
Fairy land:The Long Lost Princess

Author: mysteriousguystories
Ongoing · 9.5K Views
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What is Fairy land:The Long Lost Princess

Read ‘Fairy land:The Long Lost Princess’ Online for Free, written by the author mysteriousguystories, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: She's just a simple girlShe is smartSometimes snob but she's definitely a kind person or let's say mabait sya sa mabait ...


She's just a simple girl She is smart Sometimes snob but she's definitely a kind person or let's say mabait sya sa mabait sa kanya. She's strong she's brave but what if everything suddenly changes When she finds out the world she belongs to is not her real world? What will she do when she goes to a strange place? A place where there are different types of creatures? Where everything is possible. Witness the journey of Venice Von Carbell as she discover that she's the long lost princess of FAIRY LAND

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Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Surrounding the stars was vast darkness and silence. Innumerable stars were weaved together to form a linkage of sanctuaries. Countless intergalactic species traversed across stars for exploration, development, and reproduction. All of them fought against the vast darkness. A small nameless race might bloom and become in power in the timespan of a few hundred years. Similarly, a big powerful race might disappear without a trace in an instant. Everyone was devoted to cultivation and inheritance. Many Proud Sons of Heavens contended to be the best, and heroes could be found everywhere. The Human Race began as a prosperous clan, but they were slowly dying now. Wang Yu began his cultivation in Island Town 732 of Broken Star No.5. Many years later, the Human Race could be found in every corner of the galaxy. All Proud Sons admired the one and only Divine Emperor of the Human Race. Someone asked, “Divine Emperor Wang Yu, how should I cultivate so that I can follow in your footsteps?” The Divine Emperor looked a little puzzled as he turned around and replied, “Isn’t cultivation just repetition? After the proficiency bar of a technique is fully charged, then you will automatically master the technique. Since all of you have better talents and comprehending skills than me, I believe you are already well aware of what I have just said.” The Proud Sons of the Human Race remained silent as they stared at the leaving silhouette of the Divine Emperor. Finally, someone murmured, “What the heck is a proficiency bar?”

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Salju Musim Semi

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Aliens: Hivemind

Date: 09/16/2036 Log Entry #1: We have found an organic lifeform living in space outside the Earth's atmospheric conditions. This is truly a groundbreaking discovery that could even change our biological concept of life. _________________________________________ Date: 10/21/2037 Log Entry #2: The specimen was kept in a vacuum. Tests and experiments show that the foreign lifeform favors lower temperatures. Our studies indicate that the specimen was once in a colony of the same species. Rest assured, it cannot do manual tasks without a "hive mind." _________________________________________ Date: 01/06/2038 Log Entry #3: The vacuum container of the specimen was found broken, therefore exposing the lifeform to the "natural" living conditions of the Earth's atmosphere. After extensive research, we have found that the lifeform was radiating infrared waves towards space after it's contact with the Earth's atmosphere. The reason for this was unknown. _________________________________________ Date: 01/01/2043 Log Entry #4: Strong signals of infrared waves have been detected north of the coast in Iceland, an unnatural occurence. Meanwhile the specimen was found missing in the lab around the start of the mysterious event. _________________________________________ Date: 02/01/2043 Log Entry #5: Giant insect-like creatures has been spotted on the northern coast of Canada and Iceland. The beasts were known to feed on humans, so an evacuation was in underway in the northern countries. _________________________________________ Date: ??? Log Entry #6: The countries located in the northern hemisphere has been in anarchy ever since the giant insects started to swarm in their cities. Countries in the red zone are urged to evacuate to another country, thereby giving up the country's rights to the government accepting their citizenship. Global economy and politics has been damaged greatly and is now in disarray. The world has now entered a great era of distress and calamity. The apocalypse has begun. ********************************************* This work was originally ported to the Wattpad platform by yours truly, but eventually made it's way to Webnovel. To make things clear, this copy of Hivemind and that on Wattpad is completely the same and released by the same author on both platforms, e.g. me. Have a great time reading bud!

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