
Fairy Tail's Lucky Star! (Fairy Tail Fanfiction)

When Makarov was young a beautiful Fairy Goddess Visited him in his sleep. Decades Later he finds out that he has an illegitimate daughter living in far away town. When he goes to visit and meet this mysterious daughter of his, he instead finds a 12 year old boy waiting for him. Boy: "Are you my Grandpa?" This is the story of Drexel Arcanus Dreyar. The illegitimate Grandson of Makarov Dreyar. A boy born with 3 powerful lost magics. Read as he fights for his home, his guild, his family and all of Earthland against all manner of powerful beings such as Dragons, Gods and much much more! Author: I do not own Fairy Tail. I'm just a fan who couldn't suppress the urge to write a fanfiction about Fairy Tail. Anyway I'm writing this only for the sake of satisfying my inner imagination, to have fun and of course for the experience.......XD Author: "Please take note that I might also end up adding elements from other animes, manga, novels.

Lord_Killen_King · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Learning to use Wind Magic!

Year X777

"The Kingdom of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of 17 million, and a place filled with magic!

Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace, for most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life.

For some, however, magic is an art, and they have devoted their lives to its practice. These are the mages.

Banded together into magical guilds they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore.

But there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest, one from which countless legends have been born... a guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name... is ....."

Fairy Tail....

Drexel could be seen sitting at one of the tables seemingly frustrated about something.

It has been two weeks since Drexel had joined the guild under the guidance of his Grandfather, Fairy Tail's Guild Master Makarov Dreyar. During these past two weeks Drexel had gotten to know and befriended the other children of the guild. One thing he realized was that most of the children in the Guild were extremely talented with magic. Even those who were younger than him like Natsu and Gray were even more powerful than some of the adults in the Guild.

Drexel then raised the left sleeve of his shirt and gazed at the Fairy Tail symbol on his left shoulder. It was Dark Blue the same color as his hair and eyes.

Drexel thought: "I need to get better at using my wind magic. I'm supposed to be one of the Guild Master's Grandsons, and yet.... I'm a complete beginner when it comes to magic."

Drexel then shook his head and continued his thoughts: "No! I need to work harder! I have to make Grandpa proud!"

It was at this moment that Drexel heard a voice from behind him: "Hey Drexel!"

When Drexel turned around he saw that it was a man with dark blue spiky hair.

Drexel: "Oh Macao! Do you need me for something?"

Macao: "The Master says it's time for one of your daily training sessions with him."


East Forest....

Makarov who was sitting on a log, saw that Drexel had arrived and said: "Oh good, you're finally here."

Drexel smiled and asked: "So what type of wind spell are you gonna teach me today Grandpa?"

Over the last two weeks Drexel had learned a total of three wind spells from Makarov. Wind Boost, Wind Blow and Wind Cut.

Wind Boost is a spell that augments his legs and feet with wind magic allowing him to make swift quick dashes while at the same time increasing his jump speed and jump height by a few feet. The beauty of this spell is the fact that he can bestow it to other people besides himself.

Wind Blow is a spell that allows the user to gather wind into their hand and form it into a ball which they can then shoot at their enemies at quick speed. It isn't very destructive but can usually send targets flying.

Wind Cut is a spell that allows the user to form small transparent blades made of wind at their fingertips. Currently Drexel's Wind Cut spell is sharp enough to cut apart a thick wall of wood.

Makarov: "Before we begin I'd like to talk to you about something."

Drexel tilted his head and asked: "What is it Grandpa?"

Makarov smiled and said: "Oh nothing much, I just wanted to ask how your days in the Guild have been?"

Drexel's eyes shine as he replied: "It's been great Grandpa! Everybody's been so nice and warm. I've even made friends with the other kids like Erza, Natsu, Gray and Cana. I can't ask for anything more, joining Fairy Tail honestly felt like joining a very big family."

Makarov's smile grew even wider as he listened to his Grandson talk about their Guild.

Drexel hesitated as he muttered: "But...."

By this point Makarov had an understanding expression, as he waited patiently for his Grandson to continue.

