
Fae Hunter's Prize

Sam Bales is thrust into a world of terror and danger when she finds herself in the crosshairs of Damien, an unrelenting Fae-hunter. Captured and held prisoner after a fateful event, Sam discovers that her unique ability to sense and eliminate Fae creatures is exactly what Damien needs to achieve his mission - killing the enigmatic Fae queen. As Sam navigates this new, dangerous reality, she learns of the unseen politics and age-old rivalries governing the Fae realm. With each encounter, her perception of these magical beings evolves, uncovering a dark truth behind their motives. When Sam meets the powerful and charismatic Fae king, her outlook on the Fae forever shifts as she's pulled into a treacherous game of politics and prophecy. Realizing that her destiny lies intertwined with the fate of the Fae world, Sam must fight against time as they both teeter on the brink of disaster. In her quest for truth and redemption, Sam must navigate a treacherous path, facing betrayal, heartache, and unimaginable choices. Will she choose to embrace her role as the savior of the fae world, sacrificing her own desires? Or will she defy expectations, forging her own path as she discovers the true nature of her powers and the extent of her impact on both worlds?

Ccleavell · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The truth

My fists clenched at my sides, nails digging into the palms of my hands as I glared at Damien. The anger I had been holding back surged to the surface and spilled out in a sharp, bitter tone. "The Fae? Why did you choose me? Why was I taken from my life and forced into this world? My boyfriend, Will...he was killed and I couldn't even say goodbye at his funeral because of all of this!" My voice trembled with emotion as I spat out each word. "I don't care if you need me, one thing is for sure...I don't want to help you!"

 Damien's eyes narrowed, a calculating expression crossing his features. "You may not want to help me," he said slowly, stepping closer to me until I could feel the heat radiating off of him. "But you will." His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist in an iron grip before I had time to react. "I'm sorry about your boyfriend... I am," Damien said with mock sincerity as he leaned in close so our faces were just inches apart.

I tried pulling away from his grasp but it was like trying to move steel bars; Damien's grip only tightened further causing pain that made me grit my teeth together.

"You have something I don't and that's the power to kill the Fae and to use their weapons" He continued coldly, "I'm a Fae hunter, I make do with what I can to get rid of them from our world. They don't belong there Sam, and I know your dear Will was killed by one."

It felt like my heart was stabbed by his words. I know he was killed by that monster and I know I have killed countless Fae over the last year. But I didn't want to, I only did it to survive.

Damien released my wrist and stepped away from me, his voice softening as he continued. "You have no choice, Samantha, You must help me if you want to be free of this world forever."

"Why do I have this power you so speak of?" I ask while looking around at the weapons and notice a dagger that is behind me. I can use it to fight him.

He smirked and spoke in a low voice, "Many generations ago there existed a powerful bloodline: the Fae-Slayer Line. You come from this special line, Samantha. Your ancestors were once warriors that fought off the Fae to defend your world." He paused before continuing in a steady voice, "That is why you possess such mighty abilities…you are destined to be an Elite Warrior that will me."

The air is thick with tension as I stare at Damien. This man is delusional, and yet there's something so attractive about him, that I find myself wishing the man standing here was someone else.

I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. Fighting against Fae? It seems like something straight out of a fairy tale. But then again, everything that's happened to me lately feels like a strange dream. "Why me?" I finally ask, my mind buzzing with questions.

Damien looks at me with a determined expression. "Because you were chosen, Samantha. And I need you by my side." His words only add to my confusion and fear.

"And why do you want to eliminate them?" I inquire, trying to make sense of it all.

Damien's face hardens as he responds, "Because the Faerie Queen killed my father." My stomach drops at this revelation.

"Your father?" I repeat, feeling a sense of uneasiness wash over me.

Damien's voice trembles with an emotion I can't quite decipher. He glances over his shoulder at a nearby dagger, and I tense, ready to defend myself if needed.

"What happened?" I ask, trying to mask my curiosity.

"Before I answer that," he began and leaned closer to me, "let's talk about your bloodline." His gaze flickers to the floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with old books. "Your ancestors were bestowed powers by none other than the Fae queen." A sly grin crosses his face.

My confusion only grows as he speaks, but I try to focus on my goal: getting the dagger before him. "Wait, what are you saying?" I blurt out, trying to make sense of his words.

He lets out a defeated sigh before explaining further, "It's all due to the queen's hatred for my father. She gave humans the power to eliminate any dark or evil Fae."

I nod, starting to understand. "But why can't you do what I can do? Why can't you kill Fae with your hands or touch their weapons?"

His voice is smooth and persuasive like silk. "These weapons have never been used because of the reason I'm about to tell you, Miss Bales." He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing.

I responded with a dry tone, "And why is that, Damien?"

"Because the Fae queen put a curse on me and killed my father. It's quite amusing, really, how threatened she felt by my mere existence that she had to eliminate the Fae king, who happened to be my father."

My blood turned to ice and my mind became muddled with confusion. The more I learn about this situation, the more confused I become. 

Damien's laughter rings out, cold and mocking. "You still don't believe me, Miss Bales? I am a hybrid of both human and Fae blood. Once a prince, now a skilled hunter of the Fae. My father, a powerful Fae, had an affair with a human woman, resulting in my birth as a half-blood. But because of this, the queen banished him to the dark realm, where fae turned into blood-thirsty hunters roam free. And she sent me here, to live among humans as punishment for my existence." His voice drops to a dangerous whisper. "But this caused, the Fae king to go wild and threaten both realms. And your bloodline, blessed by the queen with powers to protect against such attacks, was supposed to be eradicated by my father before he died. Yet you stand before me now, the last living descendant of that lineage." Damien's eyes flash with malice as he reveals his true intentions. "The same power that was meant to protect will be the very thing that brings about the queen's downfall. For I am the rightful heir to her throne, and I will use your bloodline's gift to claim what is rightfully mine."