
Facade (a teen story)

Laila Sofela is an easy going, carefree and intelligent sixteen year old orphan that lives with her aunty. Her dreams came true when she was given scholarship to one of the most expensive private school in the country. She hope to enjoy the adventure in the new world different from the one she knows. But boy she was so wrong as she becomes the toy for amusement for the king bully Jason Johnson. And she discovered there is nothing she could do since everyone fear him even the teachers has no say. Jason Johnson is not only a king bully but a sadistic, handsome and intelligent seventeen year old, born with a silver spoon. He finds pleasure in bullying students and he is feared and hate by all. He found Laila amusing and he make it his mission to torment her despite she try to stay away from him and then try to be nice to him. Laila tries to survive his bullying until she finds out the secret of the king bully. Find out Laila adventure in her new school, Jason attraction to Laila and the reason for the facades.

RhodaKadri · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

Laila POV

We get back to class after the morning assembly that turn out to be fun. I sat down with Florence and she said some funny things to a group of boys and they laugh.

The boys seem to be her fans especially the senior boys. Different guys keep calling her name, giving her a wink, smiling at her as we walk to the assembly.

"Let me tell you about our class." She said to me minute as we sat down. "SH2 ruby is not like the other classes in the school. Every class have its set of crazy student but this class has majority of them. Over there is Peter and his boy band." She said pointing to a boy with curly hair. Some boys surround him as they talk and laugh.

" There is Mathias. " She nod at a guy who sat quietly at a corner with an huge textbook in his front." He's god of mathematics. He doesn't understand any subject except from math and he is very quiet. He's the fans of teachers. They love him so much despite he is quite dull. Beside him is Isabella." The girl she was referring to place her head on the desk in front of her and i couldn't see her face but i ask her to continue. And she did.

" Isabella is known as Silent Witch. She never talks. I barely hear her voice since we've been in the same class. She doesn't have friends. I wonder what kind of human she is." Florence said rolling her eyes. I look at the girl again. She is very thin and she look pitiful.

"There is Mary." She said eyeing the lady that is flaunting her new bag to her friends. It was an expensive polish handbag. She look so proud. But she is beautiful. "She act like she is the queen of the school. Her aunty is the vice principal finace. She is spoil rotten and you don't want to mess with her and her rich girls gang."

I noticed the spite in her voice as she talk about Mary.

"You don't like her?" I ask curiously and i hope she doesn't get angry

"Honestly, yes. We are competitors. She always steal the spotlight from me."

Now i understand why she despise Mary.

"Beside her is Ivy." She nod toward the girl the secretary assign me to this morning. "I don't know if Mary did some voodoo on her but she is Mary minion. Her father is the ambassador of Nigeria to south Africa."

"Over there is Tejiri." She point to a girl talking with an handsome boy quietly. "She was our class rep in junior high and she is one of the most intelligent girl in the class. Her father is a senator. That's her boyfriend beside her Divine. His parents are both doctors. They own a big hospital in Abuja and Lagos."

Florence keep on talking about every person in the class and i nod as I listen with interest.

They are all interesting set of people in my class. And they are sons and daughters of wealthy men.

Then i notice the class suddenly went quiet and i look up at the entrance of the class. So do Florence and she stop talking.

I look at her curiously but her eyes was also at the entrance of the classroom.

Two boys walk into the class. One is shorter than the other. The short one wear his uniform properly with a big white snickers. He is fair and i can guess he is an igbo boy because of his face and body stature.

He shake hands with few of the boys showing his white set of teeth. The other boy is standing looking at the him - his friend probably... as he shake hands. He wear a frown on his face. He have an headphone hang around his neck. He is not wearing his blazer and his tie is knot loosely around his neck. The first three buttons of his shirt is open.

He have a full dark hair. The hair is higher than the hair he is suppose to keep at school. But it's look good on him with the way he shave it slightly at the sides. He have broad shoulders and he is tall. I am sure my head will be at his chest or lower if I stand beside him.

He look like a model from a magazine with the way he stand at the door.

He is fucking handsome despite the frown on his face. And i can't stop looking at him.

A girl ran inside the class with a broad smile and she bump into him. The clutch in her hands fell in front of him.

Then she suddenly look scared and her eyes swell with tears as she notice the person she bump into.

Why did she look so scared? I thought out loud.

"Because Jason is a devil." Florence whisper.

I must have said that out loud since Florence replied.

"What do you say?" I asked.

She turn to me and said in a voice lower than the tone she had been using since we've met.

"That is Jason Johnson. He is called the king bully. He is scary as hell. He is a loner. He's known in the whole school and everyone try to avoid his trouble..... even the teachers. Everyone is scared of him. He enjoy bullying student both juniors and senior. He has no boundaries. So please don't go near him because you don't want to be included in his blacklist. "Florence explains.


He have a blacklist.

I thought about what he does to those in his blacklist. Because they are scared shit of him. Even his class mates.

He wear a frown but he is damn handsome. How could someone so handsome be so scary?

The girl known as Mary approach him.

She said to him " It was a mistake Jason. Please. " She beg for the girl that bump into him probably afraid of what he can do to her.

"He have a little soft spot for Mary." Florence said. "Although they don't talk but he stay away from her and her girls."

Maybe they are related or some sort since he doesn't hurt her. I thought.

"They are not related neither are they couples so i don't know why he is soft with her." Florence said like she could read my mind.

He gave her a devilish glare and I see Mary step back uncomfortably with a false confident.

So that's he been soft with her. She still look scared of him and i can see her pretend to be strong.

What could he have done if it was someone else who talk to him? Why is he so scary? The thoughts run through my mind.

Jason look at the clutch on the floor in front of him and he kick it away and it hit the wall loudly. I see Mary sigh with relief so was the other students who had been quietly watching what was going to happen.

Tears roll down the girl face as she stare at her clutch on the floor beside the wall it hit.

It must have been expensive and new because i could see how hurt she was. Mary rub her back quietly.

Jason walk away from them and he move to the empty seat by my right hand side.

He sat on the chair beside the wall with the window at the side. The other guy that came with him sat beside him close to Florence.

He whisper an 'hi' to Florence and she nod with a small smile.

I didn't know i was still staring at Jason until our eyes meet. And I quickly look away out of fear. Because i could see the coldness in them and it sent a shiver up my spine.