
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 103 : You Have No Right To Demand My Generosity

Chu Zhaoyang tapped his knees a few times with his long, sharp-boned fingers and glanced at He Haoran.

He Haoran immediately answered: "I heard that Director Cheng intends to develop further next year?"

Director Cheng was stunned, and He Haoran said with a smile: "Unfortunately, Mr. Chu went to S City on a business trip before, and Director Guo of S City also paid a special visit to Mr. Chu."

Director Cheng chuckled lightly and said, "Then demote him. He is now a first-level police officer, downgraded to a second-level police officer, and transferred to the district police station. Mr. Chu, how about this?"

"City-wide notification." Chu Zhaoyang said calmly.

Director Cheng was stunned, and He Haoran explained: "Master Chu means that not only the general bureau, but also all branches and district police stations in the city, including the one Xu Chengyi was transferred to, must report it to everyone so that everyone knows what he has done."

This was going to cut off Xu Chengyi's path!

Director Cheng muttered in his heart.

What Xu Chengyi did was unethical and he stabbed his colleagues in the back, which was extremely disgraceful.

In the police station, especially the police officers on duty, loyalty had always been important. If a colleague around him was someone who stabs someone in the back, who would dare to believe him?

You will definitely alienate him, and because of his disdainful behavior, you will also give him a lot of difficulties at work.

As long as Xu Chengyi was in this system, he will be the target of beatings no matter where he went, and no one will really trust him to hand over tasks to him.

Xu Chengyi's career was over.

Chu Zhaoyang's move was quite cruel.

After receiving a satisfactory reply from Director Cheng, Chu Zhaoyang was finally willing to take He Haoran away.

After that, Director Cheng came back to his senses. It was a policewoman who Xu Chengyi stabbed. Could it be that Chu Zhaoyang was so interested...

Therefore, during the morning meeting, Director Cheng paid special attention to Gu Nian.


After the meeting, Mo Jingsheng told Xu Chengyi that he had sorted out all the work at hand and handed over the work here today, and would report directly to the police station in Min'an District starting tomorrow.

Mo Jingsheng left their big office and went back to his own office.

Leaving everyone in the office, they felt mixed for a while and didn't know what to say.

Except for Gu Nian, Xu Chengyi has worked with everyone else for a long time. They never imagined that Xu Chengyi would do such a thing to Gu Nian.

How much hatred was there to deserve him to be so harsh on a little girl?

Seeing Xu Chengyi sitting in front of his computer with a gloomy face, sorting out the reports he was responsible for, no one spoke to him first.

Fu Yongyan took out half a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and then touched all the pockets on his body. He couldn't find a lighter, so he asked Li Shaofeng: "Captain Li, do you have a lighter?"

Li Shaofeng took out a lighter from the drawer and gave it to him with a heavy expression. Fu Yongyan took the cigarette and lighter and went out to find a place to smoke.

Shen Xiaoman looked at Xu Chengyi and then at Gu Nian. Just as she was about to say something, Yan Chuwei walked in.

She walked straight to Gu Nian and asked Gu Nian in front of everyone: "Gu Nian, do you have to be so cruel?"

Gu Nian looked at Yan Chuwei strangely: "What did I do for you to say that I'm cruel?"

"About Chengyi! Do you know how difficult it is to get admitted here? How long does it take to go from a second-level police officer to a first-level police officer? But now, with just one sentence, he was transferred to the local police station, it will be difficult to come back again." Yan Chuwei said, "No matter what, you are all colleagues, do you have to be so tough?"

"This is the decision made by the director, not my personal will. What does it mean that I made it absolutely? I don't know the decision of the director. This morning is the first time I heard the result. I didn't force him to leave." Gu Nian said coldly..

Why was it that Yan Chuwei blamed her so much?

"Then go tell the director. You are the person involved. If you say that you forgive Cheng Yi and don't care, the director will also give him a lighter sentence." Yan Chuwei said immediately.

"So, do you think I deserve to stand on the swaying branches holding the tree all night, and I deserve to be bitten to death by a wolf?" Gu Nian said sarcastically, "Xu Chengyi's actions almost killed me."

Everyone was shocked. They were very conflicted. On the one hand, they felt that Xu Chengyi had gone too far, but on the other hand, they felt sorry and sympathized with him.

Originally, they thought Gu Nian was just lost in the mountains and forests, but they did not expect that her life was in danger because of Xu Chengyi.

No wonder Xu Chengyi was punished so severely.

