
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 92 : Why Did You Come Here Now? I Called You For So Long

She rubbed her bloody palm against the bark of the tree, but there was nothing she could do. The pain was so painful that she could no longer induce greater stimulation.

She could only bite her tongue, bite her lips, and even hit her head against the tree trunk when she was about to faint, so she could barely hold on until now.

Until she heard that "wait a minute", it sounded so much like Chu Zhaoyang's voice.

She thought that she must not be able to hold on any longer, so she began to hallucinate. It was like a dream when she heard Chu Zhaoyang's voice appear here.

How could he appear here?

But she had just talked so much to Chu Zhaoyang alone, and now she couldn't help but scream out even if it was an hallucination.

"Chu…Chu Zhaoyang?"

Chu Zhaoyang walked out of the crowd, raised his head, and said to Gu Nian, who was hugging the tree trunk helplessly, "It's me."

The voice was firm, low-mellow, gentle, and full of comfort.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he came in time.

Fortunately, he still came to see her today.

Otherwise, it's really hard to say what will happen.

Maybe, she really will be...

Looking at Gu Nian teetering on the branch, he knew she couldn't hold on.

If they came later, he didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Chu Zhaoyang's eyes were a little wet and painful from the warmth.

Having just experienced such a great fear, it was no exaggeration to say that she escaped from death.

She was so scared just now, but now she saw the person she wanted to see the most, and she burst into tears: "You... why did you come here now? I called you for so long..."

So, when she was scared, she kept thinking about him?

Chu Zhaoyang's heart was hit, but he couldn't be happy at this time, and he was full of heartache.

He said softly: "Don't cry, can you climb down?"

Gu Nian tried to move her arms, but froze: "I can't move..."

"She must have maintained this position for a long time and was in a state of high tension. Her muscles have stiffened and she cannot move now. There may also be a strain. We need to wait until she comes down for a detailed examination." Jiang Xiangyuan explained.

Chu Zhaoyang raised the flashlight and shined it. The light was a bit dazzling. Gu Nian couldn't raise her arm to block it, so she could only turn her head away.

Chu Zhaoyang saw some red color on the bark of the tree she was holding in her arms.

It's her blood.

Chu Zhaoyang now wanted to kill someone. He stood under the tree, raised his head, and said in a low and firm voice: "Jump down, I will catch you."

This tree was tall, otherwise it would not be able to escape the jumping height of the wolf.

There was no problem for her to jump down, but it will be dangerous for him to pick her up.

Gu Nian shook her head: "I will hurt you."

"No, believe me." Chu Zhaoyang said immediately.

Gu Nian shook her head, she knew the danger.

She could wait for someone to arrange it, and she could persist, but she just didn't want to hurt him.

"Gu Nian, I found you." Chu Zhaoyang said in a deep voice, "So, believe me."

She was so seriously injured, how could he bear to let her wait up there all the time, waiting for them to be ready?

Even if he get hurt because of this, it would be nice to be able to hurt with her.

Gu Nian saw him standing under the tree, but he stood even taller than the tree, standing like a pine, indescribably firm, which made her feel extremely at ease.

Gu Nian sniffed and stopped crying. Then she saw Chu Zhaoyang opened his arms and said to her: "Jump down."

Looking at his solid and strong chest, Gu Nian didn't want to stay in the tree any longer. She just wanted to fall into his arms and be protected tightly by him.

It was cold at night, and she had stood here for a long time. Her whole body was already frozen to the point of freezing, and she was shivering.

"I...I jump." Gu Nian said.

Chu Zhaoyang said calmly: "Okay."

Gu Nian closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and jumped down without caring about anything.

Even if he was really injured, it will not be more serious than it was now.

The sound of wind whistling in the mountains and forests filled her ears, and the wind was as sharp as a knife blowing across her skin.

Immediately afterwards, she ran into a hug, which smelled of mint. The momentum of her fall hit Chu Zhaoyang, and Chu Zhaoyang was also knocked backwards. Finally, he could no longer stabilize and fell to the ground.

Even so, Chu Zhaoyang still held her tightly, wrapping his arms tightly around her, protecting her in his arms, and she was not harmed at all.

It's just that Chu Zhaoyang's back hit the dense stones on the ground, causing pain to his bones.

But he remained silent, even breaking out in cold sweat, and did not show any sign of pain. He endured it without even taking a breath.

Gu Nian hurriedly sat up from his arms and looked at him nervously: "How are you?"

"It's okay." Chu Zhaoyang pushed himself up to sit up.

He Haoran next to him was already grinning in sympathy.

Gu Nian closed her eyes and jumped down, so she didn't see it. But she saw with her own eyes that Chu Zhaoyang hit the rocks on the ground firmly.

The pain was unimaginable.

Chu Zhaoyang, however, acted as if nothing was wrong and did not even frown.

Instead, he supported Gu Nian first and held her arm with his palm, but he only felt a biting coldness.

Thinking that she had been standing in this cold night for so long, her whole body had long been frozen, and she was suffering from both physical and mental torture. Chu Zhaoyang was filled with hatred and immediately hugged her sideways.

"Bag, my bag, I put it under the tree." Gu Nian said to Chu Zhaoyang in a low voice, his teeth chattering due to the cold.

Chu Zhaoyang looked down at her, and Gu Nian explained: "My map, flashlight, and compass all have problems. I don't believe this is a coincidence."

Chu Zhaoyang nodded understandingly and told He Haoran: "Take the bag."

He Haoran looked around for a long time and found only a uniform backpack under the tree, so he quickly went to pick it up.

