
Facing the Apocalypse of Naraka as a God's Scion

In the year 2032, strange messages started to appear on smartphones and other devices across the planet. Warning of an Apocalypse soon to come, with a strange “gacha” coming alongside these messages, rewarding a character to those who opened the app. A few hours after the message, the apocalypse started. Monsters appeared out of the ground and started to hunt and kill humans, as those able to fight started their struggle for survival. This is the story of one group of survivors, one who decided to fight against the odds and uncover the true origin of the app that granted people’s powers, and the driving force behind this apocalypse of Gods and Monsters. Update 2 chapters a day.

Laziest_Pillow · Fantasy
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388 Chs

Journey through the snow 4

The walk to the supply rooms confirmed part of his assumptions. Some of it was touched, but not nearly enough to put a sizable dent in the resources. They all died before using it, or they knew their ending was coming, so they left it for some other survivor to find.

Unlikely given the front door was beyond locked... Kyrie shook his head, with the storage room out of the way, Kyrie moved to the dormitories…

A great number of people died there, motionless. Their faces were a little peaceful but still frowning. They froze to death, unaware of their ultimate fate before it befell them.

Some beds were empty, or the place hadn't reached maximum capacity, or other people moved out, refusing to die here. The memory of so many people dying together in a single room, struggling to keep their warmth for just a little longer came to mind.

Kyrie's lips were dry and rough at the thought of those memories. It was crushing to see that type of view again.