In fact, compared with what Gu Nian suffered, Xu Chengyi's punishment was not severe.

No matter what, Gu Nian almost lost her life.

If she really lost her life, could Xu Chengyi afford to pay compensation?

"I know." Yan Chuwei's face dimmed and she said softly, "Chengyi did go too far this time. But in fact, his original intention was not to hurt you, but just to train you. Who knows what the result will be. That's right. He also knows that he was wrong, and he apologized to you. Can you forgive him? "

Gu Nian was silent, and Yan Chuwei held her hand affectionately: "You are a broad-minded girl, please forgive him this time. We are all colleagues, so don't care too much about him."

Gu Nian: "..."

According to what Yan Chuwei said, if she didn't forgive, she was being narrow-minded and caressing?

"No one wants to see such a result. Since you are fine now, don't pursue him anymore. Give him another chance and do a good job here, okay?"

"It's not good." Gu Nian didn't care what her colleagues thought of her, or whether they thought Yan Chuwei was cold-blooded because of her words. "I'm fine. I'm lucky. It doesn't mean that Xu Chengyi doesn't need to bear his share of responsibilities."

"Gu Nian, you...do you have to be so heartless? Let me beg you, okay? I'll apologize to you on his behalf." Yan Chuwei said pitifully.

"Chuwei, there's no need to be so groveling to her." Xu Chengyi stood up and looked at Gu Nian with a face filled with resentment.

Xu Chengyi stood up from his seat, walked over, and pointed at Gu Nian's nose: "I know that with your shamelessness, you will definitely retaliate against me. I don't know which man you asked for help this time!"

Gu Nian ignored him and instead smiled sarcastically at Yan Chuwei: "This is the colleague you mentioned. Forensic Dr Yan, you are not me. You have not experienced the treatment I suffered, so you have no right to demand my generosity."

Yan Chuwei blushed angrily and wanted to smile at her as if nothing had happened. In the end, she could only twitch the corner of her mouth in embarrassment and go back to her forensic office.


At noon, Gu Nian and Shen Xiaoman went to the cafeteria to eat, greeting the colleagues they met along the way.

Gu Nian found that their attitudes today, especially those of female colleagues, were not very enthusiastic. There were also responses, but they were very perfunctory.

Gu Nian thought about it doubtfully, but couldn't figure out a clue.

She went to the food window and order a vegetarian dish, a wine-sweetened short ribs, a bowl of soup, and half a portion of rice, and then find a table with Shen Xiaoman.

There were many people in the restaurant at this time, and there were people at every table. Gu Nian saw that there were not many people at a table, only two, enough for her and Shen Xiaoman to join, so she walked over.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she put down her dinner plate, the two policewomen looked up and saw her, and left immediately without saying a word.

Gu Nian looked at the backs of the two of them strangely and asked Shen Xiaoman: "Is this my imagination? Why do I feel that their attitude towards me today is weird?"

"It's not an illusion." Shen Xiaoman said with a stern face, "You don't need to pay attention to them. A group of people just follow what they say. After hearing a few words from others, they start to condemn people from the moral high ground."

"What's going on?" Gu Nian asked strangely.

Shen Xiaoman was about to say something, but suddenly closed her mouth and secretly winked at Gu Nian: "Listen yourself."

Gu Nian secretly glanced back. About two or three people behind her, Yan Chuwei was sitting there with several civilian policewomen.

"Chuwei, don't be sad. Gu Nian really is....."

Yan Chuwei let out a long sigh: "Actually, I can understand her being angry. But I feel that anger is anger, but you can't retaliate so severely. Chengyi was indeed at fault in this matter, and I have persuaded him. But Chengyi also knew the rules and didn't really hurt Gu Nian. But Gu Nian just held a grudge. I think that since no one was hurt when we all worked together, let him go if it can be over. Why is she forcing people to a dead end?"

"That's right." A female colleague said, "Xu Chengyi has been working here for many years, and he was a popular candidate to be promoted to the deputy team in the future. However, because she was so unforgiving, his future was completely ruined."

Yan Chuwei shook her head: "I can't blame her. After all, she was lost in the mountains and forests. She was a little girl. She must have been particularly scared at the time. It is conceivable that she would resent Chengyi afterwards."

"Chuwei, you always think good about others. In your eyes, it seems that there are no bad people. No matter who did something wrong, it is all excusable. You think about her so much, but I heard that she doesn't seem to appreciate it."