
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 152 : I Don't Dare To Do It Anymore!

"What evidence do you have that she instigated you?" Chu Zhaoyang asked the three men.

The three men howled in pain, and they didn't know whether they heard Chu Zhaoyang's words.

The bodyguard grabbed the man in the coffee sweater by his hair and said, "Tell me! What evidence is there? If there is, you don't need to be beaten anymore."

"You...I'll tell you if you promise not to send us to the police station." The coffee sweater man said.

"Did you bring it?" Chu Zhaoyang asked Shi Hongze.

Shi Hongze nodded, and Gu Nian realized that Shi Hongze was carrying a thin password box with him.

He placed the box on the table and opened it. The box was surrounded by black soft velvet cloth.

Shi Hongze took out a pair of white gloves from the box, put them on, and then took out three transparent glass bottles the size of oral liquid, each half filled with transparent liquid.

Shi Hongze looked at them, walked closer to Chu Zhaoyang, and said in a voice that everyone could hear: "This is a sobering agent, which can stimulate the brain. No matter how tired you are, as long as you take the sobering agent, you will be able to stay awake for up to six hours. The brain is always in a highly alert state and is running rapidly. At the same time, all the senses in the body are infinitely amplified. Brain cells are stimulated to reach unprecedented heights in the human body."

Shi Hongze paused and then explained: "At the same time, the pain in the body will also be amplified ten times."

He Haoran squatted in front of the three men with a smile: "Tell me, can you stand it after drinking this and being beaten again? If you can bear it, I respect you as a man."

"Let us go... we'll... say! We'll say!" Gray Jacket said.

He would really rather go to the police station now than suffer torture here. Even going to jail would not be as painful as it was


"Say it." Chu Zhaoyang said coldly.

"We also recorded a sound. It must be her first time doing this, and her voice has not changed. When she contacted us and negotiated terms, her voice was her own," the gray jacket man said.

When the coffee sweater saw it, he quickly said: "She just sent a text message, you can check it too!"

The bodyguard immediately took away their phones: "Is the recording on the phone?"

The coffee sweater man nodded quickly: "Yes, there are all stored in the phone!"

"Take their things and send them to the police station." Chu Zhaoyang said.

Jiang Xiangxue's face was ashen. She really didn't expect that these people could still keep these things.

These people actually have such brains!

Jiang Xiangxue was extremely frightened: "Chu Zhaoyang, please, let me go! I don't dare to do it anymore! Wuwuwuwuwu! I was wrong! I was wrong... Wuwuwuwu... "

Jiang Xiangxue wanted to rush towards Chu Zhaoyang, but her arms were grabbed and she couldn't move forward at all.

"Gu Nian, Gu Nian, please say something! Gu Nian, please let Chu Zhaoyang let me go! Please! My dad...my dad deserves it. I won't save him! Let me go, I know I am wrong, I don't dare to do it anymore! Just let me go!" Jiang Xiangxue cried.

"Let's go." Chu Zhaoyang hugged Gu Nian and protected the back of her head with one hand, hiding her face in the crook of his neck to prevent her from looking at Jiang Xiangxue.

If possible, he would have covered Gu Nian's ears, but unfortunately he couldn't spare the time.

When passing by Jiang Xiangxue, Jiang Xiangxue was about to pounce on him excitedly. The bodyguard grabbed Jiang Xiangxue and made her unable to move.

Chu Zhaoyang ignored Jiang Xiangxue and the others and let his bodyguards take them to the police station.

"Go to the hospital." Chu Zhaoyang hugged Gu Nian and got into the car and ordered.

He Haoran drove away immediately, followed by his bodyguard in a car.

"Would you like to lie down, it will feel more comfortable." Chu Zhaoyang asked in a low voice.

After thinking about it, she said hoarsely: "Okay."

Chu Zhaoyang moved her gently, as if he were dealing with fragile and dreamy bubbles.

Slowly, he put Gu Nian aside and let her rest on his lap.

"I saw him hit your head." Chu Zhaoyang said, "Besides your head, where else was injured?"

"No more." Gu Nian said, having bitten her tongue to stay awake.

It was fine before, but she just felt pain. As time went by, her tongue gradually swelled up, making it a little difficult to speak, and it was not very clear.

Chu Zhaoyang heard it, frowned and reached out, gently rubbing her lips: "Open your mouth, let me take a look."

Gu Nian obediently opened her mouth and let him see. She just think this was weird.

