
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 86: Meeting with Raven Tail

"HAH! I knew you were only messing with Natsu, you big softy!" Aversia said while doing a victory pose.

Zeldaris was laughing aloud, while Gajeel scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I had a lot to think about, especially after the talk with the old man and Makarov. I would love it if things could go back to the way they were back at the village. BUT THAT DOESN`T MEAN THAT I HAVE TO GET ALONG WITH THAT FIRE BRAIN!!!"

This only caused the two half dragons to laugh lauder, while Vulcan also begun to smile.

"Hahaha… As if you ever had a good relationship with Natsu, Gajeel. And we will not force you to get along with him, just don´t tease him too much. I don´t want to see the building in ruins again." Zeldaris said while whipping away the tears that had been formed from all the laughter.

Gajeel smiled and said, "You don´t have to worry, besides there is a perfect place to have a little battle with him."

"If you mean the front yard of the mansion? Then yes, but please do this while activating the enchantments that were placed there, because if I see only one scratch on the walls, I will show no mercy to either of you!" Vulcan said in a threatening tone.

Gajeel immediately stiffened after hearing this and hurriedly assured Vulcan that he and Natsu wouldn´t damage the mansion.

Gajeel then quickly left the room, but not before telling Zeldaris and Aversia that he wanted to have a match against them as well, to which the two half dragons readily agreed.

"Seems like he will fit perfectly into the guild. But it will take some time for the others to warm up to him, I count on you three to make sure that they won´t do something stupid." Makarov said with a smile.

Zeldaris and Aversia looked at each other before walking toward the door and opened it, only to reveal a massive battle between almost every member of the guild, and of course, Natsu was in the middle of it all.

Mirajane was now standing on the stage, wearing a black mini top that only covered her chest, a black mini skirt and black leather boots, while playing on an e-guitar.

Gajeel stood before the massive battle that was currently going on and starred at it with a gaping mouth and was currently debating if he had made a mistake in joining this crazy guild.

But before he could decide that Zeldaris and Aversia wrapped their arms around his neck and smiled evilly at Gajeel.

"Getting regrets about joining this crazy bunch?"

"Sorry to tell you this, but it is too late for that?"


The two half dragons wanted to tease Gajeel a bit more, but they saw how Juvia came toward them while carrying an unconscious Lucy.

"What happened to her?" Zeldaris asked.

Juvia hesitated for a moment before starting to explain.

Shortly after Makarov left with Zeldaris, Aversia, Gajeel and Vulcan; Natsu and the others had sat down at one of the tables and were enjoying themselves.

Natsu and Happy were theorizing what Makarov wanted to talk about with Zeldaris and Aversia, but their theories quickly became silly.

Lucy, Gray and Erza were enjoying their drinks, and Erza also enjoyed her cake.

Juvia also returned soon, practically radiating happiness.

"Gray my darling, Juvia has finally joined officially, now there is nothing that stands between our love." Juvia said while jumping toward her beloved Gray, trying to hug him.

However, Gray simply blocked her with his hand.

"Geez, calm down already." Gray said and let go of Juvia.

Juvia started to pout while sitting beside Gray.

Lucy smiled awkwardly, before she noticed something and asked, "Juvia, where are you going to live from now on?"

This question actually surprised everyone at the table and even Erza stopped eating her cake.

Juvia pondered for a moment before answering with a smile, "Juvia is going to live with Gray!"

"No, you are not!" Gray shot her down immediately, causing her to pout again.

Erza coughed to get everyone's attention, before saying, "If you need a place to stay, why don´t you move into the guilds female dormitory."

"WHAIT WAT? THERE IS A FEMALE DORMITORY?! WHY DIDN`T I HEAR ABOUT THAT BEFORE?!" Lucy yelled as she had never heard about this and after all the trouble that she has with her current apartment, especially the uninvited guests.

Erza only looked at Lucy with a deadpan expression and said, "It´s one hundred thousand jewels a month."

"Then please pretend as if I hadn´t said anything." Lucy said while awkwardly laughing.

Juvia tilted her head in surprise.

"Lucy has problems paying her rent." Natsu said while holding back his laughter.