Drexel: "I feel like..... I'm not good enough to be a part of this great guild."

Makarov: "And why would you think that?"

Drexel: "Because everybody's so good at using magic, while I..... I'm not even a fraction as good as the other members. Even Natsu and Gray who are younger than me are so much better at using magic than I am."

Makarov then shook his head: "That's because you only recently started to learn. So it's no surprise that you're still trying to get the hang of your magic. What's more you shouldn't compare yourself to kids like Natsu and Gray. Unlike you who has only started learning magic a few weeks ago, those two had been training to use their magic for years."

Makarov then smiled as he patted his Grandson's head: "Take your time to train and eventually you will catch up with those brats."

Drexel looked straight at Makarov's eyes and asked: "Do you really believe that Grandpa?"

Makarov: "Of course I do!"

Makarov then showed a big wide goofy smile: "You're my Grandson after all!"

A smile slowly appeared on Drexel's face as he said: "Thanks Grandpa."

Makarov: "Alright then, the next spell I'll be teaching you is called Wind Force Reflex."

Drexel then asked: "What kind of spell is it Grandpa?"

Makarov explained: "It's a spell that greatly increases the speed of your reflexes while at the same time reinforces the power of your physical attacks using wind magic."

Makarov then turned towards Drexel and said: "Let me show you how it works. Come... attack me!"

Hearing Makarov's words, Drexel quickly readied himself: "Alright Grandpa, here I come!"

"Wind Boost!" With his legs and feet now wrapped with wind magic, Drexel swiftly charged at Makarov with the speed of the wind.

As he charged towards Makrov, Drexel thought: "I'm pretty sure none of my spells can hurt Grandpa, so I can just go all out!"

As he came close to Makarov, Drexel quickly infused wind magic into his fingers.

"Wind Cut!" With his right hand's fingertips now having wind blades, Drexel immediately swung his right hand at Makarov.

Seeing this Makarov gave a slight smile as he thought: "Only two weeks of training and he can already do something like this."

Quickly and precisely tilting his head at the last moment, Makarov was easily able to dodge Drexel's Wind Cut.

Before Drexel could even think of what to do next..... BANG!.... He was quickly sent flying by an attack he didn't even see.


Drexel slammed into a tree.

"Ugh!" Now sitting on the ground and touching the bump on his head, Drexel looked at Makarov and asked: "How did you do that Grandpa?"

Hearing the question, Makarov smiled and raised his right arm.

Drexel saw that Makarov's right arm was now covered in a very thin layer of wind magic.

Makarov: "As I previously mentioned, the next spell I am to teach you is one that would greatly increase the speed of your reflexes."

Drexel's eyes shined with excitement, obviously he was very eager to learn this new spell.


It's been a few days since Drexel had started learning the Wind Force Reflex spell from Makarov, he hasn't really fully grasped the spell yet but he has been making excellent progress in learning it.

On this day Makarov had to go handle some matters for the council and as such Drexel got a rare break from his training. Seeing as he had some free time, Drexel decided to go fishing with Natsu and Gray today.

At this moment the three boys could be seen sitting by the side of a lake, holding their wooden fishing poles waiting for the fish to bite.

Natsu smirked at Gray and said: "I bet I can catch a bigger fish than you Droopy Eyes!"

Gray countered: "Bring it on Flame Brain!"

Drexel gave an exhausted sigh as he said: "Do you two always have to compete with each other? Can't you two just... I don't know... get along?"

Natsu & Gray: "NEVER!"

It was at this moment that Erza's voice was suddenly heard: "Hey Drexel are you there?!"

Hearing Erza's voice Natsu and Gray shuddered for a second and froze.

After a moment Natsu put his arm around Gray's neck and said with a smile: "Hey Gray my good buddy we're gonna have a great day of fishing today aren't we?!"

"Of course Natsu my best pal, today is definitely gonna be super fun!" Said Gray who also had his arms around Natsu's neck with a smile.

When Erza arrived and saw the two getting along, she gave a satisfied nod and said: "Well it's great to see that you two have become good friends."

Seeing this scene, the side of Drexel's lip couldn't help but twitch as he thought: "Is Erza really that scary?"

