
Fairy Tail's Strongest (Dropped)

On his way home from college one day, he was crushed to death by construction beams. Now he begins his new life in a place where magic and dragons exist. A place where he will become the strongest of them all and take the world by storm [This is all Fanfiction, i dont own Fairy Tail or any of the other animes that may be included in this story, this is done purely out of the enjoyment i get from anime, and thought it would be fun... enjoy!]

AdilNation · Others
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118 Chs

A Challenge

Gran Doma: Well now that everyone is here, let this meeting begin

Once the head of the new magic council sat down, some of the other members started to voice their feeling over certain matters, that were occurring within Fiore, such as the clean up of Siegrain/Jellal and Ultear

Mazuu and Babaraki were complaining at the fact that it was ridiculous that the both of them had managed to infiltrate the council in the first place, while Noura was silent, and both Loewen and Saban didn't look interested

After about 20 minutes of complaining with the other members, more than what else they should implement to make sure that this doesn't happen again, Gran Doma had gotten quite annoyed with them

Gran Doma: Enough!

Everyone had then shut their mouths and didn't let out a peep. Adrian along with Jura just smirked at everyone who looked a bit scared, as they weren't fazed even a bit

Gran Doma: Instead of complaining, lets talk about why we are actually here. And that is to assess the damage done by Fairy Tail, during the Oracion Seis incident

Immediately everyone started to murmur amongst themselves, saying things like they deserve to be disbanded due to them causing too much trouble, and how them having the amount of power that they have isn't right

Org: I have to disagree with you there, they did help stop Oracion Seis, who, bear in mind would have caused a lot more damage if not for their interference

Noura: I have to agree with Org, as he is speaking the truth. The alliance between Fairy Tail, Cait Shelter, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale was in everyone's benefit as they had manage to neutralise them in time

Gran Doma: I won't deny what they have done wasn't noteworthy, however that doesn't make up for the mistakes they've made in the past

Org: So what are you suggesting exactly?

Gran Doma: If they do slip up once again, in any way..... we should take them all out with Etherion

Everyone who was at the meeting were shocked... Etherion!... the amount of casulaties would be catastrophic, as they'd be releasing it in a populated area

Adrian was livid while Jura, who was sitting right next to him could feel his anger rising, had gotten quite uncomfortable to say the least

Adrian: You know.... you should be thankful to us..... not threatening to blow us up.... you never know what might happen

Adrian's words carried a tone of anger but calmness at the same time, using his pressure he forced everyone to be silent as they listened to his words, and instead of listening to it with just their ears, they felt that their hearts were being constricted by him, finding it a bit hard to breathe

Gran Doma: Y-you... you d-dare threaten me...

Adrian: Threaten?.... no you old bastard, i'm warning you, fairy tail does not take kindly to threats, especially not after us basically doing your jobs for you, so instead of sitting here placing the blame on your mistakes, i expect each of you to fucking send every guild that took part in the mission to stop Oracion Seis, a gift basket, with a note thanking them for their work.... maybe even throw in a bit of prize money and a few barrels of drinks to go with it

Every word Adrian said weighed them down as they started to nod, meanwhile Gran Doma sat there silently, glaring at Adrian's impudence, gaining even more hate towards Fairy Tail

Gran Doma and the rest were released from Adrian's pressure. The rest of the meeting was uncomfortable for them, while Jura just sat there in smiling, while occasionally giving his input to a few of the issues, as Adrian also did the same

When the meeting was ended, Gran Doma gave Adrian a harsh glare as he left. Adrian and Jura exchanged a few words, asking each other how they were doing, and if anything was new between them, which led to Adrian telling Jura about his relationship with Mira, and how he asked her to move in with him, to which Jura had congratulated him

After saying goodbye to Jura he left straight for the guild to inform the master in his office, of what went on during the meeting. The master was very angry at what Gran Doma had suggested, but immediately calmed down after hearing what Adrian's response was, which got him chuckling slightly

When he left the masters office and was on his way to leave and head on home, he was met by Guildarts

Guildarts: Hey kid!

Adrian: Oh hey Guildarts, what's up?

Guildarts smirked at Adrian before he asked him something he's been wanting to for a while now

Guildarts: I wanna fight you kid, you have a fire in your eyes that i don't see from most people, even Natsu, also the pressure you gave off before was really quite something

When Guildarts practically challanged Adrian to a fight, everyone stopped speaking, moving, HELL they even stopped breathing. Meanwhile Adrian just smirked at this and looked Guildarts straight in the eyes

Adrian: Sure, just name a time and place

Guildarts: Hehe, i like you kid... so how about tomorrow at 9am, out back in the training field

Adrian: Sure that sounds good to me, I'll see you tomorrow then

Guildarts: Yeah I'll see you tomorrow

When they parted ways the guild members were basically rioting in the hall, screaming their lungs off. They all knew Guildarts was the strongest, and considering the fact that Adrian had found it easy to defeat Laxus, and has fought against the master, and had heard stories from Gray and Natsu, which had been backed up by Erza and Mira of Adrian's strength. They had no doubt that he was the second strongest of the Guild

Now thanks to the challenge, issued by Guildarts himself, they will get to see 2 titans fight. Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day, but currently Adrian didn't care as he was heading home, and was excited to spend his first night in his new home with his girlfriend

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter

AdilNationcreators' thoughts