
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 179 : Gu Nian, Happy Birthday

After saying that, Yan Chuwei raised her head and left proudly.

Gu Nian really didn't understand what's the use of Yan Chuwei's targeting was, and she wasn't a child.

At such an old age, did she still care about a birthday?

All she cared about was Chu Zhaoyang's thoughts. As for being in the limelight, she never care.

Gu Nian shook her head and muttered to himself: "Boring."

By the time Gu Nian came out, the banquet had officially begun.

Shen Xiaoman and the others were no longer in the original corner. Gu Nian looked around and found that they were with Director Cheng, and Mo Jingsheng was standing next to Director Cheng.

In addition to Li Shaofeng and the others, there were also colleagues from other departments and the Forensic Medicine Department.

It seemed that the people from the police station were all together.

Yan Chuwei was following a middle-aged couple. She guessed that couple was Yan Chuwei and Yan Lui's parents.

Yan Lui was also on the other side of her parents.

Shen Xiaoman turned around and saw Gu Nian, and hurriedly waved to her.

Gu Nian then walked over, leaned into Shen Xiaoman's ear and asked, "What's going on?"

"You can tell by looking at each other, they are being polite to each other." Shen Xiaoman said in a low voice.

She heard Yan Chuwei's father, Yan Mingbo, saying to Director Cheng: "Director Cheng, thank you very much for your care and support of Chu Wei these years."

"No, I didn't do anything at all. It would be bad if I told people about it and people would misunderstand it. All of this was the result of Forensic Doctor Yan's own efforts. You can't let me take the credit." Director Cheng waved his hands and laughed.

Yan Mingbo also laughed.

"Dad, Mom, my colleagues also give me a lot of care." Yan Chuwei said softly.

"Yes, yes." Yan Mingbo said with a smile, "Thank you, Chuwei always tells us how good her colleagues are. A girl who likes the profession of forensic medicine, I, a father, don't know what to say. But she likes it, and there's nothing I can do about it. Now, I'm very grateful to have such a good working environment with colleagues like you, which in my opinion is the most valuable thing."

"Dad, Mom, let me introduce you." Yan Chuwei introduced her colleagues in the police station to Yan Mingbo and Zheng Xinyuan one by one.

She treated everyone, no matter whether they were sincere or not, but on the surface, Yan Mingbo and Zheng Xinyuan were both extremely kind and enthusiastic.

When it was Gu Nian's turn, Yan Chuwei said: "Dad, Mom, this is Gu Nian, do you still remember her?"

The reactions of Yan Mingbo and Zheng Xinyuan immediately became much colder than before. Although there was still a smile on her face, it was obviously a lot more hypocritical. The smile didn't even reach her eyes. She just called out "Miss Gu" lightly, and nothing more happened.

With other people, they would chat for a few words, but when it was Gu Nian's turn, they would quickly jump to the next one.

Zheng Xinyuan didn't even want to look at her one more time.

Others were not surprised. They knew that the relationship between Yan Chuwei and Gu Nian was not good. Yan Chuwei probably told her parents when she got home. Naturally, her parents would not like Gu Nian.

Gu Nian didn't feel uncomfortable. In fact, Yan Lui's parents didn't like her very much in the past.

At that time, she didn't know much about Yan Lui's family background. She only knew that his family was well off, but she didn't know that his family's background was so big.

At that time, his parents looked down upon her.

There were many colleagues from the police station. When Yan Mingbo and Zheng Xinyuan went to talk to other colleagues, they had already lost their attention.

Yan Lui walked over quietly and said, "My parents' tempers are just like that. Don't mind."

Gu Nian shook her head and did not express her thoughts.

Actually, if she didn't care, she won't mind of course.

They have no weight in her heart, so why would she care?

Yan Lui put his hands in his suit trouser pockets: "Gu Nian, happy birthday."

Gu Nian was not surprised, Yan Lui remembered her birthday.

But on this day, it warmed her heart to have someone remember her and say "Happy Birthday" to her.

"Thank you." Gu Nian smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why my sister chose to hold a banquet today. I——" Yan Lu was about to take out the gift in his trouser pocket when Yan Mingbo and Zheng Xinyuan suddenly came over.

The two of them had already met with Yan Chuwei's colleagues. When they came back, they saw Yan Lui talking to Gu Nian alone.

Zheng Xinyuan got angry when she saw Yan Lui was looking at Gu Nian and she was unable to help herself.

"Yan Lui." Zheng Xinyuan came over and called.