Erza then remembered why she came here. She then turned to Drexel and said: "Oh yes Drexel I wanted to inform you that we just received a letter from the Master stating that the matters with the council might take him much longer to finish and as such he might not be back for a few days."

Hearing this Drexel's expression became a bit downcast: "I see... So Grandpa won't be able to train me for the next few days huh."

Erza then placed a hand on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry I can train you in the Master's place if you want."

"Eh?" Hearing Erza's words Drexel was a bit surprised.

Behind Erza, Natsu and Gray could be seen desperately waving their hands signalling Drexel to reject Erza's offer.

Natsu thought: "DON'T DO IT! DON'T SAY YES!"


Erza quickly turned to the two with a glare and saw that they were still being buddy buddy, with their arms around each other's necks. But the moment she turned back to Drexel, the two once again started waving their hands to convince Drexel to say no.

Erza had stars in her eyes as she once again asked: "So what do you say? Wanna train with me?"

Taking a quick glance at Natsu and Gray, Drexel then turned back to Erza and replied.

Drexel(sweat smile): "I guess.... it wouldn't hurt?"

Hearing his reply Natsu and Gray froze as they thought: "He's Doomed!"

Erza excitedly exclaimed: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started!"

Erza then proceeded to quickly drag Drexel away like a sack of tissues.

"Eh? EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" Exclaimed Drexel as he was being dragged away.

Seeing their friend being taken away, Natsu & Gray quietly prayed: "May your soul rest in peace."

Gray: "I think we better go follow them just in case Erza goes too hard on him."

Natsu: "Yeah I think your right, he just started learning magic after all."

The two then proceeded to follow their friends.


Now standing on a large grassland, Drexel couldn't help but stare at Erza with a tinge of fear.

Drexel thought as he felt cold sweat run down his back: "She carried me all the way here like I weighed nothing..... Seriously, how strong is this girl?!"

This was the moment when Drexel first understood why his friends feared the girl known as Erza Scarlet.

Erza then made a wooden sword appear in her hand and said: "Alright.... first let's see what you can do."

Seeing the wooden sword suddenly appear in her hand, Drexel thought: "Oh right, she's a Requip Mage."

Erza then made a stance with her wooden sword and said: "Come on, come at me!"

Drexel(cold sweat): "Er..... I..."

Erza's eyes suddenly turned sharp, after which she quickly disappeared.

"Eh?" Drexel was shocked.

Erza's voice suddenly sounded from behind him: "Lesson 1! In a serious battle, you cannot show any hesitation in front of your opponent!"

As Erza swung her wooden sword at Drexel, Drexel immediately sensed a bit of danger coming towards him. At that moment without anyone noticing, Drexel's eyes flickered with gold light for half a second. He then unconsciously activated his Wind Boost spell and quickly jumped out of the way before Erza's wooden sword landed on him.

Seeing how swiftly Drexel avoided her surprise attack, Erza was quite surprised. As for Natsu and Gray who were watching the fight from afar, their jaws dropped to the ground the moment they saw Drexel easily dodge Erza's attack.

Gray asked: "Hey Natsu were you able to dodge Erza's surprise attack the first time you trained with her?"

Natsu quickly shook his head: "Nope!... You?"

Gray also shook his head: "Nuh-uh!"

Recovering from her surprise, Erza turned her head to Drexel and said with satisfied nod: "Good reflexes! It seems the Master thought you well."

Right now Drexel's face was filled with absolute shock as he gazed at his hands while thinking: "H-How did I do that?.... I didn't even realize she was behind me! A-And my magic!.... H-How did my Wind Boost spell activate just now?!"

Erza saw Drexel's expression and said: "From that look on your face, it seems you might've dodged my attack unconsciously."

Drexel scratched his head in confusion: "To be honest.... I don't even know what happened just now."

Erza's gaze towards Drexel then became filled with excitement: "Well then.... I guess we'll just have to keep on training to see if you can do that again!"

She then quickly charged at Drexel at high speed.

