
Facing the Apocalypse of Naraka as a God's Scion

In the year 2032, strange messages started to appear on smartphones and other devices across the planet. Warning of an Apocalypse soon to come, with a strange “gacha” coming alongside these messages, rewarding a character to those who opened the app. A few hours after the message, the apocalypse started. Monsters appeared out of the ground and started to hunt and kill humans, as those able to fight started their struggle for survival. This is the story of one group of survivors, one who decided to fight against the odds and uncover the true origin of the app that granted people’s powers, and the driving force behind this apocalypse of Gods and Monsters. Update 2 chapters a day.

Laziest_Pillow · Fantasy
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388 Chs

The Song of the End 2 (Ouro's side)

In a mere second from her attack, to Yraka's sneak attack, and the Valkyrie's movement, all hell broke loose. In the split second divine spells and runes were unleashed against the city, almost immediately blasting away buildings as the defenders tried to avoid the falling debris.

Ouro flew low, to get their sisters close to the ground, adding more chances for the defenders to sneak attack them, and break their wings or defenses. Every Valkyrie had a rune shield around them, even Kyrie couldn't break them because he lacked the necessary firepower, and knowledge to bypass the runes.

Ouro lacked such a flaw, however. Her sisters were not dumb enough to drop down their shields around Ouro just because she could bypass them on an individual level, they knew they had more enemies coming their way. The shields won't help them against their fallen sisters, but will against the mortals.