But seeing that Chu Zhaoyang was all focused on her injury and had no other thoughts at all, Gu Nian felt extremely embarrassed.

"Why is it so seriously injured?" Chu Zhaoyang asked in a deep voice.

"I was stunned. When they came over, I felt conscious, but I just couldn't move. I didn't want to be touched by them, so I bit my tongue, forced myself to hurt, and stimulated the nerves. Fortunately, it worked."

Gu Nian held Chu Zhaoyang's arm: "I didn't let them touch me."

"I know." Chu Zhaoyang wanted to rub her head out of habit, but he stopped when he thought of the injury on her head.

"Apart from the head, there were no other injuries?" Chu Zhaoyang asked in a low voice.

Gu Nian didn't dare to shake her head. Now her head would hurt if she moved even a little bit.

But her tongue hurts when she talk.

Gu Nian frowned in pain and said, "No more. It doesn't hurt anywhere else."

She had a severe headache and felt dizzy from time to time.

Feeling dizzy, she closed her eyes, frowned for a while, and then opened them again.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Chu Zhaoyang asked, his hands hanging on both sides of her temples, but he didn't dare to put them down, for fear that she would feel uncomfortable.

"A little dizzy." Gu Nian said.

"Close your eyes and get some sleep." Chu Zhaoyang whispered.

"No." Gu Nian hugged Chu Zhaoyang tightly and sniffed the mint fragrance on his body desperately.

She didn't want to close her eyes, she's afraid that if she close her eyes, it will be a nightmare.

"How did you know I was kidnapped?" Gu Nian asked.

She could probably guess that from Jiang Xiangxue's words, Jiang Xiangxue probably wanted to use her to blackmail Chu Zhaoyang.

But she just wanted to listen to Chu Zhaoyang talk and didn't want to sleep.

"I'm worried because you haven't come home for a long time." Chu Zhaoyang said slowly, in a long and steady tone, as if he was telling a bedtime story, "I thought of the anklet I gave you before, and found that you were being taken to the suburbs, so I'll come to you immediately."

"On the way, I received a call from Jiang Xiangxue. She threatened me with you. I led people to your side, and sent another group of people to Jiang's house to arrest her." Chu Zhaoyang whispered.

"Fortunately, you have the anklet." Chu Zhaoyang was thankful, "Fortunately, you didn't take it off. Don't take it off again, you know? This will help me find you."

"Okay." Gu Nian said, feeling a little unbearable, and her eyelids gradually closed.

Chu Zhaoyang held his breath nervously, fearing that Gu Nian would suddenly lose her breath.

Just now when he rushed into the room, he saw with his own eyes that the man grabbed her hair and smashed her to the ground. If something went wrong, she would be beaten to death.

At that time, Chu Zhaoyang's heartbeat stopped.

Chu Zhaoyang raised his cold fingers tremblingly and put them under Gu Nian's nose. He felt her even and long breathing, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, Gu Nian never woke up again. She didn't know whether she fell asleep or was seriously injured and fell into coma.

Chu Zhaoyang didn't have the heart to call her, but just tested her breathing from time to time to make sure she was okay.

He didn't know if Gu Nian could hear him, but Chu Zhaoyang still remembered that after he rescued her from the mountains last time, she grabbed him and asked him to keep talking to her.

Chu Zhaoyang was worried that she would have nightmares when she fell asleep. Thinking about the nightmares he had, he kept whispering in her ears regardless of whether she could hear him or not.

Let's start from what happened when he was a child. He didn't remember much about what happened before he was seven years old, and what happened after he was seven years old was too lackluster.

He couldn't think of anything, so he kept calling her name in a low voice.

They arrived at Chutian Hospital in this way. Chu Zhaoyang carried Gu Nian to the hospital bed and asked the nurse to push her for examination.


While Gu Nian was doing the examination, He Haoran came to Chu Zhaoyang: "There was news from Deputy Mo. Based on the evidence provided by the three men, they found the call records between Jiang Xiangxue and them, as well as the remittance records."

"Because Jiang Wanli was arrested, Jiang Xiangxue had no connections and used her own credit card, which was easily found. Now the police have detained Jiang Xiangxue without bail. Deputy Mo said that kidnapping, extortion, and instigating others as well as sexual assault is enough for her to be sentenced to life imprisonment," He Haoran said.

"In addition, after Tian Xinyue found out, she fell into coma on the spot and was sent to the hospital where she suffered a stroke."