
Fairy Tail's Strongest (Dropped)

On his way home from college one day, he was crushed to death by construction beams. Now he begins his new life in a place where magic and dragons exist. A place where he will become the strongest of them all and take the world by storm [This is all Fanfiction, i dont own Fairy Tail or any of the other animes that may be included in this story, this is done purely out of the enjoyment i get from anime, and thought it would be fun... enjoy!]

AdilNation · Others
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118 Chs

GMG Finale Part 1

A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. The story is not dropped, I just have a lot of things going on IRL. The new release date for chapters will be every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday for both of my stories

That day Natsu came back to the inn and informed everyone of everything that happened underneath the stadium and how Wendy had cast Milky Way in order to find out what happened all those years ago, and more about Acnologia. Natsu then told them how Yukino, Arcasios and Lucy have been arrested, and that in order for them to get her back they need to win

"We need to get her back, who cares about the tournament, no one touches my friends" Natsu shouted, before he turned around and began to march out of the inn

Makarov then quickly stopped him and said "Natsu we cannot do that. As much as I want to go in there myself and bring Lucy and Yukino back, going against the Kingdom will be a bad move, we need to be smart about this" Makarov had explained to him, causing him to calm down as he understood that going against the Kingdom wouldn't be good for anyone

"But we can't let Lucy just stay there without doing something!" Natsu spoke causing the master to place a hand under his chin in a thinking position. As the master was thinking of a plan, Adrian who was sitting down across from them spoke up

"We can save her. I have no doubt that we'll win the tournament. But King or no King, no one gets to take away a member of our guild without answering to us. Tomorrow instead of Natsu taking part, it'll be me, while Natsu will go and save Lucy and Yukino" He said in a deep serious tone

"I couldn't have said it better Adrian" The master replied before Natsu began to nod in agreement

That night everyone began to plan out what would be going on the next day, in the rescue mission

The Next Day

"Today will be the final day of the Grand Magic Games, I hope your all ready because this will be a day to remember!" Chapati announced, and all the teams taking part in the tournament came out, however when everyone looked at the members of Fairy Tail they were shocked as Natsu wasn't within the group

Instead the members were Adrian, Laxus, Erza, Gray and Gajeel. Meanwhile Wendy, Natsu and Mira had left earlier that morning in order to save Lucy and Yukino

"Now let the games begin!" The announcer shouted and everyone began moving, however Fairy Tail were acting oddly as they weren't moving

The games began without a hitch. The most notable things were that Quatro Puppy were all defeated quite quickly, meanwhile Minerva had informed her guildmates to stay away from Jura and Adrian, as she wasn't sure that they'd win, and was hoping for both Jura and Adrian to lose..... somehow

Sabertooth began to take the lead in the game, however Makarov didn't panic, and was very calm as he new that since Adrian was down there with them, they'd have no chance of losing, but he was wondering what their plan was, as he wasn't sure how they'd win if they just stand still. Mavis then turned and told him her plan about how she was memorising their movements and attack patterns, before they actually go on the offensive

"Now then.... let the Fairy Tail Star Strategy commence" Mavis instructed and the members of Fairy Tail then began to move

When they began to move, Rufus had noticed this and shot a lightning attack at them, however with Mavis's help they managed to easily dodge this and continued moving

"Now go and find your opponents and put Fairy Tail at the top" She ordered them, and made them scatter off into different directions looking for someone to take down

Erza had managed to find Jenny and defeats her. Gajeel found the Trimens and beat them, while their master was then defeated by Jura, eliminating Blue Pegasus from the tournament

As Adrian was running Sherria had turned a corner and was shocked to see him. "Oh sh" Before she could finish her sentence Adrian backhand slapped her into a building, effectively knocking her out cold

[Ding! Host is quite savage]

Adrian ignored the comment made by the system and searched for Minerva's Ethernano signature, and ran to her at a moderate pace, as he wasn't interested in finishing the games off too quickly, as he wanted Natsu to save Lucy and Yukino in time

When Adrian did find Minerva, he saw Erza and Kagura fighting, but he could tell that they were only doing it because of Minerva. Adrian had noticed them give off negative emotions but none were to each other, and were all directed at Minerva

Adrian then shunpo'd in front of Minerva, shocking her, and gripped her throat, and then lifted her into the air with a creepy smile on his face, that would put Orochimaru to shame

"Let's have some fun shall we" Adrian said as he disappeared from the spot he was just standing in, leaving both Erza and Kagura confused

"It seems that we won't get to fight her.... sigh" Erza said as she looked at Kagura, who then replied "Seems so, however now we can fight properly against each other" She said making Erza grin

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter

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