
Fairy Tail: Celestial Spirit Princess Tale

After Fairy Tail won the war against Alvarez Acnologia made a contact with the New Eclipse making a great cataclysm that lasted a few seconds. Moment later Lucy woke up as her younger self. I don't own Fairy Tail et cetera et cetera. This is my first novel and my english isn't too good and I don't have much time for writting shitty novels. What can go wrong?

IgorKiel · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

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"She's most likely in Alakitasia. I don't know the exact location. Why does Grammi want to live there?"

"That's where she comes from. This is her home so this is understandable. But can we even find her? Alakitasia is a big and isolated continent."

"I think we have a way. She has the key of Aquarius. Did you know that all Celestial Spirits are living in one realm?"


"So we need to tell one of your Celestial Spirits to contact Aquarius. Aquarius will contact with Grammi. That way it'll take only a few weeks to find Grammi. Normally Celestial Spirits can't reveal location of their keys to other Celestial Spirit Mages, but what, if Grammi will agree?"

"Now I think... Can't we just contact Grammi by using Capricorn as messenger? It doesn't require permit on revealing informations."

"That would be much simpler. Will we just summon Capricorn to ask?"

Lucy said little embarassed and then Layla shouted.

"Open! Gate of Goat!"

Then Capricorn appeared.

"At your service, Layla-sama."

"Capricorn, can you find Aquarius in Spirit World?"

"That's possible. What Layla-sama want to do?"

"Grammi probably is living in Alakitasia. It's too far to contact her myself. I want Aquarius to be messenger in contact with Grammi. In two years we will need all golden keys to open Eclipse Gate. She need to know about it."

"Yes, Layla-sama."

Capricorn disapeared.

"Now we'll to talk about what you're going to do."

"I'm going to do training. As I am now, I can only summon at most one celestial spirit. At most! I'm far too weak to protect my friends or even protect myself and too young to convince Ishgar that we need to prepare for war against Alvarez. Magic Council thinks that Zeref died long ago and no one will believe little girl, which told that Zeref's alive. I can't even convince dad, even thought he loves me. We need good evidence. Even if we succede to convince Magic Council, we can't defeat Zeref and reveling secrets of Alvarez is definitely not save option. Opportunities to prevent tragedies will be later. Now I can only try to become stronger in order to eventually be able to help you to open Eclipse Gate."

"Lucy, I'm not sure you'll be ready for..."

"I'm not sure either. You may be right but I made my decision. There's no way that I'm going to let you die again. At least don't try to open Eclipse Gate alone. Celestial Spirit Magic definitely isn't about doing all things by myself."

'What times has to come to be teached about my magic. But she's right.'


Rest of the day Lucy spend in a garden trying to meditate. Her progress was even good because she was using method that Capricorn has taught her in other timeline. It's shame to say that but Lucy haven't really trained her magic in the past. Yes, she has become much stronger. However she has been nearly only improving her magic by experience of fighting in numerous battles and clearing missions sometimes gaining new tricks. This time she couldn't do that. Mother wouldn't let her to do that and fighting now is too dangerous. Training is the only option.

Air was spinning around her every now and then until she was tired. She stopped to rest and started again. Doing that was more draining mentally than physically and doing that in so young age has its risk of using too much magic power and fall sick from draining too much, but from perspective of little girl that need to get used to new body that was perfect. Only problem was that she didn't had any way to do exercises with materialization.

Normally Celestial Spirit Mages materializing their magic by using their special keys. That way of materialization isn't very sophiticated, when it require to only pour magic to key to summon Celestial Spirit. When Celestial Spirit is summoned key himself is draining magical power of the user until that gate is closed. Because of that summoning more than user is able to bear causes overdraining. Lucy has no Gate Keys so excercises with that method of materialization magic are impossible. That problem can be resolved in one of two ways: gaining Gate Keys or learning new magic.

'I think I should try with type of magic complementary with power of Celestial Spirits. For example enchantment magic, that would power up my Lucy Kick and buff Celestial Spirits and even my future whip, probably will be very compatible with Celestial Spirits Magic. I should think about buying some books about it.'


Lucy returned to mansion and found her mother.

"How is your training going?"

"Good, althought I have a problem. I don't have any type of magic so I can't excercise it's materialization. Certainly in the future I'm going to be a Celestial Spirit Mage so I thought about learning something complementary like enchantments. Otherwise I'm in need of Gate Keys."

"That seems to be an interesting idea. We'll find some books later, but now we're going to talk with your dad about your... special state."