
Fairy Tail: Bounty Hunter

"Did you really kill that dragon slayer?" The hooded man silently waved over with a bleeding severed head before he tossed it onto the table. The head's appearance matched up exactly to Fairy Tail's Salamander, Natsu Dragneel.

JoeHell · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Failed Revenge

A winged armored man flew rapidly through the sky, ducking and rising above magic spell after magic spell.

Down on the ground Nallen shot rounds after rounds of lightning powered lacrima towards the sky.

His large sniper aimed it's crosshairs at Raven, attempting to find a perfect shot to end the winged bounty hunter for good.

It had been almost 2 weeks since Zabrak died to Raven's hands and in that time Nallen had tracked him down and gathered as much information as possible.

According to the rumors, Raven had joined one of the top guilds, Fairy Tail and even begun learning from it's infamous master Makarov, one of the 10 great wizard saints.

Nallen knew he would immediately die if he were to directly charge into Fairy Tail so he patiently waited around Magnolia. Just for the chance that Raven would eventually leave.

Nallen didn't actually know if the winged man was Raven but he assumed he was because Fairy Tail was the only guild in Magnolia and only a top tier mage could fly so high.

Even on the off chance that the it wasn't Raven Nallen still wanted to kill this flying person. He had already recognized the entire guild of Fairy Tail as his enemy and Nallen would leave none alive.

"Hmm, a lightning wizard?"

Raven's eyes no longer had their normal pupils but small red cross hairs that allowed see Nallen even hundreds of feet in the air.

"Ah, isn't he one of Grey Wing's guild members?"

As a professional bounty hunter Raven had memorized the names, appearances and personal information of many different wizards and witches, some even outside of Fiore.

"Did Grey Wing decide to take action out of regret or because of the damage to their brand?"

A guild is only as strong as the number and quality of it's members. For a small guild like Grey Wing a bounty hunter taking out their ace would leave a horrible stain on their record.

People would think of Grey Wing as a weak guild that can't protect it's own members. No one wants to join a weak guild that can lose one on one with a sole bounty hunter.

In order to save their reputation Grey Wing had to kill Raven and show proof that they care about their members. A public statement wasn't enough, they had to get back for their members.

There was also another danger to a bad reputation, the hostility of rival guilds. Currently, as things stand, there is no law preventing war between guilds over conflicts, be they territorial or economic.

If a guild was thought to be weak they would be pushed and shoved around by other guilds leaving them with no resources, job requests or allies to help them.

"It's unfortunate that you met me. May God take pity on you Nallen."

A cruel smile appeared on Raven's face as he took out a large lacrima the size of a beach ball from his spacial ring.

[•Plasma Bomb:

This item is a bomb compromised of several lacrima. It's designed to unleash a large blast of ridiculously hot plasma that can melt through practically anything.

Items Required To Craft:

-Light Lacrima

-Fire Lacrima

-Lightning Lacrima

-Heat Lacrima]

Raven dropped the lacrima and immediately flew farther up to avoid getting caught in the explosion.

Normally a plasma bomb wouldn't warrant such caution but this particular bomb was special. It was made with a light lacrima filled with Makarov's strongest light spell.

According to Raven's understanding Makarov could rival most dragons in strength and would only lose to the strongest like Igneel and Acnologia.

With his full strength Makarov was one of the strongest humans in history, despite not being a dragon slayer himself.

"Is that an explosion lacrima?"

Nallen stared at the quickly falling lacrima with a sneer.

"Is he an idiot? I can just shoot the lacrima and immediately kill him why is he doing this?"

Regardless, Nallen aimed his sniper and fired. The magic bullet quickly pierced through the sky and hit the lacrima.

To Nallen's surprise the lacrima didn't shatter or explode when hit, just slightly moved off course from where it was originally falling.

Getting a bad feeling in his stomach, Nallen chose to run before he regretted staying in the area.

"Lightning Magic: Thunder Step."

Magic power gathered at his feet in the form of haywire electricity. The entire bottom of his boots burned off from the intense heat of his spell.


His figure flashed from tree to rock, breaking trunks and shattering boulders in multiple pieces.

Every step left behind a smoldering foot print that etched itself deep into whatever was stepped on.

As the lacrima touched the ground Raven flicked his fingers and detonated the lacrima with the magic power he left in the bomb.


A horrendous, almost cataclysmic explosion occured, with it absolutely everything in the vicinity burned to ash. The ground, trees, plants, and animals everywhere in a mile burned alive.

'NO! I have to get out of here, I can't die like this!'

Nallen could hear the explosion and the apocalyptic disaster it brought with it. Even from 2 miles away he could feel the incredible heat burning his skin and clothes.

Just as Nallen looked back, the resulting shockwave from the explosion hit his back.


Every bone in his body seemed to crumble away from the tremendous force overtaking him.

Despair filled his blood torn body as he collapsed on the ground, barely able to twitch much less walk.

High in the sky, Raven, covered in his spell, watched the explosion with grand plans in mind after seeing it's deadly effect.


His eye picked up Nallen's last bit of magic power remaining in his body.

"This bastard is actually still alive?"

Raven descended down to Nallen and laughed once he saw the bloody burnt man with white bones sticking out of every limb of his body.

"Makarov really is a monster, if I wasn't able to fly I would have most certainly died."

Nallen turned his blood shot eyes to the winged man standing above him.

"Don't be so sad Nallen your master will join you and Zabrak soon, I won't stop untill all of Grey Wing is dead."

With that final image of Raven in mind, Nallen's heart stopped beating and he died.