
Fairy Tail's GodSlayer

Alone in an Icy forest, a new MC has arrived with the power of Ice GoldSlayer Magic how will he affect the world.

ThatOneWeirdKid_5423 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

King woke up from his sleep like he normally did but this time something was off… he looked around and he quickly realized what was wrong Kuraokami was not there no matter where he looked he just couldn't find Kuraokami as he looked around he saw something on the kitchen table It was a box with a letter right beside it King picked up the letter opened it and read it

Young one I'm sorry I can no longer be with you like I promised… you might wonder why and I am unable to tell you but I could not leave you without giving you something to remember me by in the box by the letter is my gift enjoy it

- Kuraokami

King's knees hit the floor as his tears dripped down onto the letter he cried for a good 15 minutes before he stood up and wiped the tears off of his face and he started talking to himself "I won't disgrace Kuraokami by sitting around and crying I will figure out what happened to her and I will explore the world just like I talked about with Kuraokami " with a look of determination on his face King got off of the floor and opened the box inside he saw a Traditional kimono it was blue in color with a gold embroidered dragon on the right side. King changed into the kimono and he collected the required items needed to begin his journey to find the truth

"I'm gonna miss this cave," said King standing outside of the cave he then started walking


King was nearing his final destination Magnolia, he heard about it on his travels apparently it where a big-time guild lies, and these guild things are a great source of information so I decided to join the guild apparently it's called Fairy Tail it didn't take long before King realized he was lost in this town there were so many people and buildings all of which looking the same out of nowhere he bumped into a man he introduced himself as Macao he seemed to be familiar with the town so King asked him about the whereabouts of the Fairy Tail apparently Macao was a member of Fairy Tail and gave him directions


I opened the guild doors and everybody's eyes became directed at me I became nervous but I still continued walking towards the desk as Macao told me I should as I made it to the desk I was asked by a member my reason for being I wanted to become a member I told them it was then a small old man appeared in front of me and introduced himself as Makarov the GuildMaster I was doubtful but it seemed to be true as everyone was looking at him with respect I told him my request and he listened. He asked for my name I responded my name is King Nashi he looked at me and Laughed King Nashi that's a weird name after a lot of paperwork Makarov picked up what looks like a stamp and asked me where would I like my guild mark and what color I asked him what is a guild mark he explained to me that it's proof of my membership oh I exclaimed as I instructed him to put on my left pectoral muscle and I would like it to be blue after Makarov finished placing my guild mark he screamed "EVERYBODY I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE OUR NEWEST MEMBER KING NASHI and he is not and an actual king" he spoke the last part it was then everyone busted out laughing " King Nashi what a weird name" it was then a Makarov took some time to explain the responsibilities and duties of a mage also how everything works. The system was a lot simpler than I thought it would be I walked up to a board Makarov was beside me and said "Your taking a quest so soon make sure it's a simple one" I looked at the board and found a simple request find a lost dog over the reward was 20K berries which is apparently a decent sum of money I took the request gave it to Makarov for verification and I went on my way


The quest was simple so I completed it quickly I returned to the guildhall and chatted around for a bit everyone there was really nice it became dark and Makarov asked me " do you happen to have a place to stay " I responded no the idea of finding somewhere to stay completely slipped my mind he then offered me a place to stay in the guild dormitory I accepted it and went to the room to unpack after I was done I laid on my bed and fell asleep


"The kid's maturity for his age is scary," said Makarov it's easy to tell he has some pretty deep scars on his heart I hope he can overcome them quickly.


Authors Note

Erza and Mirajanes's appearance is in the next chapter. Also, I realize I never gave an Appearance for King he is the average height for a 10-year-old at about 4'5 he has dark skin and blue hair just like acnologia but lighter and shorter

On another note I need an Opinion should King have a Harem or Just One girl and who should it/they be