
Fading Lutinent

Fawaz_Ameen · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: The Discovery

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the room in a soft, golden glow, Alex sat hunched over his desk, his eyes scanning the ancient text before him. The pages of the weathered book crackled as he turned them, revealing intricate illustrations and cryptic symbols.

"This is it," he murmured to himself, his heart pounding with excitement. "The Book of the Four Legendary Lieutenants."

For weeks, Alex had been scouring libraries and dusty archives in search of clues about the enigmatic figures mentioned in the book. And now, finally, he held the key to unlocking their secrets.

But as he reached the end of the chapter, a strange sensation washed over him. The room began to spin, and a blinding light engulfed him. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he found himself standing in a vast, unfamiliar landscape.

"What... where am I?" Alex muttered, his voice barely audible over the rustling of the trees.

Before he could gather his wits, a group of armed soldiers surrounded him, their weapons drawn and pointed at his chest.

"Intruder!" one of them barked, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "State your name and purpose, or face the consequences."

Alex stumbled backward, his mind racing with confusion. How had he ended up in this strange place? And why were these soldiers treating him like a criminal?

"I... I'm Alex," he stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "I... I was summoned here by the Book of the Four Legendary Lieutenants."

The soldiers exchanged wary glances, their expressions filled with doubt.

"The Book of the Four Legendary Lieutenants?" one of them echoed, his tone dripping with skepticism. "You expect us to believe that fairy tale nonsense?"

Before Alex could respond, a regal figure emerged from the shadows, her eyes ablaze with fury.

"Alex," she spat, her voice laced with contempt. "So, you've finally shown your true colors."

Alex's heart sank as he recognized the face of his former comrade, Princess Elena, the crown princess of this mysterious realm.

"Elena," he whispered, his voice heavy with betrayal. "What's going on? Why are you doing this?"

But Elena only sneered, her lips curled in disgust.

"You were always a weakling, Alex," she taunted, her words like daggers to his heart. "And now, you're nothing but a burden to us all."

With those final words, Elena turned on her heel and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts.

As he watched her retreating figure, a fire ignited within him, burning away the doubt and despair that had threatened to consume him.

"No," he vowed, his voice firm with determination. "I may have been betrayed, but I refuse to be defined by it. I will prove to them all that I am not a scumbag. I will become stronger, and I will make them regret ever doubting me."

And with that solemn oath, Alex set out on his journey, his eyes fixed on the horizon and his heart filled with resolve.


This is a snippet from the first chapter of the light novel "Fading Lieutenant" featuring your protagonist, Alex, as he embarks on his journey in the fantasy world. Let me know if you'd like to continue the story or if you have any specific requests for subsequent chapters!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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