
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 79: Trinity Raven

While Erza and the others were fighting against the members of Trinity Ravens and the other goons off Jellal, were the magic council preparing themselves to fire the satellite square.

Siegrain had proposed this course of action with a fever and passion that made some members think that he had gone partly insane.

He desperately tried to convince the other members of the council, excluding Ultear, that their only choice was to destroy the tower with Etherion.

However, all of them were hesitant and he was only able to convince half of them, only with a majority would the proposal be accepted.

And as it seemed that he would fail, he revealed the last and most crucial information, the information of whom Jellal was trying to revive, Zeref.

This name alone was enough to make every member of the council, who had voted against the use of Etherion, to change their vote.

Well, everyone but one, Yajima.

He remained unchanged, even after hearing that it was Zeref that Jellal was trying to resurrect.

He insisted that there was a more human way to resolve this situation and that using the Etherion was not the right choice.

But sadly, no one listened to Yajima, or called him a fool.

Currently, Siegrain and Ultear were sitting inside Siegrain´s office.

Both of them were relaxing and waiting for the news that the preparations had been completed.

But a knock on the door surprised the two.

"Enter." Siegrain said with a calm voice, curious as to who it could be and their purpose.

To both Siegrain´s and Ultear´s surprise it was Yajima that entered the room.

"I am sorry to trouble you at this hour, but I need to make sure of a few things." Yajima said in an apologetic tone.

"Don´t worry about it. I know that this is hard for you to accept, but you must agree that we need to stop the resurrection of Zeref, no matter the cost."

Yajima walked toward the large window at the back of the room and stared into the distance before he said, "It is no longer my place to disagree with the decision or to argue about it. But the thing that I wanted to make sure is, are you ready to take the responsibility of this decision?"

"Rest assured that I am ready to…" Siegrain said but was interrupted by an enraged Yajima.


Siegrain was surprised by Yajima´s outrage and needed a second before he was able to answer.

"Believe me, when I say that you will have your answer very soon."

Back at the islands, Juvia and Lucy had just crossed the ice and arrived at the other island.

Both of them had half awaited to see that their opponent had suffocated inside the water prison, but instead he stood in the middle of the island and the water ball was nowhere to be seen.

He was of average height with a mildly muscular physic.

His skin was pale white, and he had extremely long black hair, reaching way past his feet.

The middle was parted and had two bangs reaching down below his waist framing his face.

He had a large, hooked nose and hairy eyebrows pointing upwards in spikes.

He donned dark makeup around his eyes and on his lips.

He was bare-chested, with a tattoo reading "Skeletoy" visible on his chest, and he donned shoulder pads and arm guards covered in prominent spikes.

His wore tights held up by a belt with a skull-shaped buckle, and he dons boots paired with greaves decorated by flames-motifs.

Attached to a belt that was hanging from his shoulder was a guitar which looked like a horned skull.

"Hahaha. So, you two finally arrived and without that annoying man. Good, that means that I can have my fun with you two. But first let me introduce myself, I am Vidaldus from Trinity Raven." Vidaldus said while shaking his head and making his long hair fly through the air.

Lucy and Juvia noticed that his hair seemed wet, but his clothes and his skin were dry.

"How did you escape Juvia´s spell?" Juvia asked, trying to get as much information out of her opponent as possible.

"Hahaha. Do you think that I am that stupid? But I will tell you anyway, since I am nice like that. My hair can absorb substantial amounts of liquids, so a bit of water such as your little spell is nothing for it. But please no oil or alcohol, that is not good for my hair."

"If so, then how about this. [Open Gate of The Archer: Sagittarius]" Lucy said and summoned Sagittarius.

"Moshi, moshi. How may I help today?" Sagittarius said while saluting.

"Please take him out."

"No problem."

Sagittarius pulled his bow and shot arrow after arrow toward Vidaldus.

Who in turn just laughed and yelled, "ROCK YOU!"

Vidaldus´s hair begun to move on his own, blocked all of the arrows that Sagittarius had fired and attacked Lucy, Sagittarius, and Juvia.

Lucy quickly closed the gate and dodged the attack, although only barley.

