
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were devided in their opinion over humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and english is not my main language and also not my best language. Cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Special Chapter: Fairy Tail vs Holy Knights

The knight only sneered at Zeldaris´s actions.

"I will show no mercy to those that get in my way."

He rushed forward, trying to stab Zeldaris with his sword.

Zeldaris on the other hand punched out with his fist.

The fist and the tip of the sword met and to the surprise of both of them bounced off each other, but the force still pushed the knight back.

The knight looked at Zeldaris in shock and confusion.

Meanwhile Zeldaris was surprised that the sword had survived his fist, but nothing more.

"What´s wrong holy knight? I thought you would get rid of me, and yet I am still standing." Zeldaris said in a provoking manner.

The knight narrowed his eyes.

"I apologize, I will no longer hold back." he said, his body being enveloped by lightning and disappeared.

Zeldaris didn´t react to this, he had seen Laxus doing something similar simply too many times, and in Laxus case he had transformed his entire body into lightning.

'Sorry buddy but you have chosen the wrong opponent. And I won´t show mercy.'

The knight reappeared aboth Zeldaris and swung down his sword toward Zeldaris.

"Too slow and too obvious!!!" yelled Zeldaris, jumped into the air and kicked the knight into the face, sending him flying.

But before the knight hit the ground, he covered his body in lightning again and quickly disappeared.

This time Zeldaris became cautious, he knew that the same trick wouldn´t work twice on his opponent.

And only a second after the knight had disappeared, he reappeared beside Zeldaris, his sword enveloped by lightning and already in motion, being swung at Zeldaris´s waist.

But Zeldaris managed to dodge the attack and the knight disappeared again, only to reappear and attack again.

This circle of attacking, dodging, disappearing, reappearing, and then attacking again continued for more than a minute.

And every time, the speed of the knight increased, causing Zeldaris to block the attacks with his arms or legs.

However, Zeldaris wasn´t just idling around, he was waiting patiently for the perfect moment to strike, for the one moment that his opponent would be open.

And it came, after the attack of his opponent slipped through his defenses and managed to leave a scratch on Zeldaris, he was completely open and Zeldaris was not kind enough to overlook it.

"[Chaos Dragon´s Iron Fist]"

The flames of chaos enveloped Zeldaris´s fist and were heading straight for the knight's head.

"[Rising Tornado]"

Before Zeldaris´s fist could connect with his opponent, a small tornado appeared between the two, forcing Zeldaris to stop his attack and jump back.

Normally he would have been able to easily crush such an attack, however he had been so concentrated on his opponent that he hadn´t been able to sense this new one, and he was unsure if there weren´t any more hiding in the surrounding area.

"Gil! Are you ok?" asked the new opponent.

He was a tall young man with dark blond hair styled into a messy quaff.

And just like the former, he was also wearing a full plate armor.

"Howzer?! Thank you, I owe you one." Gilthunder said.

"Hey, hey, hey?! Are you really all right? Because that sounded a bit too emotional for you." Howzer said, trying to tease Gilthunder.

"There is no time for jokes like that, that person is a monster, and I am not sure that the two of us together would be a match for him." Gilthunder said and took a stance again.

On the other hand, Zeldaris was trying to figure out if any other 'holy knights' were hiding in the surrounding area or if more were coming toward this location.

"We won´t find out until we try, Gil! So, let´s do this!" Howzer yelled.

Gilthunder nodded and the two charged their attacks.

"[Rising Tornado]"

Again, a tornado appeared, but this time, it trapped Zeldaris inside it.

Gilthunder swung his sword in a certain sequence before holding it with the blade to the ground.

"[Purge of the Thunder Emperor]"

(AN: This spell? Technique? Was called Thunderbolt Execution in the anime. But I thought that Purge of the Thunder Emperor was more fitting.)

A burst of lightning engulfed the tornado.

"[Combined Technique: Dragon Castle]"

The tornado absorbed the lightning, became much bigger, black, while lightning was coiling around it.

The two knights poured all of the magic power that they had into this technique.

Inside this raging technique, Zeldaris was actually impressed by this attack.

Because it had managed to injure him and the continues assault was inflicting increasingly more wounds on him, even if they were just small ones.

Although at the same time, his body was absorbing a good amount of magic from the spell.

"Not bad. Not bad at all, but if you want to take me down, then you need a bit more fire power. Let me show you what I mean. [Chaos Dragon´s Wing Attack]"

Zeldaris enveloped both of his fists and did a full spin around, causing the flames on his fists to spiral into the air, transforming into a flaming tornado.

The flame tornado quickly grew in size and soon collided with the thunder tornado.

For a brief moment the two tornados fought against each other, but the flame tornado made out of the flames of chaos soon overwhelmed the other tornado and destroyed it, while also still getting bigger.

Howzer and Gilthunder could only stare in disbelieve how their combo technique was easily destroyed.

"How… how is this possible… monster…" was all that Howzer was able to say.

The flaming tornado continued to rage on before disappearing just as quickly as he appeared, Zeldaris standing in the middle of it and required his lance.

"Time to finish this." Zeldaris said but suddenly raised his lance into the air.

The sound of clashing metal rung out as a curved sword with a green blade appeared out of nowhere and collided with the lance.

"You holy knights appear one after the other. Aren´t you guys ashamed to group up on a single person." Zeldaris said with a sigh.

"You should feel honored that it takes so many holy knights to deal with you, the only other time in which we needed multiple holy knights to deal with someone was with a traitorous group called the seven deadly sins. So, give up, you are alone, and you can´t defeat all three of us." Said a knight wearing a copper-colored armor adorned with a purple high-collar, cloak on top. His helmet had hammerhead horns and a green jewel on it.

"I will not thank you for this praise, but I will count your two hiding friends as well. And we may never know about the outcome of this situation." Zeldaris said, this time he had focused on his surroundings and had found out that there were two amore people hiding.

"And why is this?"

"Because I am not alone!"

"What do you…"


Natsu came flying out of nowhere and hit the knight with full force, sending him flying.

"SIR HELBRAM!" yelled one of the hidden knights and sprung out.

She was a young woman with long black hair and narrow eyes.

She tried to catch Helbram but was too slow and the knight flew past her for multiple meters before landing on the street.

The second knight that had been hiding also jumped out but instead of helping her comrade, she tried to attack Zeldaris.

She was a bit shorter than the other female knight and had short light lavender colored hair.

Her armor was rather revealing, having a round opening at her chest, and a black indument covering her groin.

However, Natsu wasn´t the only one that had arrived.

The sound of clashing metal rung out as Kagura blocked her with her sheathed sword.

The knight that had tried to catch Helbram had quickly raised her lance just in time to block Erza´s sword but was not able to withstand her strength and was also send flying.

As for Gilthunder and Howzer, they were blocked by a large ice wall that appeared before them.

"Magnolia is the home of Fairy Tail, if you cause it or it´s citizens problems, we of Fairy Tail will not forgive you." Zeldaris said and looked at Helbram, who stood up without any problems.

The impact had made him lose his helmet, revealing the face of an elderly man with light green hair, a short beard and an eye patch covering his left eye.

Helbram swung his sword a couple of times, to assess if his body could still move without any problems.

"Looks like you have some capable people as well. Guilla, I will take care of him, you and the others take care of their friends, show no mercy." Helbram said and took a stance, while also ordering the black-haired female knight.

"As you command lord Helbram." Guilla said and rushed toward Erza.

Zeldaris sneered and put his lance back into his storage dimension.

"Well, then, time for round two." Zeldaris said and unleashed his magic power and unleashing his true form.

The earth shook as Zeldaris slowly transformed in front of Helbram, who in turn had problems in withstanding the pressure that Zeldaris´s magic power was radiating.

