
Fairy Tail's Strongest (Dropped)

On his way home from college one day, he was crushed to death by construction beams. Now he begins his new life in a place where magic and dragons exist. A place where he will become the strongest of them all and take the world by storm [This is all Fanfiction, i dont own Fairy Tail or any of the other animes that may be included in this story, this is done purely out of the enjoyment i get from anime, and thought it would be fun... enjoy!]

AdilNation · Others
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118 Chs

Red and White

Adrian and Mira went with the Gremory's to their home, where they were measured, by professional tailors, and were told that it would be ready by tomorrow morning

Adrian had told Mira that he would be back later on in the evening, as he had something that he wanted to do before the day was over. Mira told him to take his time, as she was enjoying the company of Venelana and Lady Sitri

Adrian had told Zeoticus that he'd be back later and would meet them for dinner. Although Zeoticus didn't want Adrian to leave, since he wanted to befriend him, he told him to enjoy himself and that dinner would be served soon

Adrian left the mansion and began to find the location of his next target, through the help of the system

'Ok system, how can I find Issei?'

[All host needs to do is focus on the energies in this world and the human world, and host should be able to find the Red Dragon Emperor, and will then be able to use kamui to get to him]

'Wait how can I use kami, I haven't ever used it there before?'

[Hosts sharingan has gotten much stronger after completely fusing your energies, now all you need to do is locate the persons energy, and you will be able to teleport to them. Think of it like Goku's instant transmission]

Adrian closed his eyes and began to search for Issei's energy signature... and after searching for about 5 minutes he found it, and quickly used kamui to get to him

Human World

A young Issei hyoudou was watching television, while his mother was in the kitchen cooking, while his father was at work

Adrian had managed to teleport into the room without anyone noticing, so he quickly used his sharingan and activated a genjutsu, so that his mother wouldn't suspect a thing. Adrian walked forward and found Issei on the couch, shouting at what looked like a power ranger

Wanting to get this over with quickly, he knocked Issei out with a chop on the neck, and layed him onto the sofa with a pillow under his head.... you know, to make him as comfortable as possible

'Ok system, how do I take his sacred gear?'

[All host has to do, is focus all of your energy into your hands and your arm, and slowly bring it down into his chest, and you will find the sacred gear of the Red Dragon Emperor]

'Great, but what will I do about Ddraig, won't he try and attack me?'

[No, as he is still currently asleep, he himself doesn't know he is in Issei's body, for all he know's is that he was naturally placed in your body as the original vessel]

'Nice, I wouldn't want a vengeful dragon on my ass'

Adrian channelled his energy into his arm, and brought it down, slowly into Issei, as he didn't want to kill him. His arm becoming energy itself, didn't actually harm Issei, however he did feel a slight uncomforted feeling in his body, which he just groaned away

Adrian was taking his time looking for the sacred gear as he didn't want to screw anything up, and after a few seconds he found the gear and brought it out. The sacred gear was a glowing red orb which he placed inside his own chest

[Host's body has accepted the sacred gear of the Red Dragon Emperor]

'Good.... now then, what do I do with you?'

Adrian looked down at Issei and was wondering what he should do. He felt bad for taking the sacred gear and not leaving him with anything. So he decided to give him something which will benefit him in life.... no perverted thoughts

Using his sharingan he entered Issei's small and weak mind, and placed him under a permanent genjutsu. The effects of the genjutsu was to make Issei think that acting like a pervert was wrong and disgusting, instead he will be a model student, keeping up with his studies and will be dedicated to being successful in life, and getting stronger to protect those he cares about

Adrian focused on Vali's location next and found him in the Underworld, so he quickly kamui'd there, releasing the genjutsu

Adrian appeared in a small alleyway where Vali was asleep. He had rags as clothes and had a newspaper as a blanket. Adrian not wanting to see this for much longer repeated the same process on Vali and successfully took Albion out of him, which he placed in his Inventory

Tap tap

Vali: ....

Tap tap tap

Vali: Who's there!?

Vali jumped up, and backed himself into a wall, as he looked at Adrian with fear in his eyes

Adrian: Hey, don't be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you

Vali: W-who are you, and why are you here?

Adrian: Well no reason specifically, I was just out on a walk, and found a kid sleeping on the ground, where are your parents

Vali: I-I ran away... my father would beat me.... mother told me to run to safety and she'd hold him off

Adrian: ....Well you can't stay here kid.... I know, come with me, I'll take you to a family who'll look after you like their own son

Vali: W-why?

Vali wondered, as no one except for his mother would actually care about him, so hearing that Adrian would do this for him was confusing

Adrian: Because I want to, now come on, take my hand

Vali looked up at Adrian, and saw him smiling warmly, so he lifted his weak hand and placed in his. Using Kamui he returned outside of the Hyoudou residence to find Issei's father walking home. Hey kid, the family that I'm going to leave you with has a son called Issei Hyoudou, always lookout for each other okay

Vali: Right I promise

Adrian walked up to Issei's father and used his sharingan, with his amplified devil powers, to plant fake memories in his head. All he knew was that Vali was a young man who was abused by his father, and no longer had a home, so he brought him home with him

Adrian said goodbye to Vali, who looked a little sad, but then with a two finger poke to the head, he spoke to him

Adrian: Don't be sad, we'll meet again, so make sure to get stronger in the future okay

Vali: Right!

Adrian used his kamui to return to the Gremory Mansion, where he found everyone sitting at the dining table... waiting for him it seems

Zeoticus: Ah you've arrived

Adrian: I apologise if I've made you wait for long

Zeoticus: No you haven't, we've just sat down, now come come, sit

Adrian walked towards the table, where Zeoticus was at the head, Sirzechs on his left and Greyfia opposite him, Venelana sat opposite Zeoticus with Mira on her right, so Adrian sat opposite her

Mira: How was your trip?

Adrian: Fruitful - he said with a smirk, raising everyone's eyebrows, wanting to know what he did

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and no he won't be in this world for much longer, let me know what world you want him in next, and what you would like him to do

AdilNationcreators' thoughts