Juvia on the other hand did not move an inch and let the attack hit her, the hair passed right through her water body.

"Drip, drip, drop. Juvia´s body is made out of water. Your attacks have no affect on Juvia." Juvia said while raising her right arm.

Her arm turned into a water whip and with-it Juvia lashed out against Vidaldus.

But that was not all, because Lucy was not done either.

"If you want to fight with hair then I have the perfect stylist for you. [Open Gate Of The Giant Crap: Cancer]"

And with that Cancer was summoned in front of Lucy.

Cancer took one look at the situation and immediately understood what he had to do and without any hesitation got to his work, by cutting Vidaldus´s hair.

"WHAT THE…?" was the only thing that Vidaldus was able to say as he saw how his hair got cut into pieces by Cancer.

The whip attacks from Juvia were holding Vidaldus back since he had to block the attacks with his hair.

But the problem was that Juvia would not be able to hold up for much longer, the more water that was absorbed the more power Juvia would lose.

"I had enough of you all, time to turn you all into my lovely slaves!" Vidaldus yelled as he got angry and wanted to start playing his guitar.

However, Juvia would not let him do as he pleased and locked him inside another water ball, but this time it was much bigger than the first one.

However, some strands of hair were still outside of the water ball and were about to attack Juvia and Lucy.

But Cancer was tacking care of them and quickly cut them off.

Meanwhile, Lucy was trying to produce a plan to finish this fight.

This is when she produced an idea, Vidaldus had said that his hair was able to absorb enormous amounts of liquids, but that meant that there was a limit.

So, what would happen if you used a spirit that could summon and control an almost infinite amount of water?

There was only one way to find out, but the ocean was too far away for Lucy to reach before Vidaldus could free himself from the water prison.

In her desperation, another idea came to her mind, it was a bit crazy and probably a bit rude, but there was no other way.

So, Lucy ran toward Juvia, leaving the gate for Cancer open, so that he could cover her.

"JUVIA!" Lucy yelled while running, trying to gain her attention.

Lucy confused Juvia with her yell and Juvia just looked at Lucy in confusion.

Vidaldus on the other hand was already absorbing the water prison and it would only take a few more moments before he was free.

"Juvia, I may have a way for us to beat that guy, but for that plan to work I need your help. Do you trust me?"

Without even hesitating for a second Juvia answered, "Although you are my rival in love, Juvia will trust you."

"Thank you, Juvia. I promise you, you won´t regret it." Lucy said while pulling out a certain key and closed Cancer´s gate.

Lucy then put the new key into Juvia´s body that was made out of water, which gave Juvia quite the surprise.

"Juvia, I apologize that I did not warn you, I am sorry. [Open The Gate Of The Water Bearer: Aquarius]"

Coming out of Juvia´s body was Lucy´s strongest spirit, who could only be summoned when there is water, Aquarius.

"You used Juvia´s body to summon a spirit?" Juvia asked in surprise.

Meanwhile Zeldaris and Aversia, who had dealt with their opponents without any problems, to the battles that were happening and heard the summoning chant for Aquarius, which gave the two half dragons a hard case of PTSD.

Especially of that one time, where they found the drowned Vulcan.

"Go Aquarius, do your thing." Lucy said with confidence but forgetting something important.

Aquarius became immediately enraged and swung her urn, out of which a strong current of water suddenly came flying out, all while screaming, "YOU DON´T HAVE TO TELL ME THAT, YOU STUPID BIMBO!!!"

Aquarius summoned so much water that it not only swept away Lucy and Juvia, but also covered the entire island, plus Aquarius also begun to use the ocean itself as well.

Lucy fought against the current and was able to quickly reach the surface.

After taking a deep breath or two, she looked around, trying to find her friends.

"JUVIA!?" Lucy yelled.

Seconds later, Juvia also surfaced and swam toward Lucy.

Lucy also started to swim toward Juvia and the two reached out their hands.

When their hands touched, something happened, something unexpected.

Because both of their magic begun to fuse together and became by the second more and more powerful.

It became so powerful that literally everyone stopped what they were doing and watched in stunned silence at what was happening.

