
Fairy Prince And The Legendary Beasts (BL)

After the great war between mythical creatures, many people lost their lives. And the most unfortunate of them all was the fairies and the loss of magic. Until...the sixth prince of Fallenrose was born! His overwhelmingly adorable face made everyone suspect that he was a fairy. And their assumptions were proven right after the prince showed signs of magical powers. However, magical powers were incredibly rare, and his life was immediately threatened. Fortunately, his doting older brothers and sisters, his mother—the loving yet overprotective empress, and those legendary beasts that came out of nowhere, were there to protect him!

Kyon_C · LGBT+
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5 Chs

End Of Crisis

Some moments passed for Esther to shed away the sleepiness from his eyes, slowly blinking his heavy eyelids to clear up his blurry vision.


High-pitched wailing and other familiar cries were heard, creating a momentary buzz in Esther's mind. He noticed his entire family, including the physician, Emma, and other maids, were crowding the room. Their tear-streaked faces alarmed Esther to no end, then he realized that he was the cause.

'How long did I pass out?'

"I'm sorry, Esther! I'm so sorry," Juniper was the closest to him on the bed, holding onto Esther's cold hand. "I-I didn't know you're allergic to those flowers,"

'Huh?' Esther blinked.

"For the last time, it's not your fault, Juniper. Thanks to you, now we know Esther can't be anywhere near flowers," The Empress reassured sternly, but her voice slightly wavered. She must've been relieved about Esther's recovery but didn't want to show her vulnerability to anyone.

"I was so worried," Violet sniffled. She wiped her tears with a handkerchief, her hand clutching onto Oriana's dress. Caleb stood next to her as well, sniffling.

"I immediately stopped attending class when I heard about it..." Brahms whispered, sighing and rubbing his wet eyes. Xavier patted his shoulders.

"Thankfully, the crisis passed. Sir Grovese, please check Esther's condition," Xavier instructed.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty,"

The old, scrawny doctor scurried over to the bed and dropped his medical tools on the bed. Everyone watched with their breath held. Their expressions couldn't hide the apparent concern. Doctor Grovese let out a relieved breath, smiling toward the Empress.

"His condition is starting to stabilize. I have to check Prince Esther's blood to check for a substance that might trigger his allergic reaction. The young Prince is advised to rest for two weeks and not let him go near flowers or anything that carries floral scents,"

"I understand," Oriana nodded. "Thank you very much. Everyone may leave,"

The workers hesitantly leave the room, too worried over their beloved youngest Prince.

"Xavier, Brahms,"

"Yes, mother?"

Her two sons snapped their attention toward Oriana.

"Notify the gardeners and knights guarding the garden area to move the flowers into the greenhouses. And for all the flowers that grow in the yard, immediately uprooted and thrown away,"

'Wow. She looks so scary,' Esther looked at Oriana in silent horror.

"Understood," Xavier and Brahms quickly walked out of the room.

"Caleb, tell Emma to bring Esther his supper," Oriana ordered sternly.

"Yes, mother," Caleb nodded, his eyes glancing uneasily toward Esther. He looked very worried but eventually left the bedroom to follow his mother's order.

"Violet, Juniper," This time, Oriana's voice became softer. She picked Juniper up from the bed and placed him on the ground, gently caressing his hair and kissing Violet's forehead. "None of this is your fault. Especially you, Juniper. However, to avoid a similar incident, make sure you two don't overdo it with Esther while playing,"

Violet and Juniper held each other's hands, looking down at their shoes. Their brown eyes were watery, their noses and cheeks red from crying.

"Okay," The two answered simultaneously.

"Good," Oriana smiled. "Go ahead and wash up. Let's have dinner together and let Esther rest,"


The twins looked at Esther one more time before walking out.

Once the door was closed, Oriana plopped down on the bed next to Esther. Her hard expression finally shattered, tears forming in her eyes, and she sobbed softly. She held Esther in her arms, kissing his cheeks and forehead.

Esther scrunched his nose, feeling ticklish from the tears falling onto his face.

"Thank heavens you're safe..." Oriana whispered. "If Hayden finds out about this…he'll probably burn all the flowers in the empire,"

'Hayden is my dad's name? Sheesh, I guess everyone in the family bears the same sense of overprotectiveness,'

"I don't want to disappoint him. I need to show him that my children will grow to be great, loving, and powerful adults. The thought of losing you is too great for me...It hurts so much, my little fairy,"


Esther frowned, his heart clenched upon hearing his mother's cries. Esther reached to place his tiny palm against Oriana's cheek. She laughed wetly, sniffed, and wiped her tears with her hands.

"Are you trying to comfort me?"


"Oh, my sweet baby. I love you so much. Don't ever scare me like that ever again, okay?"


Oriana smiled tenderly.

"I have decided. Later, when you reach fourteen, you are not allowed to enter Llene Academy,"

'Say what now?' Esther blinked.

"Xavier, Brahms, Caleb, and Juniper will attend Llene Academy to have their license to access the outlands in case they want to hunt Phantoms and help the military forces. Goodness, just thinking about my fragile little fairy entering the academy, following those hellish training and fighting against Phantoms. I will never allow it,"

Esther's mouth went wide.

'...Guess going to the outlands will be harder than I thought,'

Hey, at least Esther isn't reincarnated into an evil family and suffering until some prince charming rescues him ;D

Although...I guess being doted on by an overprotective family that is willing to burn every flower in the country just because he showed a simple allergic reaction is kind of similar in a way. Hm.

*existential crisis*

Kyon_Ccreators' thoughts