"AND WHO DO YOU THINK IS RESPONCIBLE FOR THAT!" Lucy yelled while glaring at Natsu.

"Are those two dating?" Juvia asked Gray.

"NO, WE ARE NOT!" Lucy yelled, while Natsu was also denying it.

Suddenly a mug came flying toward Natsu and hit him at the head.


"Shut up Natsu. We can´t hear Mirajane singing while you yell so much." Said one of the members.

Everyone at the table quickly realized that it had become dimmer in the guild hall and that Mirajane was currently on the stage singing a ballade while playing a guitar.

It was quite the lovely song, but Natsu wasn´t interested in that.

"IT WASN`T ME THAT WAS SHOUTING SO MUCH, IT WAS LUCY! SO APOLOGYZE!!!" Natsu yelled, only to get more things thrown against him.

This caused Natsu to snap and he flipped the table, causing the table to smash directly into Juvia, Gray and Lucy.

Juvia was fine since her body was made out of water, but Gray and Lucy were both thrown to the ground and Lucy was immediately knocked out.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?! WHAT`S YOUR PROBLEM!?" Gray yelled as he stood up, ready to brawl with Natsu.

"Knock it off you two, you are too loud. A real man knows when he is supposed to be quiet." Elfman said as he walked toward them, trying to stop the two, only to be sent flying by a punch from both Natsu and Gray.

However, no one noticed that the table flip had another little side effect, it had caused Erza to drop her cake.

She looked devasted at the cake, tears started to appear at the edges of her eyes, only for Elfman to step right into it, making Erza scream out in terror.

And as Elfman was sent flying Erza snapped as well, picked up the table and threw it at Natsu and Gray.


And it was at this point that all hell broke out and Mirajane changed into her current outfit and started to play a e-guitar.

Juvia finished her story with how she picked up Lucy and brought her out of the middle of the fight.

Zeldaris and Aversia were surprised by this, they would have thought that Juvia would have cheered on Gray.

And as if she were able to read minds, Juvia said, "Juvia feels indebted toward Lucy, even though we are rivals in love. Juvia wants to beat her fair and square, besides Juvia wants to become her friend. Now, Juvia is going to cheer on her darling Gray."

Juvia went straight back inside the middle of the giant tumult that was raging on, multiple mugs, and bottles were flying through the air, but all of them passed easily through Juvia´s body.



"Was she always like that?"

"Not really, back in Phantom, she was rather quiet and seemed empty and lost. She and Totomaru were the ones I got along best. And to be completely honest, the way she is now, is much better than her old self."

"Hm… Well, good for her then… Anyway, want to see the best part of it all?"

"I don´t trust you in all of this, but ok."

"Good, then just wait and watch."

And just after Aversia said that Makarov and Vulcan came out of the room as well, and Makarov was stunned for a few seconds before exploding into a rage and he started to lecture everyone.

Everyone stopped as fast as they could and they begun to clean up the mess that they made, except for Erza who received a second piece of cake. (AN: Offerings for the crimson goddess)

Later at the evening, Zeldaris, Aversia and Gajeel were back at the mansion.

Gajeel would live in the mansion, as long as Gajeel was under the care of Vulcan and the two half dragons.

The mansion had more than enough guest rooms and Gajeel had already begun to decorate his room.

Currently they were getting ready for the first act of their mission, letting Gajeel accept the offer and see what happens.

All three of them were nervous, they were not sure if Raven Tail suspected anything.

With Vulcan making sure that no one could spy into the guild, was a good insurance.

Currently, Vulcan was near the meeting place in hiding.

Zeldaris and Aversia could not accompany Gajeel, because they were sure that Raven Tail was watching the mansion, spying on their movements.

"You ready Gajeel?" Aversia asked one final time.

"Yeah, I will be back soon."

"Good luck." Zeldaris said while Gajeel left the mansion.

After Gajeel left the mansion, he went toward the city.

The meeting place was at the park of the city.

Although Gajeel would never admit it, he was quite nervous.

He soon reached the town, who was still bustling with live in many streets.

