
Face App Genius

James Park broke up with his girlfriend today due to being poor and ugly, just a few hours after their breakup his girlfriend posted a picture in Sun gram with his new boyfriend, it was his best friend. In order to get himself out of getting sadness and depression, he looked for a new games in App Store where he found a 0 Review game called Edit Yourself. But what if while charging his phone a lightning landed inside his house and got himself struck from it. When he woke up, the first thing in front of him was a Game Status. Journey to become handsome and strong begins now.

MysteriousMonarch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Chapter 1- Ready…. Start!

"Oppa… let's break up"

"But wait… why?" I asked her with a teary eyes.

"I'm tired… I want to find myself alone for now, goodbye!"

Just like that, she left me alone in the dark at the park. Of course I didn't care about it since I knew she would return to me after a few days.

She can't live alone since she needs me as her financer.

I immediately went back to my apartment, I then used my phone to start scrolling my timeline in Sungram. 

I decided to stalk my girlfriend to check if she's online, but then suddenly I saw a photo that immediately broke my heart.

It was a picture where my best friend Justin hugged her behind the back with a caption, "My forever" with a heart emoji.

Before I even noticed it my tears bursted already.

I didn't mind it and just started looking for a new game in the App Store where I found a game called "Edit Yourself".

Though it's just published just now and there were no reviews I still downloaded it. After a few seconds, It was completely downloaded.

I clicked the Start button, then suddenly it wanted me to take a selfie in order to start.

Of course the title is Edit Yourself, clearly it needs my picture.


Fill This Up to Continue:






Without having a second thought I filled the requirements, and there it is. My Bio and my looks is in the game, then suddenly it asked me like those "would you rather games"

[Would you rather remain at your current self or wanted to change for the better?]


Without a doubt I want to change my current self and change in order to impress my ex girlfriend.


[Would you like to be weak with good looks or getting strong by working out with good looks]


I would like to workout but I don't even know the basics or I ever workout when I was young. Though it's just a game, I'll obviously choose to be strong and have good looks.

Then suddenly my phone showed a battery indicator saying it's slow, but it's weird it was 50% a few minutes ago.

I was only playing this for a few minutes but I am getting addicted to it. It even asks me how strong I want to be, how flexible I am, or how athletic I want to be.

Strength Goal: 100

Agility Goal: 100

Speed Goal: 100

Vitality Goal: 100

Power Goal: 100

Charisma Goal: 100

Hah! Am I childish or something, is it even possible to reach that kind of thing. Only a perfect person can do that, and there's no one who can actually.

[2% left remaining in your phones battery]

I immediately took the charger and charged it, then I continued playing the game.

Just after I charged my phone, rain suddenly started. Is this a coincidence? Didn't the rain forecaster say that there's a low chance of rain today.

Few minutes later I've finally finished editing my avatar in the game, then suddenly it says "Do you want to Save?"


Since it's just a game, of course I will save it.


[15 Minutes Before Completion]

I guess it takes a long time, so I decided to scroll down and just read what my Sungram friends posted today.

Of course I don't even need to guess, it's always about dating, sex, school life and more. I couldn't relate since I don't have many friends, and just now my only best friend ratted me with my girlfriend.

Thinking about it makes me sad that I could imagine them doing something right now, that I haven't even done to my girlfriend who probably just used me to gain some financial needs.

Then suddenly notification popped up in my phone saying that my avatar is saved successfully.

Just after a few seconds of completing, a loud thunderstrike frightened me, without realizing my phone charger wire was tied on my ankle.

Without realizing a strong lightning landed in and got me electrocuted.

Am I really gonna die today....?


[Loading Screen...…..]

[System will enter the host in a few seconds...]

[5...] [4...] [3...] [2...] [1....]

[Welcome, James Park!]