
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 153 : If He's Not Dead, Who Are You Going To Choose?

Chu Zhaoyang nodded indifferently, thought for a while, and said, "Is there anyone in our prison?"

"We can find a way." He Haoran said immediately.

"I want Jiang Xiangxue to have no peace in prison." Chu Zhaoyang said solemnly.

"Yes." He Haoran responded.

At this time, Gu Nian had completed a comprehensive examination and was pushed back.

Chu Zhaoyang hurriedly followed and entered the ward with Gu Nian.

Gu Nian had woken up and the wound on her head had been treated.

The doctor said: "I just checked on Miss Gu. It's just a trauma. She suffered a blow to the brain. Fortunately, the test results are normal. She will stay in the hospital for observation overnight. If nothing happens, she will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

He Haoran said: "I'm going to pay attention to the situation over Jiang Xiangxue."

Then, he left.

Chu Zhaoyang sat on the edge of the bed and gently touched Gu Nian's uninjured cheek.

At this time, a nurse came in and felt a little embarrassed when she saw the state of Chu Zhaoyang and Gu Nian.

Chu Zhaoyang retracted his hand calmly and turned to look at the nurse.

The nurse said, "Miss Gu, I'm here to give you medicine."

"What medicine?" Chu Zhaoyang asked.

"Miss Gu has a slap mark on her cheek, which is swollen. This is to help quickly reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, and relieve pain." The nurse explained.

"I'll do it." Chu Zhaoyang reached out and took the medicine.

The nurse did not refuse and said: "Apply this medicine to the injured area on Miss Gu's face, and gently massage in circular motions until the ointment is completely absorbed by the skin. There are no side effects. It can relieve pain and reduce the burning sensation immediately after applying it. If she feel pain after applying the medicine for a while, you can continue to apply it. There is no limit on the number of times."

Chu Zhaoyang knew that this medicine was exclusively developed by Chutian Laboratory.

After being launched on the market, other businesses have followed suit because of its particularly good results.

But it was always because of the lack of patented ingredients that it could not achieve the effect of Chutian.

After the nurse left, Chu Zhaoyang squeezed some ointment onto his fingertips and dabbed it on Gu Nian's slightly red and swollen left cheek.

As soon as the gel ointment came into contact with the skin, there was a cooling sensation on the skin, which was extremely comfortable.

"Tell me if it hurts." Chu Zhaoyang said, and he wanted to apply medicine to her.

Gu Nian held his hand and said, "I'll apply it myself.

This man had never served anyone before.

How could he know the importance of the first move?

It was enough if he had this heart.

Chu Zhaoyang persisted in holding her hand there, refusing to take it back.

He didn't say a word, but looked at her steadily, his eyes particularly firm.

Gu Nian hesitated for a moment, became weak for a moment, and let go of his hand: "Then just apply it, be gentle."

Chu Zhaoyang's eyes were soft, and he stretched out his hand to apply the ointment on her, gently drawing circles without daring to use any strength, just like a feather swiping in circles on it.

The smooth touch of the gel made the slightly rough feeling on his fingertips disappear.

The coolness spread slightly on her left cheek, and Gu Nian relaxed her expression comfortably.

When all the gel was absorbed by the skin, Gu Nian couldn't help but say: "Apply more."

Chu Zhaoyang obediently squeezed a little more into his fingertips: "Doesn't it hurt?"

Gu Nian rolled her eyes and said, "My face hurts, but it doesn't hurt if you apply it."

Chu Zhaoyang had a smile in his eyes, and carefully rubbed the gel into her skin until it was absorbed.

The cooling feeling was even greater when combined, making Gu Nian's cheeks felt much more comfortable.

Chu Zhaoyang put down the ointment and looked at her straightly.

He was so close to losing her.

Chu Zhaoyang couldn't get enough of it. He felt that even breaking Jiang Xiangxue's body into thousands of pieces was not enough.

His girl was so nice.

But she always suffered so much because of him.

Again and again.

Chu Zhaoyang even hated himself, why couldn't he keep her safe and protect her?

Why did he always bring her so much trouble?

"I'm sorry." Chu Zhaoyang said hoarsely, clenching his fists tightly and feeling depressed, "It's all because of me."

"No." Gu Nian said hurriedly. This time, it was her fault.

She was the one who got fooled, time and time again, and needed him to save her.

Why she was deceived, Gu Nian couldn't even explain.