Seeing Erza excitedly rushing towards him, Drexel quickly panicked: "W-Wait Erza I'm not ready!... Wait I.... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

By this point Natsu and Gray had their hands together as they once again prayed for their friend's soul.


2 Hours Later...

Drexel could now be seen lying on the ground covered in sweat, dirt and bruises. Standing beside him was Erza who was wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

Erza: "Phew!.... That was a great workout."

She then turned to Drexel and smiled: "You have really decent reflexes. The biggest issue with you right now is the fact that your body lacks the stamina to maintain your wind spells."

"Ugh.... I....Ugh!" Said Drexel who no longer even had the energy to talk.

Erza then showed a confident smile and said: "No worries! As long as you keep training with me everyday I'm sure we can make up for that lack of stamina of yours!"

By this point Drexel had a horrified expression on his face as he thought: "Everyday?.... WITH THIS MONSTER?!!"

Erza: "Well that's it for today. I'm gonna go back and take a bath for now."

She then turned to Drexel again and said: "Make sure to eat a lot tonight, you'll need to have enough energy for tomorrow's training alright. Well then, see you tomorrow Drexel!"

When Erza left, Natsu and Gray approached Drexel who was still lying down on the ground.

Natsu poked Drexel's cheek with his finger: "Hey Drexel you alive?"

Drexel: "Ugh!"

Gray: "He probably doesn't have the energy to speak, fire breath."

Gray then turned his sights to Drexel and sighed: "I knew this was gonna happen.... Anyway we better go carry him over to Porlyusica's place."


Outside her house, Porlyusica who was sitting on a stump saw Natsu and Gray approaching with a bruised and beaten Drexel on their backs.

Porlyusica raised her eyebrow and asked: "Erza's training?"

Natsu & Gray nodded: "Yup!"

Porlyusica: "Didn't you warn him?"

Natsu: "We tried..."

Gray: "...But he didn't listen."

Porlyusica sighed: "Alright bring him inside."


Inside Porlyusica's house, Drexel could now be seen comfortably laying on a soft bed.

Drexel who now had the energy to talk turned towards Natsu and Gray, and said: "Thanks for bringing me here guys."

Natsu showed a toothy smile and replied: "No problem!"

Gray then said: "To tell you the truth, we kinda expected this to happen."

Hearing Gray's words, Drexel suddenly thought of something and said: "Don't tell me you two also...."

Natsu & Gray nodded: "Yup!"

Drexel then thought: "Could it be the reason why the two of them got so strong is because they went through such hellish training with Erza before?"

Gray then pulled an apple from his pocket and said to Drexel: "Here... You're gonna have to eat something if you wanna recover your strength."

Natsu then said: "Oh yeah! Guess I'll go catch something and roast it for you."

Drexel: "...."

Drexel then asked: "Hey um..... why are you guys so nice to me? Erza too, why would she go out of her way to train me?"

Hearing Drexel's question the two turned to each other with surprised expressions. They then turned to Drexel with smiles on their faces as they replied: "Of course it's because we're friends!"

Hearing their words and seeing their expressions, Drexel quickly understood what the warm sensation in his chest was.

Drexel thought: "I see.... so this is what it feels like.... to be with true friends."

Natsu then quickly left Porlyusica's house to catch and roast something for Drexel.

Gray then said: "I'm guessing you probably don't have the strength to feed yourself yet, so I'll cut the apple into slices and you can just eat them when you get your strength back."

He then joined his hand together and exclaimed: "Ice Make: Knife!"

A small knife made of pure ice then appeared in Gray's hand.

Drexel: "No matter how many times I see it, I can't help but be amazed each time you do that."

"Well as long as you keep on training you'll eventually be able to do much cooler stuff than this someday." Said Gray as he started to cut the apple into slices.



Drexel woke up on one of Porlyusica's beds and realized: "Eh? Did I fall asleep?"

Porlyusica then entered the room and said: "So you're finally awake huh. Well it's about time."

Drexel then showed an embarrassed smile and said: "I'm sorry for being such a bother Ms. Porlyusica."

Porlyusica then waved her hand and said with sigh: "Well don't worry about it. I'm quite used to it from that noisy lot in your guild."