Xu Chengyi's expression changed. It was too late to go up and get it. The bag had already fallen into He Haoran's hand.

Chu Zhaoyang passed in front of Xu Chengyi with Gu Nian in his arms, paused, and looked at Xu Chengyi coldly: "I'll remember."

Xu Chengyi choked, raised his neck and yelled with a fierce expression: "Remember what?"

Chu Zhaoyang ignored him and left with Gu Nian in his arms.

Jiang Xiangyuan quickly signaled to the team members, asking them to follow and protect Chu Zhaoyang and Gu Nian from leaving.

At the same time, he contacted several other teams and said that she had been found.

Chu Zhaoyang carried Gu Nian to the car, turned around and said to Jiang Xiangyuan, "Thank you tonight."

"It's nothing, this is how it should be." Jiang Xiangyuan looked at Gu Nian in Chu Zhaoyang's arms. She had closed her eyes tiredly, her whole body was weak, and he felt guilty, "Don't worry, this matter will definitely be dealt."

Chu Zhaoyang did not express his position, but carried Gu Nian into the car.

He Haoran quickly said goodbye to Jiang Xiangyuan, got in and drove.

Gu Nian has been nestling in Chu Zhaoyang's arms. He touched her face, neck, arms, waist and abdomen, and even her legs. They were all cold and there was no warmth in her body.

He took off his suit with a high and solemn face and wrapped it around Gu Nian's body, but it was basically of no use.

"Turn up the heater." Chu Zhaoyang said to He Haoran who was driving.

Although it's cool at night,  the heater was not turned on yet. Normally, no one will will feel cold at all in the car.

He Haoran turned on the heater and heard Chu Zhaoyang say: "Turn it on to the maximum."

He Haoran responded and quickly turned on the heating to the maximum. After a while, the car was surrounded by high temperatures.

He Haoran also took off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt near the collar.

Chu Zhaoyang only cared about hugging Gu Nian and couldn't make a move at all. Dense sweat broke out on his forehead and neck, and beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead.

His chest and back were soaked, and his shirt was almost completely soaked.

Gu Nian was wrapped in his suit, so he didn't feel any discomfort.

Her body was really too cold. Even at such a high temperature, she couldn't feel much. Her limbs were numb from the freezing cold. It took a long time before she could feel some warmth.

Chu Zhaoyang had been holding her tightly, and suddenly he thought of the bloody mark he saw on the tree trunk when he looked up just now, so he gently held her wrist and took it out of the suit.

After seeing it clearly, his dark eyes narrowed, his pupils shrank, and he looked steadily at her palm.

Her palms were worn to pieces by the rough bark, as if there were no intact areas.

Chu Zhaoyang didn't dare to move for fear of hurting her, so he quickly called Shi Hongze and asked him to go to Lanyuan and wait immediately.

"How long have you been waiting there?" Chu Zhaoyang asked in a strained voice. He was filled with anger and could burst out at any time.

"I waited until just now at 5:30 in the afternoon." Gu Nian answered weakly.

"Then what time did you set off?" Chu Zhaoyang asked, squinting his eyes.

Gu Nian paused and then said: "In the morning... ten o'clock."

That was to say, she had been lost in the mountains since 10 a.m., and stopped at 5:30, and she has been waiting there without any material items or warmth.

Chu Zhaoyang hugged her tightly: "I will get justice for you."

Gu Nian looked at him blankly and said in confusion: "You..."

He was obviously very angry last time they met, and he had Jiang Xiangxue by his side, so why was he so gentle now?

It's like... he cared about her.

"You came to the base today for something?" Gu Nian actually wanted to ask if he came to see her, but she still didn't have the courage to ask.

Chu Zhaoyang lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes fluttering shadows in the dim space inside the car, like butterflies in a black hole.

Quiet and beautiful.

"What do you think?" Chu Zhaoyang's face was calm and his ears were slightly red.

A low and gentle voice slowly sounded in the dim car, like warm wine, slowly drifting into her ears with a mellow breath.

Gu Nian's whole body was stiff and cold, but her face turned red and felt a little warm.

She hoped very much that he had come to find her.

Her hands couldn't touch him, so she rubbed her arms against him and leaned closer to his arms. Smelling the mint aroma coming from his body, she felt at ease and warm.

"Chu Zhaoyang, thank you." Gu Nian said softly, "Thank you for coming. No matter why you came, thank you for finding me. I am very happy that you are here."

However, Chu Zhaoyang focused on the last sentence of Gu Nian's words.

She was very happy that he came.

Sure enough, she was always thinking about him.

Chu Zhaoyang sighed silently in his heart, this girl just couldn't do it without him taking care of her.

Without him, she would suffer too easily.

Chu Zhaoyang sat up straighter. In this case, he should... take care of her.

Chu Zhaoyang's ears were red and he covered her cheeks with his hands.

His palms were hot, and her face felt even colder.

"Is it still cold?" Chu Zhaoyang asked.

He was lowering his head, his lips were a little close to hers, and his breath was warm as he spoke.

Gu Nian blushed and blinked constantly. Her eyelashes were like butterfly wings, attracting Chu Zhaoyang's gaze.

Gu Nian bit her lip in embarrassment. She was still cold, but at this time and in this atmosphere, would it sound like coquettishness to say she was cold?

Gu Nian was in a dilemma, but Chu Zhaoyang had already frowned and answered for her: "Why is it still so cold?"

He frowned and hugged her tightly, pressing his cheek against her forehead, using the warmth of his skin to warm her.

When he lowered his head, his lips involuntarily touched her forehead.