
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 83: Looming threats


"Did you expect that we would reject you? Come on Juvia, you have helped us quite a lot in this and in my eyes, you already are a comrade, so come on join us." Natsu said with wide smile.

The others agreed and Lucy and Erza encouraged Juvia as well, telling her that she was no longer the person she was back in Phantom Lord.

As for the person herself, she was not sure if she was dreaming or not, most if not all of her life was hard.

The rain had been a constant companion and because of it, she had experienced a hard and lonely life, the fact that her parents had died shortly after her birth also played a huge part in it.

Only after joining Phantom Lord did, she had a better time but even there she wasn´t shown barley any love or comradery, because Jose saw these things as a weakness.

The only exception to this was the Element Four, where Juvia had found some kind of comradery, mostly with Gajeel and Sol.

But even there the rain never stopped following her, until the battle against Fairy Tail and her fight against Gray and had seen for the first-time true comradery and fell in love with her darling Gray.

After the battle against Fairy Tail and after Phantom Lord had been disbanded Juvia had only one goal, to get closer to her love.

The thought of joining Fairy Tail came up from time to time but she had dismissed them quickly every time, after all she had been a member of Phantom Lord and had attempted to kidnap Lucy, they would never let her join them.

But then she had the conversation with Zeldaris and Aversia and a small hope had grown inside her heart that maybe just maybe she could join the guild, and now it had finally come true.

And after hearing Natsu´s, Erza´s and Lucy´s words she finally snapped out of it and simply nodded and then tried to hug Gray.

While everyone was celebrating Juvia joining Fairy Tail, far away from Fiore, deep inside the continent, hidden in a large mountain range laid the hideout of a dark guild that was a subordinate to Tartaros.

A young muscular man with short dark yellow hear, animal ears and a furry tail in the same color as his hair had just entered the hideout.

He wore a dark green tank top, extremely loose and baggy, white pants, a brownish bandanna with pale yellow spots around his neck, black boots and a clock that was tied at his waist.

His name was Jackal.

Jackal looked around and every time his eyes landed on one of the members of the dark guild, they tensed up and stopped whatever they were doing.

"What´s with the long face Jackal. Don´t tell me you actually failed?" said a man wearing an ancient armor, that also looked like it was burning, but no flames were covering the armor nor was any heat radiated from it.

Jackal growled, revealing his sharp, fang like theat.

"Of course, I haven´t. Don´t get to cocky asshole, but why did I had to bring that back without killing these old bastards, it would have been so much fun to torture them, to see their faces filled with pain and despair." Jackal begun to get even more into detail, showing how much, he had wanted to torture the council members.

The armored man begun chuckle a bit after hearing Jackals rather detailed description.

"Because it is not the right moment to move in the open yet. Our operations are not ready, and we need more time. Also, we still need them, those fools and their pointless bickering is exactly what we need."

"I can´t understand why you and Mard Geer are so frightened of humans, they are week and pathetic." Jackal said while handing the armored man a small box.

"It is not that we fear them, but simply that we are careful, something that you don´t understand and thankfully you don´t need to. But believe me when I say that you will get your chance to kill and torture the council, after they stopped being useful for us." he said while opening the box and pulling out a wooden flute with a three eyed skull at the top, Lullaby.

"Are you sure that we need him, he got defeated rather easily, just like Deliora."

"Lullaby had been in a half dead state and was up against those two. After patching him up and feeding him, you will see how fearful he can be, just like Deliora."

The armored man turned around and walked deeper into the guild.

Jackal followed while sneering and throwing insults toward the armored man.

Flying high in the air, soring between the clouds, flied a giant airship that was able to fly thanks to magic.

This giant airship was the guild hall of Grimoire Heart, which was considered the strongest dark guild in Fiore.

Currently Ultear was kneeling before the master of the guild, Hades.

"You have done well, Ultear. Thanks to you, we could acquire the key, without the council getting in our way or even finding out about it." said Hades, who was sitting on a throne at the end of the room.

"It was a pleasure, Master Hades. My little puppet had played it´s part perfectly. But I must wonder, how he would have reacted if he had found out that it was me that had pretended to be Lord Zeref´s spirit and brought him under my control and that it was me that was using him and not the other way around." Ultear said with a sadistic smile.

"It couldn´t be helped but your work had also made it so that Tartaros is owing us some favors." Hades said while laughing.

"Deliora was a lucky coincidence, but I am still a bit confused what use they have for both Deliora and Lullaby?"

"Mard Geer´s motivations are a mystery, which also goes for his entire guild, and even I am not sure about them but who cares, as soon as we reach our goal, then nothing else matters."

Back in the hideout.

"You do understand that we owe that old bastard two favors now?!" Jackal said in annoyance.

He and the armored man were currently walking to the top of the hideout where their ride to Tartaros´s guild hall was waiting for them.

"That old fool thinks that he knows everything, but there are many things that he doesn´t know. The true identity of most members of Tartaros for example, or that accursed black dragon."

Jackal narrowed his eyes as the dragon was mentioned.

"That is also one of the parts that just irritates me, why don´t we just deal with that thing. He has already caused us some major problems in the past."

The armored man stopped his movement and turned around to look at Jackal, although his eyes were not visible, but Jackal could feel that the man was looking at him as if he was an idiot.

"Have you forgotten how many times he has killed your sorry ass already? Even Zeref was not able to kill him since he is somehow immune to curses and magic at the same time. Besides, when our plan succeeds then we can kill that overgrown lizard too."

"Then let´s hurry and get back to the guild, so that we can finish this as fast as possible."

In the middle of the ocean, unknown to all of humanity, lied a giant mountain that reached up to the clouds and on the top of that mountain lied the ruins of an old civilization, which had once lived with humans and dragons in harmony.

But know it was the home of the greatest monster of the world, the king of the dragons, Acnologia.

For four hundred years he had hunted and killed dragons to the point that there were only a handful left.

The five dragon gods to the north, who were able to hide from him through different means, but he was patient, and he was sure that a solution would come eventually and when it does, it will make the moment only sweeter.

Then there was a poison dragon that had transformed an island into a giant swamp with the poison that he was able to produce without magic.

The poison was so deadly that even he had to be careful around it.

He had tried to destroy the island form far away, but the poisonous mist that was surrounding the island was shielding it from even his attacks, because it could even effect magic.

That problem was tricky, but Acnologia never thought about giving up or stopping, it never even crossed his mind.

But that old bastard was not the most annoying problem, no the problem were those seven dragons, that he had chased for all these years and yet they were able to evade him every single time.

One hundred years ago, one of them had left the group, she was one that had once been a human like him, a dragon slayer that had become a dragon.

But she wasn´t the only one, no, in that group was another dragon slayer that had become a dragon.

She was the first dragon slayer to have ever existed and their creator, without her, he would not be, which is why he wants to kill her even more than a normal dragon.

But that was not all, in that group were also the only two dragons who were able to fight him as an equal, even after the war, where not even normal dragon kings could do so, and yet they could.

The only thing that was a pity was that both of them had been missing an arm, if not for that, they might have even been able to push him into a corner.

Ah, what an interesting thought that was.

What would it feel like to be cornered?

To feel the threat of death looming aboth you?

But that was in the past, all he cared about now was to eradicate dragon kind, and besides, those two were the only ones that had been able to challenge him.

No, there once was another dragon.

He had been known as the king of all fire dragons and hailed as one of the strongest dragons of his generation, Igneel.

But Acnologia had taken a part of his soul as Igneel had tried to protect his fellow dragons from him, how stupid.

If he had abandoned those four, then he could have teamed up with those two and face him on equal ground, or maybe even push him back.

As he continued to think like that, he felt increasingly irritated.


Why did he feel so irritated?

Was it because there was no one left that could give him a proper fight?

Was it because those that could even hope to stand their ground against him was either hiding or running away, including those two?

No, of course not, that would be silly.

He was the ruler of this world, there was no one left that could fight him, there was no one left that could oppose him.

But maybe…

Just maybe…


An ear-piercing roar filled the air.

Rocks were shattering and the few remaining buildings that were still standing were collapsing as even the air and earth itself were trembling before his might.

A hill exploded as a huge figure emerged from beneath it and rose into the sky.

Black wings were blocking the sun.

The wings of ruin rose to the sky higher and higher.


He needed to kill, to eradicate, to feel the live of a dragon fading away as he crushed his heart!

The time to wait, to idle was over, today he would kill a dragon again.

It was at that moment that he was noticing something, a smell in the air, a familiar smell that he would never mistake.


Acnologia flew eastward.

How fitting that shortly after reminiscing about the past, he would find the smell of a dragon from the land where everything had begun and where everything will end.