Drexel: "I-I see.... but still thank you very much for letting me rest here."

Drexel then got up from the bed and continued: "Well I'll be going now. Again sorry for the bother."

"Before you go, you should eat the dinner those two brats prepared for you." Said Porlyusica as she pointed to the food prepared by Natsu and Gray.

Seeing the apple slices and roasted chicken on the table, Drexel once again felt warmth within his chest as he smiled and thought: "Those two.... I gotta find a way to thank them for what they did for me today."


Drexel exited Porlyusica's house as he rubbed his satisfied tummy.

Porlyusica: "Be careful walking back, the East Forest can be a bit dangerous at night."

"Yes!" Replied Drexel as he closed the door to Porlyusica's house. He then started walking back towards Magnolia.

After a few minutes of walking, Drexel suddenly heard something coming from behind one of the trees.

Out of curiosity Drexel decided to check as to what it was. And upon doing so what he saw was.... a Vulcan!

A very large Vulcan covered in pitch black fur.

"A Night Vulcan!" Thought Drexel as he felt cold sweat run down his back.

Realizing that he had just found a ferocious monster, Drexel knew that he had to quickly run back and tell the others from the guild.

He then noticed a large amount of jewelry in the Vulcan's hands.

As the Vulcan held the jewelry in its hands it kept muttering the words: "Shiny.... Shiny.... Shiny...."

Upon seeing the jewelry in the Vulcan's hands, Drexel remembered that their guild had been getting a lot of requests regarding missing jewelry lately.

Drexel thought: "C-Could it be that this Vulcan was the mysterious jewelry thief all along?"

Drexel slowly took a step back as he was preparing to escape before the Vulcan notices him.


Drexel accidentally stepped on a twig.

Drexel(cold sweat): "Uh-oh."

"RAWR!" The Night Vulcan then swiftly turned towards Drexel with a fierce glare.

Staring at the terrifying monster, Drexel couldn't help but be enveloped in fear.

Drexel then clenched his fists and thought to himself: "NO! I can't show any fear in front of this monster! I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard after all! I need to calm down and find a way to escape!"

After taking a moment to steel his nerves, Drexel excitedly pointed towards something behind the Vulcan and exclaimed: "Look Shiny Shiny!"

Hearing Drexel's words, the Vulcan's eyes started to shine as it turned towards the direction that Drexel was pointing: "Shiny Shiny?"

Seeing as the Vulcan was distracted, Drexel then quickly made his move: "Wind Boost!"

Activating his Wind Boost spell, Drexel swiftly jumped away from the Vulcan and immediately rushed towards the direction of Magnolia.

"I can't maintain this spell for long.... I gotta hurry!" Thought Drexel as he continued to rush towards Magnolia as fast as he could.

Whoosh..... Whooosh...

"Eh?" Drexel then heard sounds coming from atop the trees.

Suddenly..... BANG!

The Night Vulcan came down from one of the trees and landed in front of Drexel.

It was now staring at Drexel looking extremely pissed.

Drexel: "N-No way! It managed to catch up to me so quickly?!"

"RAWR!" The Night Vulcan then charged towards Drexel intending to grab the boy.

Drexel, who still hasn't recovered from the shock that the Vulcan caught up to him so quickly, was now completely frozen in fear.

As the monster was only a few feet away from him, Drexel felt that time seemed to have slowed down.

At that moment without realizing it himself, Drexel's eyes started to flash with green light. And as it did Drexel started to visualize the moment Gray created his ice knife.

When the Night Vulcan was literally one foot away from him, the light in Drexel's eyes started to change from green to blue.

At that moment Drexel unconsciously joined his hands together and....

Drexel muttered: "Wind Make: Knife!"


"RAAAWR!" The Night Vulcan quickly jumped away from Drexel, staring at the boy with eyes full of rage. On its arm was a small but bloody cut.

Seeing the Vulcan jump away, Drexel was quite surprised. He then turned his head towards the knife made of wind in his right hand.

Drexel was once again shocked as he thought: "I used..... Molding Magic?"