Gajeel took the streets that were already dark and deserted, while also trying to find out if anyone was following him.

His senses were telling him that he was indeed being followed, but it was no one from the guild.

'These guys are not fooling around. Can´t screw up now.'

A few minutes later, Gajeel arrived at the park.

The park was empty, dark, and silent; too silent.

Gajeel breathed in one last time and entered into it.

He found the contact before the great tree, quite ironic.

"Ah, it seems you made the right decision my friend." said the small, hooded person that was leaning against the tree.

"Yeah, I decided to accept your offer. I want to see how Fairy Tail is destroyed!" Gajeel said while acting like his old self, back in Phantom Lord.

"Wonderful to hear that. I love your engagement. Then let´s get right to the point of your duties. Master Ivan wants you to gather information about the current members of the Fairy Tail guild. Their magic, their general strength, their weaknesses and so on. Anything that can be useful against them."

Gajeel narrowed his eyes, that guy was trying to make it sound much easier than it really was, by first saying the information that was easy to obtain.

Information about the guild members was easy to gather, even for people that weren´t part of the guild, the real intel that Raven Tail wanted to gather was something completely different.

"Ok, pal, I had enough of your bullshit. Tell me what Raven Tail really wants me to gather, or I am not going to play along."

Gajeel said while glaring at the hooded figure, who in turn begun to chuckle.

"I am sorry, that was just an old habit that reappears from time to time. What we really want for you to gather are just three things. One: give us any movement and plan that Fairy Tail makes and everything that happens, besides the usual banters and chaos. Two: Information about your older brother, Zeldaris, and your older sister, Aversia, the two of them are a complete mystery for us. If possible, we would appreciate it if you could tell us the enhancements that Erza gets through that Vulcan guy. Three: Search for any information about Lumen Histoire, although we don´t expect for you to actually find anything about it, since it is one of Fairy Tail´s most hidden secret. But still, try it, maybe start with the library."

"You know surprisingly much about the guild, you used to be a member of it right?" Gajeel asked.

The hooded figure laughed and said, "Correct, I am one of master Ivan´s oldest followers. I left the guild the same day that master Ivan had been unjustly kicked out of the guild. But that is enough for now. Here take this shikigami that master Ivan had made, using his magic. Orders will be sent through it, and it allows you to contact us at any time. We expect great things from you, but be warned, failure is not an option."

While saying all of that, the hooded man gave Gajeel the shikigami, a paper doll, and then simply vanished into the darkness.

Gajeel looked at the paper doll, before putting it into his pocket and leaving the park.

A short while after the end of the meeting, outside the city, a small group of people were looking at the bright city, waiting for their last member.

"You are late, Flare!" said the hooded figure that had met with

A young woman with extremely long dark red hair approached the group.

"I am sorry sir, but I wanted to make sure that I didn´t make a mistake, since I was not able to pick up any signs that that Vulcan guy was at the mansion." explained, Flare.

She was around fourteen years old and had only recently joined the guild.

"Then, I apologize to you. Now, that everyone is here, let´s get back to the guild and report back to master Ivan, there is much to do, before we crush these insects."

Everyone in the group nodded, including the young and naive Flare.

Hello there, thank you very much for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.

And here comes Raven Tail and young Flare, and no, i am not going to make her join the guild early, Lucy gets her god damm fair battle, so help me Loki!!!!

Ok, i have to correct a few things. First, the second movie is not cannon, because the fourth genertation is selftauct, how that functions is beyond me. But i really thought that these golems, made completley out of dragon lacrimar were the fourth generation, but nope.

As for the placement, that is in reallity also pretty akward, becuase of that god damm ending, showing Acnologia and Zeref, meaning the only possible place would be shortly between the war with the empire.

I am still going to implement the movie, but after Acnologia´s death, because that fits so much better, and because this my novel, i can do what i want.

If you think that i did any mistakes in the story, lore or when it comes to the cannon, especially backstories and such stuff, please tell me.

For one example of me doing bulshit, Rung was not the king of a neighboring country but only a general, but it is way too late to fix that, so... Both? Both, he is both.

With that out of the way, i will see you all in the next chapter, bye.

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