
Fairy Tail and the Rise of the Fairy's God

Ajax, a young man, supposed to be completely normal, changed, by a twist of faith at his first birthday. *I do not own Fairy Tail, neither anything related to it* I do hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Shireneko · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch.27 Starting the S-class job

For the next two days, Gildarts and Jax stayed in the castle. There wasn't much to do as Gildarts kept company to the king in the evening, and they both drank a lot. Jax had no idea how Gildarts had managed to have the king as a drinking buddy, but he was awed by his methods.

As for Jax, he was permitted to walk and explore the castle as he pleased. From what he learned later, the king was a pretty laid-back man and only looked intimidating the first time they met to see their real characters. It seemed that he didn't disappoint him as he allowed him to visit the castle as he pleased.

On the morning of the first day, Jax was awakened by the one he now knew to be the little princess. "Jax, wake up! Let's go and play! Since you stay in the castle for the next two days, father allowed me to skip my lessons to have fun with you." She shouted as she shook Jax out of bed. It could be said that she had a good impression of Jax since he allowed her to fly in the air, something she couldn't do before.

"Alright, alright. Give me a moment. I'll go and wash, and we can play after." Said Jax as he smiled wrily. He didn't know what it was like to have a little sister or a family for that matter, but now he didn't doubt that this should be it.

Washing up rapidly due to the princess repeatedly hitting the door, he got out and dressed up before leaving the bathroom. "Alright, now we can play, right?" Asked Hisui the moment he got out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, what do you want to play?" Asked Jax as he had a slight feeling of what she would ask him to do.

"I want to fly again! I also didn't wear a dress today, so you won't have to hold my dress for me!" She shouted as she jumped on the bed and made a flying motion with her two hands on the top of her head.

'So you were aware that I had to hold your dress then?' Sighing gently, Jax lifted a hand and created some wind in the room to make her fly in the air. He made her fly close to the ceiling causing her to laugh or made her speed up, making her open her eyes wide or made her fly closer to the floor than she was willing to, causing her to close her eyes only to open them again when she didn't feel any pain. In this way, Jax spent about half an hour making her fly in the air in the room and some parts of the castle as they went to eat breakfast.

Only when Jax sat down at the table did he let her down in her chair. She slightly pouted when she saw that it was time to eat but didn't continue any longer after remembering that she had the whole day to play.

After having breakfast, Jax went to the training ground of the palace. He wanted to keep his habit. He needed to do at least half an hour of combat training. This also served as his morning exercise. Afterwards, he did at least an hour of magical training to practise his magic and avoid rusting. After all, he had ten different magics, and he needed to develop all ten of them. He needed to use them each day to get used to them and to use them as correctly as possible in combat.

During his physical training, he did swordsmanship since he had the knights of the royal palace to practise with him and afterwards, he used some time to use all of his magic and think about their best use. After the training, the princess brought him to the castle's pool to play in the water.

He used his water magic to amuse Hisui as he swam leisurely in the pool with his shirt on to hide his scars. He enjoyed the time before the start of what would most likely be a dangerous mission. In a certain way, he understood why the older mages drank so much. Since they did jobs with their lives on the line, they wanted to enjoy life as much as they could since they could die at any time.

Two days later, Jax, along with Gildarts and Rekea Robin, left the royal castle. Miss Robin had a meeting with other members of her team. It was necessary to mention that she was a singer, and this time she would meet her fans and sing a song in front of an audience. As such, the job wasn't easy to do, and Jax would have to be careful so that she didn't get hurt or even killed.

An hour later, they arrived at her studio. Currently, there were a few groups of people in front of the studio hoping to receive her autographs and take pictures with her. Jax and Gildarts looked at the fans with an alert eye as they didn't want to fail the mission right at the beginning.

In the end, nothing happened as she signed a few autographs and entered the building with Gildarts and Jax following behind her. The fans were slightly disappointed seeing her leave, but none of them did anything more than sight before they dispersed. As such, Jax and Gildarts merely continued with their protection duty.

As they entered the room after Rekea, they heard her talk to her business partners. "Those two are mages from Fairy Tail. They will be assuring my safety during the next week." She said when the two mages entered the room. Gildarts wore his never-changing black cloak while Jax was wearing a skin-tight black shirt and black plants and kept his hands in his pocket.

"Nice to meet the two of you." The manager said while nodding towards both Gildarts and Jax. They knew that she had been staying at the royal palace. As such, they knew that the two mages had passed some unknown tests to be sure that they were qualified enough for the task ahead of them.

Jax and Gildarts nodded back while they both found chairs to sit on. Their job was simply to protect the lady, and nothing else mattered.

This way, the first and second day went by pretty quietly as Jax accompanied her, acting like a random child who had been lucky enough to be chosen by the lady. On the contrary, Gildarts was walking in the crowd following not far from them.

At midday during the third day, right when they were leaving a dense crowd and were about to enter a restaurant to eat, Jax, who had improved his hearing to the maximum, heard the sound of three dark mages about to attack them.

'We'll attack them right when they leave the crowd. It should be their most vulnerable moment since they'll feel safe about leaving the crowd.' Said the first dark mage who was following them.

'Alright, there should be an S-rank mage not far from here, protecting her from the shadow. So, we use our strongest magic, and we make a break for it.' Said another wizard in the group of three.

'Understood.' Said the third mage.

Jax, hearing this, immediately sent a message to Gildarts with his sound power. He had discovered through research of his sound power that he could not only enhance his hearing but also control the sound of his voice to reach only certain people. "Gildarts. There are three mages about to attack us. They are about a hundred meters behind us and should be currently approaching us. They are pushing people out of the way to reach us as fast as possible."

"Understood, I'll take care of them, don't blow up your cover. We don't know if there are any other dark mages around." Jax received a reply from Gildarts, and he could hear him moving from his position towards the three dark mages.

Seeing that the action had started, Jax took Rekea's hand. This was a signal whenever a dark mage arrived. This would alert the lady to be alert, but it would also allow the silver-haired boy to protect her as fast as possible was the need arise.

Hearing Gildarts arrive close to the three dark wizards, Jax tightened his muscles, ready to take action at any given moment. However, right after he got ready to fight, he remembered that Gildarts was amongst the best mages on the continent. There was no way any mages would be able to get past him.

And indeed, he was right. The three mages were beaten up a few moments later, and Jax released his hold on her hand when the danger had left. Since the threat had passed, they continued on their way as Jax increased his hearing with his sound power to hear any other mages talking between each other. And indeed, he was right as he found two different groups of dark mages after the bounty on the blue-haired lady's head.

Noting their location, Jax transferred them to Gildarts, who immediately sprang to action. Unfortunately, by the time Gildarts took care of the first group, the two others spotted him and immediately retreated, stopping Gildarts from attacking them since his job was to protect miss Robin.

--- Author note

Do you think Gildarts need help on an S class job? No? Then why do you think Gildarts brought Jax? You'll know in a few dozen chapters, I guess.