
The Prince

The groom held his bride's hand aloft, and she twirled. The ruffled hem of the bride's glittery ball gown whirled as she spun. The spectators clapped in awe, showering the couple with praises. Prince Ethan raised his wineglass to his lips to hide his frown. The newlywed kissed, and Ethan choked on the wine he was drinking.

As the kissing intensified with the crowds' egging, Ethan snuck away through the staircase, quietly escaping to the second floor. It wasn't fascinating to see his favorite brother—the one he had always treated like a baby—passionately kissing someone, especially if that 'someone' was the girl Ethan was passionately kissing a week ago.

He wasn't in love with Maurine. It was only a fling. One he was rather happy was all over. Nonetheless, that didn't lessen the bad taste lingering in Ethan's mouth as he recalled last week's kiss.

It was strange. How Fate worked. Zachary disliked Maurine; whereas Maurine didn't even know Zach existed. But now here they were, married and about to spend the rest of their lives together. All because of the magestic hands of Fate.

Ethan pulled out the velvet box from his dress coat's pocket. He opened the box to reveal a glimmering emerald ring.

Like the color of her eyes. Her beautiful emerald green eyes.

She should be coming home soon, and more than anything, Ethan needed Fate on his side. Just this once, he needed Fate to choose him.

"Ethan," spoke a familiar voice, and Ethan spun to face his bestfriend Prince Hendrics. "I've just received a call. It seems Fate has decided."

Ethan stared at his friend expectantly. Surely, Fate will grant him his wish this time. Surely…

Hendrics shook his head and said with downcast eyes, "Lorraine's marrying your brother, not you."

Ethan only stared at Hendrics, at loss for words.

"Ethan, look you—"

The sound of pouring rain drowned Hendrics's voice, making Ethan turn to the closest window. Outside, the sky was completely dark. "Why is it rain—" Before Ethan could finish, in a flash, the skies were clear.

It was then that an idea popped in his mind. Only two beings could have stopped the rain. Fate, who probably couldn't care less about Ethan and his feelings. And the other being...the ones with whom Fate had shared his powers. The fairy godmothers.

Ethan's lips curled to a smile. He will have his happily ever after with Lorraine. Even if Fate wouldn't give it to him. He would take it with his own hands.