
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 36: Releas after 5 years

Zeldaris and Aversia made their preparations to travel back to Clover Town, but they wouldn´t be going alone.

Natsu and Happy insisted that they would go with them, Natsu wanted to meat Vulcan again.

Mirajane was also coming along, she thought that it would be fun.

Lisanna and Elfman wanted to come along, but they accepted a job that was to the north of Fiore and couldn´t come with them.

Erza also wanted to come along, because she wanted to meet Vulcan, but she had to watch the guild while the S-Class exam was going on.

As always they took the train, which Natsu really regretted, because he became sick the moment that the train moved.

Zeldaris knocked him out, with a hard punch into the stomach and let him rest.

"Now that I was thinking about it I was always wondering about, why Natsu always get´s such a heavy case of motion sickness?", said Mirajane.

"Actually, it isn´t really motion sickness. It´s just that his senses are overloading him and create a feeling similar to motion sickness. Normally that should not be the case with a dragon slayer at Natsu´s level, but his senses were always more refined then the other four of our group.", answered Aversia.

"That reminds me, you guys mentioned that there four other dragon slayers with you guys. Can you tell me more about them since Natsu never really talked about you guys."

"The others were, like Natsu, also raised by dragons and lived with us at our village. Gajeel was around Natsu´s age, he and Natsu were always fighting with one another, but they also made a good team. Wendy never really liked fighting and took always a support role, she was talented at enchantment magic and by far the nicest of us all. Rogue and Sting were almost always together and had the best teamwork in the group, both of them were a bit arrogant, but alright. Rogue was more of a quiet type, while Sting was more of a rascal. Although, the seven of us were not related by blood, we cared for each other like siblings.", said Zeldaris.

After arriving at Clover Town, they walked toward the shop that they used to work at, since Vulcan would spend most of his time there and they were correct.

Vulcan was watching over multiple people working at the forge, watching every move that they made and correcting their mistakes.

He was so focused in his task that he didn´t notice Aversia and the others, who than decided to surprise him.

They sneaked up on him and said, "There´s nothing better than the smell of molten iron in the morning.

Surprised for a second, he smiled and said," There really is almost nothing better than it."

He turned around and hugged his children, who in turn returned the hug.

They stayed like this for a minute before letting go.

"So, what brings you guys here today? I mean it´s not even been a month since you two joined the guild and I expected a visit from you two in around two months.", Vulcan said and noticed Natsu, who he happily greeted as well.

"I fear that our visit has more of an urgent kind of reason.", Aversia said.

"I see. I am almost finished with todays lesson and am only waiting for them to finish their current work. Here take the key and wait for me back home, we will discuss it there.", said Vulcan, while handing the key to the house to them.

The group walked toward the house, Mirajane and Happy were confused as to what Vulcan and Aversia were talking about, but Natsu had a rough idea what they were talking about and sweat was covering his forehead, because he had still nightmares about it.

Back in their old home, Aversia and Zeldaris were sitting on the sofa and were not speaking with anyone.

Natsu, Happy and Mirajane explored the house, but were soon back in the living room and waited for Vulcan´s arrival.

Fortunately for them, they didn´t had to wait long, because Vulcan came 20 minutes after the three started wait as well and they began to talk.

And Natsu´s hunch was correct, Aversia and Zeldaris needed to release a portion of their power again and gain control over it.

They didn´t do it in the last 5 years, because Vulcan was not at a point where he could reliably temper with the seal, but now he had no choice but to be ready.

Vulcan, Aversia and Zeldaris decided that they would go into the mountains and release the seal there.

Natsu, Happy and Mirajane were advised to stay home, but Natsu refused and told them that he had to come with them and that he had to surpass something.

Happy of course wanted to go with Natsu and Mirajane didn´t wanted to be left out, so they came along as well.

The group traveled in the opposite site of where the Beast had it´s den, the reason for that was simple, it was to soon for Mirajane to go near this place again and even being in this village was already stressful for her.

Getting any near to the dean or that path would be to much for her and no one knew what would happen.

They continued to walk for more than two hours and the lights of the city were still seeable on the horizon.

Aversia and Zeldaris sat down on the ground and closed their eyes, mentally preparing themselves for what was about to happen.

