
Fairy Tail's Strongest (Dropped)

On his way home from college one day, he was crushed to death by construction beams. Now he begins his new life in a place where magic and dragons exist. A place where he will become the strongest of them all and take the world by storm [This is all Fanfiction, i dont own Fairy Tail or any of the other animes that may be included in this story, this is done purely out of the enjoyment i get from anime, and thought it would be fun... enjoy!]

AdilNation · Others
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118 Chs

GMG Part 4

"Mira.... will you marry me"

As soon as Adrian finished saying these words, Mira jumped into his arms, wrapping her around him and kissed him passionately on the lips. When the kiss ended, Adrian noticed that she had tears rolling down her face. When he was about to speak Mira quickly began to nod her head, as more tears came down

"Yes yes yes yes I'll marry you, I'll marry you!!!" Mira said ecstatically. Adrian's smile then grew brighter as he placed the ring on her finger and embraced her in another hug which lasted for a few minutes

Adrian and Mira then left the area and headed back to the inn, where they found Macao and Wakaba shouting at Bacchus to returns Cana's bra to her. Adrian smirked and walked up behind Bacchus and tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around, but was scared stiff when he saw it was Adrian

"Listen dude.... it was a bet which she agreed to, and lost" Bacchus said trying to explain the situation, and didn't want to start a fight that he knew he'd lose

Adrian looked over to Cana who looked ashamed and was covering her breasts. Adrian then winked at her causing her to look slightly confused, and was then shocked at what she heard Adrian say

"You like doing bets huh... okay, how about you and I make a bet" Adrian said causing Bacchus to relax and then smile

"Sure, what do you wanna bet on" He asked. only for Adrian to point at the barrels of beer

"Whoever drinks the most wins. If you win.... I'll quit the tournament" Adrian said causing all the members of Fairy Tail to gasp. "But if I win.... you need to return Cana's bra.... and give me ALL of your clothes" He finished

"Adrian there's no need to do this" Cana pleaded but to no avail as Bacchus quickly agreed

Adrian and Bacchus then sat down on opposite end of the table where they waited for the owner to bring in lots and lots of barrels of wine. "Before we begin... how many barrels of wine did you drink with Cana" Adrian asked

"I managed to drink 23 barrels before she passed out" Bacchus replied. Adrian then nodded and lifted up the barrels and began to drink barrel after barrel after barrel

Everyone watched as this was a very important bet. They watched as Adrian was drinking the barrels to make it an even playing field for Bacchus and were very nervous, since they didn't want to lose the momentum that Adrian gave them, even thought they were strong themselves, they couldn't deny that it was Adrian who everyone else feared right now

Bacchus was smiling widely as he watched Adrian drink the beer, causing his respect for this man to go up. However when Adrian drank the last barrel, Bacchus started to get nervous as Adrian didn't even look the slightest bit drunk

"Now then let's get started" He said. Adrian and Bacchus then started to drink. The only sounds within the room would be sounds of 'gulping' down the beer

49 barrels later Bacchus was currently on the ground, after having collapsed from drinking too much. Everyone then started to cheer, as they watched him win easily

Bacchus slowly got up from the ground and looked at Adrian. "Well, you won so a deals a deal, here take this back" Bacchus said as he gave Cana her bra back, to which she quickly took and put on, as Mira covered her

Bacchus then began to take off his clothes to which Adrian accepted with a smile and watched as he left.... not in that way, he's happily engaged to a beautiful woman

Bacchus left the inn naked, and everyone started to celebrate again (lots of celebrating going on.... just wait till they find out about the engagement)

The Second Day of the Tournament

The first challenge was called 'Chariot', which was another race with the Dragon Slayers at the end. It was a sad sight to see, but Adrian found it quite entertaining at how they were still persisting while being sick from all of the motion

Sting however got angry and asked why they were trying so hard, only for Natsu to reply that he'd doing it for the guild members that were waiting for them to come back, causing everyone to tear up

Fairy Tail get both 6th and 7th place, while Stings drops out and automatically gets the 8th place. The rest were one on one matches between the guilds

Bacchus and Elfman then came onto the field where they would then begin their match. Adrian had warned Elfman before hand to go on the defensive only, as Bacchus would be on the offensive, and that he had no doubt that he would win

Bacchus then proceeded to make a bet with Elfman, asking for Lisanna and Mira causing both Elfman and Adrian to growl. Elfman was infuriated before he said that he'd only accept, if he were to win, Bacchus would have to change their guild name to 'Quatro Puppy' causing everyone to laugh. Bacchus had then accepted and began his flurry of attacks

The match was a very nail biting experience for everyone, as Elfman had done his full body takeover and was taking in all of Bacchus's blows. After a very rough experience Elfman managed to win through stamina

The next match was between Mirajane and Jenny, which caused the crowd be very excited about. However unlike the normal fights that went on.... this turned into a swimsuit match, not that anyone was complaining

Mira was in a baby blue bikini, which caused Adrian to activate his sharingan subconsciously. The members of Fairy Tail knew a few of the abilities which the sharingan had, one of which was saving things to his memory. Everyone from Fairy Tail began chuckling as they saw Adrian staring at Mira

Mira looked back at him and winked seductively, which made him feel as if he'd been shot straight through the heart with an arrow

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter

AdilNationcreators' thoughts