
Tea is for Trouble

Sebastian having finished making his necessary preparations strolled into the room exuding a relaxed confidence. In one hand he carried a tea kettle with two small tea cups on curled fingers. His left hand rested on a thin gnarled cane. In a seamless motion Sebastian used his cane to pulled over a plush ottoman, tossed Cem a cup with a flick of one finger and slid smoothly into a seated position facing Cem. The speed and dexterity involved left Cem stumbling to catch the small cup that had been directed his way. The small flat bed Cem jostled as he nearly dropped the porcelain cup to the stone floor.

Sebastian jestured with the tea kettle and Cem extended his cup. To cems supprise the hot liquid which steamed from the top of the kettle streamed through the air into the cup without Sebastian moving an inch from his squatted seating nearly three arm lengths away.

This is a special tea to be consumed only in times of trouble spoke Sebastian. My mentor gave me this very tea the day he met me. Its called soul blossom tea. It is a white tea that is picked once every ten years during the first day of spring that falls on a full moon and can only be grown above the tree-line near mountain peaks that have good humidity from surrounding rainforests. Some call it troubled tea for its effects to sooth the soul. From what I can tell these are troubling times. There is still much I do not yet know but maybe we can help each other with that.

Yesterday, Cem was not able to fully comprehending everything that had happened. However sleep and food allowed Cem to regain a sense of composure finally grasping the situation he was in. Cem realized this was was not going to be easy to handle.

The person in front of him was a huge mystery. He could use high level spirit magic to weave air flows and control objects with great precision. Only a high level cultivator has the ability to do so. Was yesterday's benevolence an act or was this Sebas that welcoming to every orphan on the street? There has to be a catch for so much hospitality. It has to be said a good nights rest can really open ones eyes to reality.

Cem fully comprehended the fragile position he was in. He did not know the man before him, and it was clear that Sebas was much stronger than Cem. Although he had provided a meal and a nights rest he could have motives for doing so. Cem knew his family was likely dead or held captive and that he had no one but himself to rely on. Additionally as an heir to the largest most influential sect in the nation if any of his family remained alive they would do anything to get him back, he would be worth using for extortion, or as a bribe for political favors. Nothing was as it seemed or so he had learned while living among the court and watching his father's rise in political circles.

These thoughts and more crossed cems mind while he listened to the man calling himself Sebastian.

I know you are the former second son of the first family started Sebastian. However two nights ago, the first family was silenced permanently by it's opposition. It is unclear who acted and how, however it is safe to say that the Black Raven family has gained much by your families absence.

That cannot be said Cem. My father will never lose out to anyone if something was done to my family he would destroy whoever attempted it.

Cems father after all was the prime. Being placed in charge of an entire city was not something the emperor did lightly. Such positions were only given to strong leaders both politically and physically.

Physical might was always the first tool to determine ones ability to rule, the second factor was wits. A keen mind was necessary because among those of equal strength those with the better mind prevailed. Cems father was unrivaled in terms of pure strength and he was no idiot. Just by displaying his physical and spiritual prowess he could keep those envious eyes of competing families in district at bay. With the strategy he employed true rivals would be extinguished before they even became a threat, such was life for the first families Prime.

In spite of Cems obvious denial sebas continued speaking.

Boy, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he's dead. Your whole family is dead. You should be dead, but your are not and that has sparked my interest. If not for that I could have just let you die yesterday, but I am a sucker for a good story. So are you going to tell me how is it you are alive? Try the tea, it will get cold.

The direct question and affirmation of Cem's suppositions left him feeling cold. His family was gone. He did not want to believe sebas but he had seen the central tower. If his father was alive the black raven would not be flying above the city.

At that moment cem did indeed sipp the hot tea, only after thinking it might be poisoned. He soon after dismissed such thoughts. If this man wanted to kill him or poison him he could have already done so with the food left out or simply left him to the streets.

I am not sure answered Cem truthfully.

Well that's what I think we both want to figure out replied Sebas. Dont you agree?

Cem nodded sill sipping the delicate yet fragrant tea that seemed to warm his soul.

Let me be short with you young lordling, you have no future as the second son of a deceased prime. Aknowledge your new lot in life be gratful you have your life for now and pray no one else learns you are alive. Knowledge of your continued existence would call down assassin's and powerful cultivators alike to quash any chance you might return in your father's stead. They would fear your rise to power which may very well topple all of their schemes up till now. Hence death is your only fate. without me.

I can change your fate, work for me and we can learn what happened. I will teach you the skills needed to survive and in turn you will use theses skills to perform various jobs for me. These jobs will not be easy and may involve sensitive topics, items and hard to reach places. If you have talent you will thrive and answers will be quick in coming. If you fail you will likely be killed and it will be the same as if you had not met me.

What do you say young Cem, are you ready to be polished?