Natsu, Happy and Mirajane stood at a safe distance away, while Vulcan stood between Aversia and Zeldaris and laid his hands on their shoulders.

Vulcan released a great amount of energy that was trapped inside the seal, which also grew quite a bit in the last five years and immediately afterwards jumped away.

Grey flames erupted from their bodies and even the surrounding area was covered in the flames of chaos.

The flames changed into the form of two massive dragons, who roared their rage into the night sky, which caused a giant air blast that blew almost everyone away.

Happy was absolutely frightened and nearly lost consciousness.

Mirajane on the other hand was dumbfounded, because this situation reminded her of her own past.

(AN: Explanations for that at the bottom of the chapter.)

Natsu on the other hand was standing before the two dragons, his body was shivering and sweat was covering his entire body, he was scared, but he was ready to fight his fears as well.

He stared at them and flames began to cover his body and the figure of a dragon appeared behind him.

Natsu continued to look at them like this for the next twenty minutes, the two dragons who had normally rampaged every time the seal was released, except the last release for some reason, were not able to move freely, they struggled every time that they moved and to stop their movements multiple times.

And after these twenty minutes, did their form become blurry and the flames that formed their bodies fell apart and revolved around Aversia and Zeldaris.

The two of them were in their true form and were absorbing the flames again.

While they did that, changed their appearance again.

The scales were now reaching the front of their upper body and their horns became bigger, but the biggest change was the tail that had grown out of their spine.

The tails were long and powerful.

Most surprising was that the end of the tail looked like a fin of a giant sea serpent.

"Ah god dammit, first the wings and now a tail. I am barely used to them and now this shit.", screamed Zeldaris.

Aversia was also complaining and the two of them continued to do so for quite some time.

Vulcan was a bit surprised at the beginning, but soon started to laugh, which made Aversia and Zeldaris starting to chase him.

Mirajane and Happy had absolutely no idea what the fuck was going on and just starred.

Natsu on the other hand had a huge grin on his face and enjoyed the moment, because he had finally overcome this nightmare.

The two half dragons continued to chase Vulcan for some time, until they sat down again and tried to revert back to their human form.

Mirajane used that opportunity to walk toward them, clenching her right arm with the other.

"What was that? What, are you two? Have you two been possessed like I was?", asked Mirajane.

"Well that´s a long story, how about we go back home first, and we talk about it over something to eat.", said Zeldaris, with a small mile.

Mirajane smiled as well and nodded.

"Man, that was faster than the last time.", said Natsu, with his hands behind his head, while grinning.

"Well, we need to get the hang out it at some point.", said Aversia.

"Come on let´s go I am starving.", said Zeldaris.

"Before that you two should change your clothes first.", said Vulcan, while pointing at Aversia´s and Zeldaris´s pants.

Which made them realize that they had a giant hole, where the tail came through.

Both of them became bright red and covered the hole with their hands and used a new magic that they used.

It was called Requip, it was spatial magic that allowed the caster to register and store multiple objects in it and take them out of it at any time.

Requip magic was actually one of the most used types of magic ever, mostly used by merchants and users of magical weapons and armors.

Simply, because it allowed the user to transport a large number of things, without the need to really transport them, made them safe from thieves and allowed warriors to switch between weapons and armors in a matter of seconds.

However, there was only one person that could actually use it in combat and that was Erza, she was able to switch armors and weapons while fighting and was rumored to be the fasted person to switch between armors and weapons.

Aversia and Zeldaris knew this magic for only a short time and used it to store a change of clothes, some useful items and their most important properties.

They used the spell to change directly to a new set of clothes.

Natsu on the other hand found the whole hole situation funny and was laughing the whole time.

Zeldaris and Aversia punched Natsu with full force and with an 'Aye' made him fly through the night sky.

Hello there, thank you verry much for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.

Someone asked me about the status of the ships in the show and which ones i am going to keep.

I am going to keep almost all of them and am only going to sink Erza x Jellal. As for the harem part of the story, as of this moment only Aversia, Mirajane and Erza are confirmed. But possible candidates are Canna, Lisanna, Ultear, Meredy, Minerva and Seilah.

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