Gu Nian took a step back. Zheng Xinyuan glanced at Gu Nian lightly, full of disdain: "Why are you lingering here? Why don't you help to greet your uncle?"

In addition to colleagues from the police station, the Yan family also invited friends from the business world, as well as their relatives and friends in City B.

Yan Lui was helpless and said to Gu Nian, "I'll come find you soon."

"What are you looking her for? The protagonist tonight is your sister." Zheng Xinyuan said unhappily, and turned to look at Gu Nian coldly, "Miss Gu, you are free to do as you like. Just don't wander around here. Find your colleagues in the police station so as not to bump into other guests."

Gu Nian laughed angrily. Originally, she was not willing to come tonight, but now she said it as if she was shameless to come to meet someone.

"Sorry, I have something else to do. I just came here tonight to show my face and then leave." Gu Nian also said coldly, not in the habit of being cold-assed.

Zheng Xinyuan pursed her lips sternly, very dissatisfied with Gu Nian's attitude.

Yan Lui was about to say something, but before he could say anything, he was pulled away by Zheng Xinyuan.

Yan's family came to the side of their relatives and friends, as well as many partners in the shopping mall.

One of the ladies smiled and said, "I just saw Yan Lui chatting with that girl over there for a long time. Was she his girlfriend?"

Zheng Xinyuan's expression changed and she said, "They are just ordinary colleagues. Yan Lui and Chuwei usually keep a low profile, and our colleagues don't know our situation. Didn't they see it today and have something else on their mind? I look down on this kind of person."

"Yes, you have to be careful." The lady agreed, "Yan Lui was promoted to police inspector based on his own ability at a young age. He is also a talented person. He must be very popular outside."

"Yeah, I'm not boasting. There are indeed too many people who pursue Yan Lui. That girl just now. I don't understand why girls nowadays are so thick-skinned. How can someone as outstanding as my Yan Lui be with her? This kind of person are not worthy of him." Zheng Xinyuan said disdainfully.

At this time, they didn't know who said: "Isn't that Shaodong of Nanyin Group, Nan Jingheng?"

Because of this sentence, everyone looked over.

Yan Chuwei was also surprised and asked Yan Mingbo: "Dad, did you send the invitation to Nan Jingheng?"

"Yes, but I didn't expect him to come." Yan Mingbo glanced at the wife, took Zheng Xinyuan and Yan Chuwei aside, avoided her, and whispered, "I did give it to Nan Jingheng, Han Zhuoli and the others have all sent invitations. But apart from official business, they don't have a deep friendship with private invitations, and their group has never attended. Moreover, Nan Jingheng's secretary also replied, saying that he was busy tonight. I don't know if it is an excuse, but it has been clearly rejected."

"Then why did he suddenly come here again tonight?" Yan Chuwei's eyes changed and she looked at Gu Nian suspiciously.

Was it because of her?

Maybe not.

Nan Jingheng has a good relationship with Chu Zhaoyang, but he won't come to give face to Gu Nian tonight.

Zheng Xinyuan didn't know that much, so she straightened her hair and said, "No matter what the reason is, since they are here, they are here to give us face, and we have to treat them well. There are not many reporters here tonight, hurry up and let them take pictures."

Zheng Xinyuan held Yan Chuwei's hand while walking: "If it is reported that Nan Jingheng came to attend your celebration banquet tonight, you will be famous."

Yan Chuwei was not as confident as Zheng Xinyuan, and she was still uncertain in her heart.

But still followed Zheng Xinyuan and Yan Mingbo to Nan Jingheng.

Seeing Nan Jingheng walking towards them, Zheng Xinyuan couldn't help but excitedly pulled Yan Mingbo's sleeves: "It seems that he is really here to find us."

Yan Mingbo puffed out his chest: "My brother is the mayor of Jin City. I guess Nan Jingheng has some plans in Tianjin City and he has to come over to get close to us."

At this time, even Yan Chuwei began to believe that Nan Jingheng might have really given their family face.

Yan Chuwei's lips curled up in a reserved manner. Yan Mingbo smiled and already stretched out his hand towards Nan Jingheng.

Nan Jingheng was suddenly blocked by them. He was surprised, but he still shook hands with Yan Mingbo to give him some dignity.

Just as Zheng Xinyuan was about to speak, Nan Jingheng spoke: "Mr. Yan, I'm sorry, I have something to do here."

Yan Mingbo was surprised. He was not here to attend Yan Chuwei's celebration banquet

What else could it be?