
Fairy Princess Love: When She Enter That Realm

Little girl Xenia. The world she lives in is completely different. That world is very beautiful. Only peace and tranquillity all around. No  worries. There is no noise whatsoever.   There are only women. There is no male in this world.  Despite all this happiness and peace, Xenia does not have peace in her mind.  An unknown desire called him with a wave of her hand. But she doesn't know what to do. She spent a long time in this uncertainty.   Days pass by and years come.   When she turned 18, she made an incredible decision.  As a result of her decision, many obstacles came down in her life.   Even though she has superpowers, she has no idea what to do. Tragic events happen in her life. When she observes these unusual occurrences she regrets. But she is in such danger that she cannot live in peace anywhere else. Faces all kinds of terrible problems where she can't use her superpowers.   A smart boy appeared in her life in so much trouble. Her name is Ryan. Xenia falls in love with Ryan who is a Demon Prince.   Although they were two completely different people.  There are many differences between them.  Yet they overcome all obstacles and try to unite. In a critical situation, she lost her superpower. Can Xenia reach the heights of her aspirations?   Follow the story to know. [Disclaimer : The ' Earth ' in this novel is not the same Earth we are currently living on so do not use our common sense for this novel fantasy , after all.] ( author note :- I have zero experience with lots of grammar problems. But if you still want to check out then please read all the chapters and then decide what you will do. If you drop the book at some point don't forget to mention the reason. Another thing I don't know how to play with words. Book cover collected from internet.) *** I will published some chapters of this book in another platform, like wattpad, royal road, scrible hub.***

Rainbow420 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Dragia attempts to free Xenia

 "We are brave. We don't fear anyone."

 The head of the demons said this in response to Ryan's words.

 "Leave us alone. We have come to do you no harm. We have come to give Ryan to his family back. His palace and his kingdom back. But you don't believe us. We are telling the truth. We will not harm you.  Leave us alone."

 A worried look appeared on the demon's face.  Xenia's words caused thoughts to arise in their minds.  But the impression of this thought on their faces did not last long.

 "Do you think we are fools? If we let you go, you will harm us. So we will not let you go. We will execute you anyway."

 Xenia got angry hearing their words.

 "Well leave us alone. Otherwise you will have to fight this friend of mine. And you see how strong my friend is. You cannot fight with him. There is still time to accept our word."


 "This is a creature. And we are demons. No matter how strong it is, it can never survive fighting all of us. Besides, we also have magical powers. We have a strange powerful object."

 Xenia was surprised to hear them.

 Of course, she already knew that those demons had magical powers.  But the fact that they had strangely powerful objects made him worry a lot.  Because the powerful objects in front can be easily fought. But when there is a hidden object it becomes much more difficult to fight it.

 "Leave us without this fight. We did not come here to fight you. I am the Demon Prince. I came to protect my parents from the Demon Lord."

 No one responded to Ryan's words.  Everyone is busy with Dragia.

 "Well tell your powerful thing to come here. Let me see how powerful he is."

 Xenia slyly sought to see the strangely powerful object from them.


 Hearing Xenia's words, some of the demons present laughed.

 "You don't have to worry about him. He's with us."

 Xenia looked around carefully trying to see the unknown object.  But she could see nothing. Her eyes widened in surprise at their words.  Her face paled in thought.

 "If there's someone stronger, Dragia won't be able to fight them alone. Either way, I have to get out of this situation."

 Xenia thought those words in her mind.

 But she doesn't know how she will be free.  She has to do something to get out of this situation.

 Demon soldiers surrounded Dragia even more fiercely from all sides.

 Dragia takes one step forward and they take one step back.  Although they are afraid of Dragia, they are ready to fight Dragia.  Their only goal is to kill the two of them by defeating this strange creature in front of them.  And let their children eat their blood.

 " Dragia, you follow me. Don't go fight them now. Follow me first."

 Xenia whispered those words to Dragia.

 Dragia dropped her big feet and followed Xenia without saying a word.

 "Untie my feet with your mouth. If they come to block, aim at them and throw fire around them. But remember not to let it fall on them. Our object is to do them no harm. To make it clear to them that who we are."

 Xenia tried to untie Xenia's legs with her sharp teeth as Dragia said.  Sensing this, the demons surrounded Dragia from behind Xenia to attack her.

 A demon from behind hit Dragia's leg with a sharp stick in her hand as Dragia met the rope on Xenia's leg.  Dragia got pain. She let out a roar of pain. The demons took fright at the roar and retreated again.

 Dragia turned her attention back to her work.  But this time she was careful and started doing her work.  Once she looked back at those demons, she got back to her work.

 Attack of those demons again.

 Dragia angrily shoots fireballs from her mouth at the demons.

 The demons moved further away in fear.

  They realized that they could not fight this strange force with this power.  And they can't even go to him.

 So they hurled the sharp-headed sticks in their hands at Dragia from a distance.  Those sticks penetrated Dragia's body in tiny pieces. Just like a tiny thorn. Which looks like it got stuck in Dragia's body while wandering in some forest.

 Such a small weapon could not do anything to such a large body.

 Meanwhile, Dragia untied Xenia's legs.  All that remains now is to untie her hands.

 Dragia also got involved in that work.

 When the demons saw that they could no longer harm the strange creature, they tried to use their magical powers.

 Each demon separately created a magical net and threw it at Dragia.  Those nets fell on Dragia's body. A small number of nets on such a large body of Dragia would not have any effect.  But their net number is much higher. Dragia got caught in all those nets. Still she tried to break free from him. All the strength of her body was used to tear the nets.

 But this is the magical net and many more.

 But those nets are not able to withstand the power of Dragia.  She started to tear each net in repeated attempts.

 She is only an animal.  How many more can tear the magical net they cast.  Still she started tearing those nets with all her body strength.

 Dragia gasped as she fended off their repeated attacks.  Her body went limp. She can no longer move her arms and legs properly.


 Her massive body fell to the ground below with a loud thud.

 At that sound the demons retreated again.

 Meanwhile, Dragia's handcuffs were not fully untied, but she managed to do some.