"Rawr!" The Night Vulcan continued to stare at Drexel but this time not intending to underestimate the boy.

As if gaining courage out of nowhere, Drexel stared back at the Vulcan with eyes full of determination as he held the wind knife tighter: "Fine, if I can't get away from you, then I'll just have to beat you!"

Once again activating his wind boost spell Drexel quickly jumped up towards one of the trees.

Seeing its prey getting away, the Vulcan quickly jumped up after the boy.

But as he did so, Drexel turned towards him with a smile, as the boy pointed his hand towards the Vulcan, Drexel exclaimed: "Wind Blow!"

A small ball of wind then quickly shot towards the Vulcan and.....BANG!

The moment the wind ball hit the Vulcan, it was quickly forced back down onto the ground.

"UGH!" Groaned the monster.

By using the nearest tree, Drexel quickly propelled himself towards the Vulcan.

Seeing the boy swiftly descending down on him, the Vulcan immediately raised it's arms to defend.


Drexel had once again made a bloody cut on the Vulcan's arm.

"RAAAAAWR!" The Vulcan cried out in pain.

Seeing that he had once again landed a cut on the monster, Drexel's eyes were now filled with confidence as he safely landed on the ground.


"Eh?" Drexel couldn't help but kneel down on one knee as he felt strength slowly leaving his body.

Drexel thought: "I'm almost out of stamina?"

It was at this moment that Drexel remembered Erza's words.... "The biggest issue with you right now is the fact that your body lacks the stamina to maintain your wind spells."

Drexel then turned towards the Vulcan and saw that the monster was once again planning to charge towards him.

Drexel: "Oh, no!"

Drexel thought for a moment and held the wind knife in his hand even tighter.

Drexel gritted his teeth and muttered: "There's only one chance!"

"RAAAAWR!" The Night Vulcan was once again wildly charging towards him.

Drexel then took a deep breath and remembered the words Makarov once told him when he first learned his Wind Cut spell.

Makarov in the flashback said: "Take note that being able to create blades of wind on your fingertips is just the initial way of using this spell. Another way of using it is to cast it on edged weapons which would further increase the sharpness of their blades."

Drexel thought: "The Night Vulcan's body is quite durable. I won't be able to land a fatal cut on him if I don't increase the sharpness of my wind blade."

Fiercely opening his eyes Drexel quickly infused magic power into his wind knife as he muttered: "Wind Cut: Knife!"

The knife made of the wind was then covered in an ethereal transparent blue wind.


Drexel stared sharply at the Vulcan, as he watched it charge closer and closer towards him.

When the Vulcan got close enough, it quickly extended it's hand seemingly planning to grab the boy's neck.

Drexel's eyes became even sharper as he exclaimed: "Wind Force Reflex!"


As the Vulcan's hand was inches away from his neck, it suddenly stopped.

Drexel's sights did not leave the Vulcan even for a moment.

The Vulcan then took a quick step back and then gazed down at his chest in shock. Drexel's wind knife had completely pierced the left side of his chest.

The moment when the Vulcan's hand was inches away from him, Drexel focused the Wind Force Reflex spell into his left arm and unconsciously threw the wind knife towards the left side of the Vulcan's chest.

The Vulcan took a quick glance at Drexel and saw that the boy's left arm was now covered in a thin layer of wind magic.

Then..... BANG!.... the Vulcan laid down onto the ground completely dead.

Seeing this, Drexel breathed a sigh of relief as he muttered: "It worked!...Haah... It's finally over."

After saying that, Drexel's vision started to blur as he completely lost consciousness and fainted.

About a minute later Porlyusica appeared on the scene and was shocked.

She then quickly checked on Drexel to see if the boy was alright.

Realizing that the boy only fainted due to exhaustion, Porlyusica sighed in relief as she muttered: "As troublesome as your Grandfather I see...."

Porlyusica then took out a small communication lacrima crystal and told the members of the Fairy Tail guild about what had occurred.

She then began to carry the unconscious Drexel onto her back and proceeded to walk back towards her house.

Porlyusica muttered: "I have a feeling that this brat might end up spending a lot of time with me in the future."