It was like...she had done something sorry for Chu Zhaoyang and it was hard to talk about it.

"It's my fault this time." Gu Nian whispered, like a child who did something wrong,

admitting her mistake with difficulty, "It's my fault."

Gu Nian raised her head to see Chu Zhaoyang with a self-blaming look on his face, fearing that he would think too much and put all the blame on himself.

He was under enough pressure.

Gu Nian bit her lip and said, "The reason why they caught me is because I was fooled."

Chu Zhaoyang looked at her puzzled.

Gu Nian thought about how Chu Zhaoyang was so angry last time because of Yan Lui's incident, and she was afraid and did not dare to tell him.

Her shoulders shrank, and she was very confused.

She grieved her teeth, Gu Nian said cautiously: "I took the subway to go to your place today. I had already arrived at the subway entrance near your home, and I saw a man..."

Chu Zhaoyang stared at her expressionlessly.

Gu Nian felt even more guilty, even if Chu Zhaoyang usually looked so paralyzed.

But now because of her guilty conscience, she didn't even dare to look at him. She felt that he was very harsh like this.

She was not afraid of him before, but now she was especially afraid.

"That man's profile... really looks like Yan Lui." Gu Nian said, her voice getting softer, and she added hastily, "I didn't plan to chase him at first. I still remember that you were very angry that time."

"So, I was ready to pretend I hadn't seen it. But then he appeared in front of me again, very close, and I just... I couldn't hold it back, and I still wanted to confirm. It turned out that it was not the case. Who knew when I turned around, I was stunned."

Chu Zhaoyang looked at her intently for a long time, and Gu Nian looked at him anxiously: "Chu Zhaoyang..."

That voice was pitiful.

Chu Zhaoyang suddenly stood up, turned around and left.

Gu Nian was startled, and quickly grabbed him regardless of the fact that she was still a little dizzy.

"Chu Zhaoyang, don't leave! You can be angry with me, but don't ignore me!" Gu Nian was so anxious that she almost cried.

She was very angry with herself and hated herself, so why did she have to chase after him?

Yan Lui was dead, already dead!

Why should she be deceived?

She was so stupid!

"I'll get you a glass of water." Chu Zhaoyang said calmly.

"I'm not thirsty." Gu Nian said immediately.

Chu Zhaoyang looked at her without saying a word.

Gu Nian bit her lip and reluctantly let go of her hand.

But a pair of eyes kept chasing Chu Zhaoyang, fearing that he would lie to her, so he turned around and left.

In the end, he took out a crystal glass from the bar, went to the water dispenser, mixed a cup of warm water and returned it, giving it to Gu Nian.

Gu Nian took it, took a sip, and said nervously: "Chu Zhaoyang, please say something."

"I'm angry, I don't want to say it." Chu Zhaoyang had a sullen face and didn't look at her.

Gu Nian put down the cup and said, "Chu Zhaoyang, I promise you, no matter how much I meet someone who looks like him in the future, I will never chase him. Even if it is him himself, I will not chase him."

Chu Zhaoyang looked at him sarcastically: "He's dead, or not?"

Where did he come from?

Chu Zhaoyang's breathing was a little fast and heavy.

He picked up the glass of water that Gu Nian had just put down, and drank it with his head raised.

Obviously he's dead, but Gu Nian still chases after him every time she saw him, never believing that he was dead.

So, did she still have unresolved feelings for him?

Chu Zhaoyang looked at Gu Nian with a serious look.

"Chu Zhaoyang, I was wrong. If he is dead, I will no longer hold on to any hope. If I don't hold on to hope, I won't chase after anyone who looks like him." Gu Nian grabbed his hand, "I understand he is dead."

Chu Zhaoyang was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but what could he do to her?

He was reluctant to beat or scold, and he could not compared himself with a dead person.

"What if he's not dead?" Chu Zhaoyang suddenly asked.

"What?" Gu Nian looked at him puzzled.

Chu Zhaoyang was agitated and wanted to vent the fire in his chest.

"If he is not dead, and was right in front of you." Chu Zhaoyang stared at her straightly, "Who are you going to choose?"

"Me, or him?"

"Of course it's you." Gu Nian said without thinking, "I've said it before, he is a very good friend to me. The fact is that he is dead. It's my fault. He is obviously dead. But I always struggle. But in fact, even if he is not dead, I am still happy for my friend. But, I will not have anything with him. "