However, the ones that were surprised and shocked the most were definitely the two half dragons, because they had a vague idea what was happening, but they had only heard stories about it.

"This… This feels like it is that… that fusion magic." Aversia stuttered.

"Unison Raid!"

Zeldaris and Aversia had tried to perform this magic as well, but every time that they tried, they failed.

And know, Lucy and Juvia were doing it.

More and more water was created and with each passing second it became faster, stronger, and unstoppable.

And in the middle of it all was a very desperate Vidaldus.

At first, he was pretty confident and had mocked the girls, but as more water had appeared, he became desperate and even begun to beg for his live.

Unfortunately for him, Lucy and Juvia were not able to hear him and even if they did, they wouldn´t have had stopped.

Also, no matter what the two would have done, there was no stopping Aquarius now, who was swung her urn downward, creating a massive pillar of water that was rising into the air, Vidaldus was of course right in the middle of it all.

The poor guy had to take on the full force of the raging water, while also being catapulted tens of meters into the air.

And to make matters worse for him, his hair fell of his head.

Turning the time, a bit backwards, Gray stood in the middle of the third island.

Gray had not been able to free himself alone, but through the help of Happy and Natsu, who had attacked Fukuro, forcing the owl man to release Gray midair.

He had used his magic to create a slide beneath him and was through that able to safely land on the ground.

Gray looked into the air and saw that both Natsu and Fukuro were currently fighting in the air.

However, Fukuro had the advantage in speed and was also able to quickly change the speed of his jetpack, making his movements quite unpredictable.

Natsu and Happy were not able to overcome this and through a hard punch from Fukuro were sent flying to the ground.

Both of them crushed into the ground, Natsu had moved so that Happy would land on him.

Natsu stood up without any major problems, while Happy let go of Natsu´s back and sat down on the ground.

Fukuro also landed on the island and looked at Gray and Natsu.

"Huho There are many tales that have reached our guild, especially those of your evil doings, Salamander. The hand of justice will judge you."

Hearing this, Natsu simply laughed and covered his fists in fire, while saying, "I can´t believe that there are people that do stuff like that for a living and have the balls to call themselves a guild. Don´t give me that bull crap about justice, asshole."

"Hu. There are many evils that have to be removed from the world permanently. Also, none of you have any right to criticize, both of you have killed before."

Angered by this Natsu yelled, "So what, I don´t care if we are good or bad, but at least we still value and respect live and would not kill so lightly."

He then pointed toward Zeldaris and Aversia and said in a more monotone way, "The only exception are those two, but only when they lose themselves in their blood lust."

"GOOD DAMMIT NATSU!!!" yelled both Zeldaris and Aversia.

But Fukuro was not impressed, and the engine of his jetpack started again.

"Hohu. There is no way for you to worm your way out of this, Salamander. The warrior of justice will put a stop onto your evildoings."

Fukuro flew forward toward Natsu, who in turn took a battle stance.

But Gray put a stop to both of their plans because he used his magic to create a wall of ice between Natsu and Fukuro.

Not letting this chance go, Natsu rushed toward the wall and jumped, his instinct told him that Fukuro would come from above and not from the side.

And Natsu was right, Fukuro flew straight up and the second that Fukuro´s owl head was a both the wall, Natsu attacked.

"[Fire Dragon´s Iron Fist]"

Natsu´s attack hit Fukuro right in his chest, sending the owl man flying back toward the ground, where Gray was waiting for him.

"[Ice Maker: Hammer]"

Gray created a giant hammer out of ice and hit Fukuro with it in the back.

Not to be out done, Natsu was preparing his next attack.

"With a flame on the right hand... and a flame on the left hand... When you combine the flames together... [Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame]"

Natsu brought his blazing hands together and the flames on both hands created a large fire ball, which Natsu threw at Fukuro.

Fukuro had no time to dodge the attack, as came just after the hammer attack from Gray.

As the fire ball hit Fukuro it exploded and both Natsu and Gray took some distance away from it.

For a good reason, because as the smoke disappeared, Fukuro was mostly fine.

He had received some injuries but those were not too major and wouldn´t hinder his movements.

"Hoo It seems that I can take this job serious."