
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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189 Chs

Chapter 94 : Chu Zhaoyang Trapped Her Against The Wall

Shi Hongze was surprised that Gu Nian could bear it so well, and said, "Thankfully Young Master Chu didn't bandage you before, otherwise the cloth and blood would stick together, and it would be more painful to tear it open now."

Chu Zhaoyang sat next to Gu Nian without saying a word, hugged her, clasped the back of her head, and buried her in his arms. He could also feel her trembling more clearly, and her whole body was shaking with pain.

"Speak out if it hurts." Chu Zhaoyang said, not wanting to see her endure such pain.

Gu Nian clenched her teeth and shook her head. If she made a sound, she would be less able to bear it and might cry.

Chu Zhaoyang pursed his lips calmly, then suddenly lifted the back of her head, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Gu Nian was so dazed by the kiss that her mind went blank, leaving only his mint scent. Apart from that, apart from the softness and electric touch on her lips, she couldn't feel anything else. She couldn't care less about the pain in her palms.

She didn't know how long it took before she heard Shi Hongze's speechless voice: "Okay, you two can separate, I've finished cleaning up."

Chu Zhaoyang cursed secretly: "It's troublesome!"!

At this point, he let go of Gu Nian without feeling satisfied.

Gu Nian had already lowered her head. She was completely ashamed to see Shi Hongze and He Haoran, and she kissed Chu Zhaoyang in front of them, completely forgetting them.

"Let me take a look at your arm. From your description, it should be a muscle strain." Shi Hongze said, finally alleviating some of the embarrassment.

He checked it and said, "That's true. Apply ice first, and then bandage it. I'll have someone deliver medicine tomorrow. You can remove the bandage after 24 hours, and then apply medicine."

After everything was done, before Shi Hongze left, he said, "You have been standing in the mountains for a long time tonight. You can take a hot bath to warm yourself up. Just be careful not to get your arms and hands wet."

Nanny Yu sent Shi Hongze and He Haoran away. Chu Zhaoyang stood in the guest room with no intention of leaving.

He was tall and had long legs, which took up a lot of space, making the originally spacious guest room seemed narrow.

Gu Nian was a little stressed by his stare. She raised her eyes to look at him quietly, then immediately lowered her head.

Suddenly, she heard Chu Zhaoyang say: "Take off your clothes."

Gu Nian: "..."

She blushed so hard: "You...what do you want to do...?"

Chu Zhaoyang: "..."

He really wanted to do it.

"You are too tired, tonight is not the right time." Chu Zhaoyang replied seriously.

This girl, why was she so unreserved every time she faced him?

Was it so hard to control herself?

Gu Nian: "..."

What on earth was he talking about?

"Take off your clothes and take a bath." Chu Zhaoyang added.

"No…no need!" Gu Nian said quickly.

Who wanted to be undressed by him and carried to take a shower?

It's better to tell him that he hasdn't reached this stage yet.

Nanny Yu, who had just sent He Haoran and Shi Hongze away, came back and heard Chu Zhaoyang's unreserved words. This was simply a hooligan!

She immediately said "aiyo" and hurriedly came in to relieve Gu Nian's embarrassment.

"Let me help Miss Gu." Nanny Yu said.

Although it was embarrassing to be stripped naked by a stranger and looked at naked, at least it was much better to be looked at by Nanny Yu than Chu Zhaoyang.

So Gu Nian quickly nodded: "Yes, just help me, Nanny Yu. I'm begging you."

Chu Zhaoyang still didn't give up, and before leaving, he said, "Call me if you need anything."

Gu Nian nodded perfunctorily, since he wouldn't be asked to help her take a bath anyway.

Nanny Yu went to the bathroom to fill the water for Gu Nian. This room was still the one Gu Nian stayed in last time. There was no bathroom, so she had to use the bathroom next to it.

Gu Nian went over with Nanny Yu.

Nanny Yu tested the water temperature and explained: "I adjusted the water temperature to be a little hotter so that you can have the best effect when soaking in it."

Then, she helped Gu Nian take off her clothes.

Seeing Gu Nian's blushing face and looking uncomfortable, she smiled and said, "I'm so old, and besides, we're both women, so just pretend you're in a public bathhouse."

Gu Nian smiled sheepishly, tested the temperature of the water, and then sat in carefully.

The water temperature is a bit hot, but once she get used to it, herwhole body felt relaxed.

