
Fairy Slayer in Fairytail

Kind hearted MC gets reincarnated 3 months before the story starts with five wishes. He uses fairyslayer magic primarily. If you're interested in a Fairytail self insert check it out. No harem, no romance don't bother asking. I will post 2 auxiliary chapters the second auxiliary chapter is meeting Morgan Freeman and the wishes. Discord link- https://discord.gg/TqNH2aS7GU

Clap_Cheeks · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


I'm sitting in a corner of an abandoned maid's quarter on a hill above the manor that houses the Devon Theft Family. I flip through the files that the sheriff gave me. 'The Capo uses Lava-Make Magic, while his son uses Iron-Make Magic. His three brothers use earth magic while his daughter uses Coal-Make Magic.'

'A small but powerful crime family. I bet in the original timeline Natsu ate the lava, set the coal on fire and blasted the rest with overwhelming force, tearing a part of the village down in the process.'

I want them all in one place though. If the fight heats up I'm going to push them toward the forest to avoid damaging the village.

I peer over to my left and look through a broken brick catching a glimpse inside through a window of the manor. All six devon family wizards seem to be playing poker while two non-wizards guard the front. I start looking at the table and piecing together which wizard is which. Capo Corleone seems to be a short stout man smoking a cigar with a fedora. 'This guy is the most stereotypical mob boss I've ever seen.'

To the boss's right there seems to be a young man with iron bolt knuckles eyeing the others' cards. 'The Iron-Make wizard no doubt.' The three brothers seem to look very different, one fat, one skinny and one buff. However each brother is tall as hell at least two meters and each one has rock-like features replacing part of their face. The buff brother has stone ears, the fat one has a stone nose while the lanky one has stone eyebrows.

The only girl at the table has long greasy black hair and a noticeable misfigured nose. 'Damn i guess after this if she's able to get the charges against the family dropped she can work for Everlue as a maid. Seriously she looks like the ring girl got hit in the face by a hot shovel then drowned her sorrows into several pints of ben and jerry's.'

'This is as good a time as any. I really don't feel like attacking people in their sleep so it's now or never.'

I stand up and step out of the corner charging a Jet Barrage. I kick down the door of the maid's quarters and blast the room from above. The buff and fat brother get hit while trying to defend from the shots while the other four dodge the incoming blasts. The daughter heads towards the capo's side while the son heads in front and conjures an iron spike bat and a set of light armor.

The capo looks undisturbed by his two brothers being taken out in my sudden attack. He faces me and says "Well this is the third time this month someone came for my family's heads. Which guild are you from, I don't see any defining marks wizard?"

I decided to humor him, hoping I can solve this peacefully and avoid any damage to the main part of the village just south of here. "I'm Ostrum from Fairytail."

He straightens his tie and smiles "Well, Well, Well a bigshot huh we've dealt with guild wizards before what did the good sheriff offer you fifty thousand? A hundred? Tell you what boy I give you double the amount from my vault out of town and you go back and tell your guild it's an Impossible job. I'll even forgive what you did to Lenny and Sonny."

My eyes widen 'I see that's why the two guilds failed to take them out they took a bribe. I can also start to see why Natsu took out part of the village beating the brakes of these fools. The other wizards who took this job choose a quick buck over the job completion smearing their guilds name instead. Honestly thinking about it that way sort of pisses me off.'

I smile at him as he smiles back thinking he's avoided a major conflict "How about, HELL NO."

I jump down and head straight for the center but skinny has other plans. He places his hand on the ground and moves the brick tile floor over his body assimilating into him. His whole body transforms, turning him into an armored stone knight seemingly resembling a bishop piece. He starts secreting stone from his hands like a liquid, forming a solid spear of stone bricks.

I head in charge of an attack on my leg "Fairy Slayer: Jet Impact" A bright light shines across my foot and lower leg giving it the illusion that it's made of solid white light. Charging in, I break straight through the stone spear. I impact his chest forcing my magic through his body, burning his ethernano and knocking him out.

The Capo sees the situation and starts gathering his magic alongside his daughter preparing a joint attack. The son who just watched his three uncles get bodied starts to reinforce his iron constructs, changing their properties from iron to solid steel.

When I turn toward the remaining three the son charges at me with the spiked bat, almost cutting my suspenders. He tosses aside his bat and crafts a chain with a weight and a sickle. He starts side stepping to the left and slings the chain around my right arm. He smirks and pulls with all his might. I however don't move an inch.

"Gotcha" I grab hold of the chain and pull the son towards me and stomp him down with my heel on his chest while he lies back to the ground. I charge my fist with my magic "Fairy Slayer: Jet Crash" A massive amount of magic coats my arm making it look like it's alive with a roaring white jetfire.

Right before I send the blow my instincts flare up and a massive blast of lava heads towards me with reckless abandon. I redirect my attack to strike the incoming blow and negate the attack. The force of the lava pushes me away from his son.

"Are you okay Mikey, can you still fight?" The Capo and his daughter sprint towards him concerned for his safety.

Mikey the son of the capo replies "Yeah dad lets kick this guy's ass."

Now normally I don't try to ruin a good family moment but these guys are so weird it kinda pulls me out of the situation. They start chanting magic and merging their three maker magic spells into one attack.

From the three spells emerges what I can only call the most kickass magic I have ever seen. Being held up by magic being generated by the three joined wizards. A massive twenty meter tall jacked bipedal lava Cerberus with a molten metal axe right hand and a coal powered fire cannon for the left. It holds up its left hand charging up the cannon.

The remaining Devon's chant out "Devon Buster Cannon"

Time slows for me as I see the lava Cerberus discharge what I can only describe as a condensed fire laser at me. In the heat of the moment all I can think is 'DAMN THAT'S SO COOL!' as the blast hits me straight on.

—Capo POV—

'Thank goodness I got the bastard, he seemed strong but was easily distracted and blown to smithereens by the Devon Buster Cannon trademark pending. Honestly I'm grateful that guy was playing around. His magic is freaky not to mention the sheer amount his body was exuding. it would have been a disaster if that guy took that fight seriously.

Just before I was sure it was safe to cease my magic a white light started to emanate from the center of the blast point. The fairytail wizard stood there completely unfazed by our strongest attack.

The wizard stared at my face for a moment before going on a monologue "Damn that was awesome, but there's a reason I didn't choose to study a magic like that because there's between strength and just plain cheating. Too bad for you I have to take down the biggest cheater of them all." he starts chanting "Fairy slayer: Solid State bubble."

From his hand a white orb of magic grows and expands covering the entire area and when it comes in contact with my ultimate magic Cerberus my magic seems to disintegrate, dissolving straight into the air like it didn't exist in the first place. The magic envelopes me going through my body as I feel the magic in my body leave me my mind falls into darkness.

—Ostrum POV—

The remaining three Devons pass out and fall to the floor with their magic reserves drained. I turn my head towards the clock, it's a quarter past one in the morning. I figure out that I can't carry all six wizards with me so I grab the main three and head towards the sheriff's office.

When I get there I pull out the magic key that the sheriff gave me and drop the three wizards into the right two cells separating the kids from their father. I affix the Magic sealing stones on them and head back out to grab the other three.

As I head back I feel strange magic signatures. 'The two idiots I knocked out first woke up.'

I start storming my way towards the manor hoping I don't start causing collateral damage on my second job. When I get there though, the third brother wakes up and is starting to reform his bishop form. The other two bozos take the form of a rook and a knight respectively. They form a line but then start merging into one another forming a large castle-like form.

"What's with you guys and merging your magics? As cool as it is, this is starting to become a pain in the ass." I say scratching my head in annoyance.

"We are family, we must always work together." the large human shaped castle bellows.

"Figures" i say not trying to waste time in a dialog.

The Castleman forms a long mace and starts to swing it at me but I just charge a Jet Impact and shatter the mace head.

To my annoyance the mace head seems to heal itself reforming into a larger spiked ball. 'No reason to tempt fate.' as the mace comes down to try and squash me again I jump and land onto the mace head. I run along the mace staff and the arm when the other arm comes down to smack me off of the arm. I jump up dodging the attack, I start pelting towards the face of the Castleman.

I charge a massive amount of ethernano to my fist making it sparkle like before. I chant out "Fairy Slayer: Jet Crash". My fist blasts apart the stone man striking the three wizards on the inside knocking them out for a second time. As the three brothers fall to the ground the stone they absorbed seems to reform into the ground below.

I pick up the three and walk towards the sheriff's station for what I hope is a final time.

When I get there I see the sheriff standing in front of the two cells containing the other three Devons. I look towards the sheriff and say "I didn't wake you did I?"

"Yeah me and everyone else in the village. I could see the fight you had with those three but i guess i woke up from the noise these guys were making." he says gesturing to the father trio still passed out from the fight.

I turn towards the sheriff and look at him seriously. "I feel I need to tell you that the wizards that came before me took a bribe and dropped the job. Tomorrow I intend to go before the magical law enforcement and make a report. Could you please give me the names of the wizards that took the job?"

He stares at me with a blank face and says "Yeah, I could've told you that. Here is a copy of the files I had on the other two who took the request. I'll make an official report tomorrow but it won't mean much until you make your statement in magnolia tomorrow."

"Thank you sheriff. By the way, what is your name? I didn't get it earlier today?"

"My name is Charlie Swan. I'm just a typical sheriff and proud dad doing what I do best."

'Wait, What' this guy looks like him and has the same name. There is no possible way that he has the same name and appearance as the dude from twilight. Hell they even had the same job. Maybe I should ask him about the earth.

Before I could ask, Morgan Freeman's words echoed "There's a time and place for everything but not now."

'Did you just Professor Oak me'

"Yes I did. Also I felt bad for him and chose to reincarnate him with actually good kids."

"You okay son you zoned out for a minute. Are you low on magic from the fight?" Sheriff Charlie looks at me with concern

"I'm fine. First let's get these guys some magic sealing stones so I can get back to magnolia." I say recovering from my little revelation.

"Oh yeah you probably want to go back and sleep in your own bed huh." This statement hits me

'I'm homeless aren't I? After my duel with Natsu and reporting to the magic counsel I have to find an apartment.'

I spend another few minutes making sure that the Magic Sealing Stone Cuffs are working and can hold these three.

"Well Charlie, I'm glad that we got these guys behind bars." I extended my hand to give him a handshake.

"Me too Ostrum, now I know to go to fairytail when I have issues." Charlie says taking my hand and giving me a firm handshake "And Stay safe out there" he adds

"You too Charlie."

He smiles at me and says "I'll transfer your reward through the bank when they open first thing in the morning, Makarov should get the funds by noon."

"Alright then I'll be off" I step out of the sheriff station and pull up my map bracer orienting myself towards Magnolia.

Job Complete


Chapter End

Sorry this chapter is late. It takes me about four and a half hours to write these and I have a full time job. Today I had to help some friends move a half dozen cars from across town but they decided to treat me to dinner so there's that. I got home at like 830 at night and then had to write this chapter. I'm too tired to edit it though and I'm gonna post it as is, so I'm sorry about the bad grammar. Next chapter will be a vs Natsu fight. I'm going to take it seriously though and not turn it into a joke fight like most duels in the series, however I'll make the guild members say some funny shit.

Thanks to all my readers I love you all.

Special thanks to the commenters I was going to skip today because of the stuff I had to do but seeing your comments gave me the gas to write a chapter for you all thanks a ton.

Discord link - https://discord.gg/TqNH2aS7GU