just because Gajeel is annoying.

Erza- Wow why y'all hating on Gajeel. Well it doesn't matter because I give him a 2.

Gajeel- Whaaaat? Now y'all are just being unfair.

Juvia- C'mon Gajeel just wait. Other people is has to judge too. Also I'm sorry in advance for bringing your hopes up but I give u a 0.

Wendy- Oh wow lol I give u a 5.

Gray- Hahahahahahah.

Lucy- Well I guess. Gajeel has 14 points.

Natsu- Lol thats so low.

Gajeel- Oh shut up this is outrageous.

Jellal- Anyways I'm not expecting to win because I know I can't beat y'all but here I go.

Jellal has downloaded a picture


ellal- I know it's not much but here it is.

Erza- Have at least a little confidence. I give u a 8.

Lucy- Sorry Jellal but I don't wanna lie like Erza soon giving u a 0.

Erza- Yeah good job don't lie like me..... Wait what? Im not lying he deserves an 8.

Lucy- Ok

Levy- Well I give u a 5.

Wendy- I'll give u 2.

Juvia- Juvia votes Gray-sama high number so I give u 3.

Jellal- Wow I can't believe I got higher than Gajeel.

Levy- Yeah me neither. Anyways Jellal is in the lead with 18 points.

Natsu- I guess I'm up next. Here goes nothing.

Natsu has downloaded a picture.

Lucy- woohoo that's my sexy baby. 10

Levy- So he's hot. Sorry Gajeel. 10

Juvia- Oh my gosh. Juvia is only supposed to give Gray-sama high numbers. But 10.

Erza- No comment.10

Wendy- 10

Gajeel- I doubt anybody could beat Natsu's 50 points.

Natsu- Wow I never knew I could get high in handsomeness.

Jellal- Its a miracle of Gray actually beats Natsu.

Gray- Well it my turn. so here goes nothing.

Gray upload a pic pic pic ture.

Malfunction malfunction malfunction

Gray- Wow I even have the computer malfunctioned.

All girls have a nosebleed

Juvia- Omg Gray-sama I give u a 50.

Gajeel- Wait since when can we go over 10?

Erza- since we saw Gray.30

Lucy- 20



Gray- Well I guess we all know who won with 150 points. Meee!

Gajeel- Don't get cocky now brat.

Jellal- Well Gajeel in this case. He has the right to be cocky. I mean he won the girls over.

Natsu- Wow I never knew we could go over 10.

Gray- I know cause u never made it there

Natsu- Hey did u really have to say that.

Gray- Nope but I felt like it.


Nastu- Hey Erza. I didn't say anything this time it was only Gray.

Erza- Oh yeh sorry. GRAY STOP IT!

Gray- Oh wow.

Lucy- Hey tmr lets play truth or dare.

Everyone- Good idea!

Author- Of course Gruvia won the match I mean I love Gruvia. Here are some pictures to commemorate their win. Also if u have nothing to call me just call me Anime Lover.

I love these Gruvia pictures well and gifs. Also maybe after Truth or dare I'll do a couple one and obviously, we already know who is gonna win. Sorry for the spoiler but u know I love Gruvia.