"I'll wait outside. If you need anything, just call me." Nanny Yu said.

"Okay, I'll bother Nanny Yu tonight." Gu Nian said.

"It's okay. By the way, because I'm afraid you'll have a lot of inconvenience tonight, Sir asked me to stay here for one night, so if you have anything, just tell me." Nanny Yu said.

Gu Nian didn't expect that Chu Zhaoyang would be so attentive.

Because her hands were injured and she couldn't get them in the water, she definitely couldn't apply shower gel. She washed them carefully and could only take a simple soak to get rid of the cold air.

Nanny Yu wanted to help her, but Gu Nian still felt embarrassed and refused.

She was so tired that she almost fell asleep after soaking in hot water.

When she soaked in the water until it was no longer so hot, she called Nanny Yu to come in, and Nanny Yu helped her dry the water off her body.

"This is Miss Chu's pajamas. I think you two are about the same figure, so you should be able to wear them." Nanny Yu gave Chu Tian's pajamas to Gu Nian, "Miss Chu often comes over to see Mr. Chu, and she lives here by the way, so it's okay to take some clothes of her. You can wear her clothes tomorrow too."

Gu Nian thanked her, changed into her pajamas with the help of Nanny Yu, and then returned to the guest room next door.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Chu Zhaoyang sitting on her bed.

She just finished taking a shower, and her face, which was soft and pink due to the hot water, was red and smoky.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nian felt difficulty breathing when she saw him.

His presence here was too strong, and she felt uncomfortable wherever she stood.

"I've come to see you." Chu Zhaoyang sat beside her bed, staying still and not feeling anything wrong at all.

Gu Nian lowered her head and saw that her arms were wrapped in bandages. Even her hands were wrapped, like a mummy. The image was really not very good.

Looking at him again. He was wearing a shirt and trousers, looking casual and carefree. He was extremely good-looking.

Such a strong contrast, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of herself.

"Are you okay?" Chu Zhaoyang asked.

Gu Nian nodded gently: "I feel much better now. My arms and hands won't hurt as long as they don't move."

Chu Zhaoyang slowly stood up and walked to Gu Nian.

She was standing at the door. As soon as he came over, she immediately stepped aside, leaving the exit space vacant.

Chu Zhaoyang paused, his eyes filled with a little smile, he turned around and trapped her against the wall.

Gu Nian's arms and hands were now wrapped up like a mummy and fixed. She couldn't move freely, couldn't push him, and could only be trapped by him.

Seeing him lowered his head and approached her, Gu Nian closed her eyes, thinking she was about to be kissed, but instead he raised his hand, his palm resting on the top of her head, and ruffled her hair.

 "Good night."

The mellow and pleasant voice fell on the top of her head, and then his hot breath gradually moved away.

Gu Nian opened her eyes and saw that Chu Zhaoyang was already at the door.

She lowered her head in annoyance and groaned silently. She was so embarrassed!

Why was she closing her eyes when she have nothing to do?

They were all Chu Zhaoyang, who was silent and said nothing, but always did things that made people misunderstand!

She looked up at him angrily. Seeing that Chu Zhaoyang was about to go out, she took two steps to the door, intending to see him off.

Chu Zhaoyang suddenly stopped, turned around, lowered his head and kissed her.

He put his hot palms against her waist and picked her up.

Gu Nian's back pressed against the cool door panel and was squeezed tightly by him. She was at the same height as him and was kissed tightly by him.

Chu Zhaoyang's lips relaxed her slightly, and while breathing heavily, he rubbed her lips and kissed her softly.

Looking at her disappointed look just now, she was obviously looking forward to him kissing her!

Chu Zhaoyang sighed, Gu Nian liked him so much that he couldn't bear to let her down, even if he had to take a cold bath when he went back.

Chu Zhaoyang licked his lips, and it was also stained on her lips.

Gu Nian felt the softness of her lips brushing against her, and was startled. She blushed and quickly sucked her lips back and hid them.

Chu Zhaoyang then let her go and said hoarsely, "Good night."

Then he turned around and hurried back to the room.

Gu Nian covered her red face in annoyance and fell down on the bed.

Chu Zhaoyang breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to his room and looked down.

Fortunately, he didn't make a fool of himself in front of Gu Nian.

He went to take a cold shower and returned to bed, still tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep.