
Failed Hero Saves Another World.

A hero from another world who failed to protect his reincarnates into another world after his failure which gives him a new purpose

Ziiphinx · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch.3.5 - magic attributes

Magic attributes (Mana which were condensed in a way to become attributes)

Light Magic < Hardest attribute to control, also the progenitor of all magic attributes.

Dark magic < byproduct of light magic, hard to control, unique magic.

Light magic was simplified into water magic, fire magic, wind magic, and earth magic. < these magics do not require magic circles.

magicians then used those simplifications to create spells. For example, the simplest of the branch magic, Fire magic only has spells, the 2nd circle form of fire magic is fireball, then 3rd circle of fire magic are explosive fireball and fire arrow and so on. Fire magic can also be combined with other magic such as water magic to create other branch magic such as mist magic, wind and water to create lightning magic and so on.

as for water magic, its uses are similar to fire magic but it is strong for it's ability to utilize pressure magic which makes it great for capturing and trapping.

other magics such as wind and earth magic are more complex as they also branch off into other types of magic which we also call branch magic. For example, Wind magic in the 3rd circle were branched off into sound magic which vibrates the wind to mimic sounds and in the 4th circle, turns into locating magic which uses the vibrating wind to spread the user's mana flow in order to find traces of mana and locate someone or something. in the 5th circle, it turns into communication magic which uses the concept of sound magic but keeps a constant flow of mana between the user and the target which mana users interpret as words and lastly, flight magic in the 7th circle.

as for earth magic, in the 3rd circle and up, they branch off into other elements. from strongest to hardest, for example it starts with copper, aluminum and bronze and goes up to diamond, tungsten and titanium in the 6th circle, liquid type elements which are hard to control such as mercury which you can harden or thaw at will in the 7th circle and mana type elements in the 8th circle such as mythril, adamantite and orichalum and theorethically, mana stones in the 9th or 10th circle stage. all of these spells have their own branches of spells and uses as well.

Light magic is only light that become brighter and brighter up until the 7th circle, where you can learn to "harden" light or in other words, change the direction of light and concentrate it into one spot for beam magic and teleport magic in the 8th circle where you manipulate mana in your surrounding to flow into your body but instead of making it flow out, you make the mana flow within your bloodstream which allows the mana to turn your cells into light magic or photons allowing you to travel at the speed of light and gives off the impression of teleportation. Using this magic for a prolonged amount of time can be fatal or permanently damaging.

dark magic though is a byproduct of light magic, when there is light magic, dark magic exists. when using fire magic or light magic, dark magic in it's purest form exists. You can teleport other things but not yourself with it or you can cut anything with it's teleporting ability. It acts as a portal when manipulated with mana. If you are a mage in the 6th circle, you will have the ability to control dark magic using mana. dark magic branches into gravity magic, which is a result of wind and earth magic and pressure magic which is a product of water magic.

dark magic cannot be combined with other magic except for pressure magic, only has 2 branches and their uses are unique.

for example, gravity magic turns up or turns down the gravity of a certain spot. when used, the user's mana capacity will be the power of the magic. With a formula of approximately 10.807 m/s² (gravity of Ludwig's world) x (1.807 x amount of magic circles) = Xmgs or 10.807ms² ÷ (1.807 x amount of magic circle) = Xms² with a max of 0ms² to reduce gravity to calculate the magician's max power but we use 10.807ms² x/÷ (1.807 x amount of mana used) = Xms² to calculate the output of a magician per casting. 1 magic circle is approximately 100000 mgs (magicules). Targets of gravity magic can also nullify the magic by adding or subtracting gravity using their own gravity magic.

Pressure magic is magic that adds weight onto targets or spells. Its used to slow down and capturings targets or defensively against fire and wind magic. It also buffs water magic.

It's power is also influenced by the user's mana, with a formula of 1013.25 + (0.305 x amount of mana used) = Xmbar or 1013.25 + [(0.305 x amount of mana used) + (68.9 x every 0.305m² of water)] = Xmbar when used with water magic.