Howzer, Gilthunder, Guilla and Jericho had an even harder time with withstanding this amount of magic power, especially Guilla and Jericho.

"Although it is extremely rare to find someone with this amount of magic power but is your will so weak that you can´t withstand it?" asked Kagura, disappointed by her opponent.

"Something… deep inside me is… reacting… it´s… terrified… I… I can´t endure this." Jericho said, not even able to stand properly.

"Then I will end this quick and painless." Kagura said and within a single moment moved behind Jericho and knocked her out with a quick chop to the neck.

(AN: Did you expect anything else from Jericho? Really? Because, let´s be real, she is not a threat, but that may also have something to do with the difference between holy knights and mages. And now I remember that I haven´t explained an important fact about magic… Next chapter… And yes, this has just become a three parter, my ability to plan shit is just the worst.)

Guilla managed to create multiple small firebombs that she threw toward Erza, who in turn simply requipped the sword of her sea empress armor, sending multiple water blades toward the firebombs.

Needless to say, the water blades destroyed the bombs, making them explode and creating a convenient smoke scream for Erza, who in turn rushed toward Guilla and requipped a second sword.

Guilla was unable to react in time and the second that Erza emerged from the smoke, she tried to raise her lance again, but this time it didn´t help.

In one swoop, Erza´s swords cut through Guilla´s armor as if it was butter.

Guilla stood still like a statue before losing all strength in her body and falling onto the ground.

"I would have loved fighting you at your fullest power, but you and your comrades have made and enemy out of Fairy Tail, a mistake that many have regretted." Erza said with a serious expression.

Erza thought that it was a pity, she always wanted to test her strength against a magic knight, since those were often the most powerful knights that a country had.

She heard rumors about a secret order of knights that the kingdom had, who were rumored to be able to go against a wizard saint.

And to be fair, it was certainly almost impossible for a normal mage to withstand the pressure from someone of Zeldaris´s or Aversia´s class, let alone someone like Makarov or Gildarts.

The only reason as to why Gray and Natsu can take it, is because they are already familiar with it.

But there was also something bothering her about her opponent's armor, it felt a bit too soft.

So, Erza picked up a small piece that was lying on the ground and inspected it, and indeed, it felt weaker than normal steel.

What Erza didn´t know was that the steel out of which the armor had been made of, had no magic power inside it at all, something that was almost impossible in Fiore.

Magic was flowing through everything, meaning that even normal rocks had a small amount of magic power inside them.

Black smiths had learned to take advantage of that and created a way to strengthen steel beyond its normal capabilities.

But even then, they were not able to compete with magic weapons and armors, which had a large amount of magic power inside them.

Natsu and Gray were facing Gilthunder and Howzer, the ice wall still behind them.

"Why do I have to fight together with you again?" Natsu said in annoyance.

"Don´t ask me this. I don´t want to work together with you either. So shut up and let´s get this over with." Gray said and removed his shirt.

"Fine, but don´t you dare get in my way!"

"I should say that to you! NATSU!"

Natsu and Gray continued to yell at each other and seemed as if they were about to go for each other's throat.

Gilthunder and Howzer could only stare at it, not knowing how to react about it, but certainly feeling out of place.

But luckily for them they could feel the earth shake and both turned around to see Diane and the others arriving, followed by Aversia.

"Sir Meliodas, do you think that it really is the holy knights that their friend is fighting against?" Elizabeth asked.

"I could definitely make out little Gil´s magic. There is no doubt against it." Meliodas said.

"Should we help them? Don´t get me wrong captain but is seems like that they want to take care of this by themselves." Ban said.

"I hate to agree with him, but Ban is right." King added.

"But we can´t just leave them alone, we need to help them." Elizabeth added.

Aversia only rolled with her eyes, not even bothering to persuade them, the results would speak enough.

And as soon as they arrived, Aversia started to laugh, while everyone else stared in confusion and or shock.