

Author: - VexedShade 2700+ - Rams 2695 - 2699 Support this articles and author on App Wattpad Id: VexedShade Discord : https://discord.gg/aYnV7Kt https://www.wattpad.com/story/210663068-reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-2695%2B ------------------------- Starting over once more, he has entered this "living game" again in order to control his own fate. This time, he will not be controlled by others. Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life. Methods to earn money! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Equipment drop locations! Undiscovered battle techniques! Even the secrets Beta Testers were unknowledgeable of, he knows of them all. This will be a continuation since the original is on hiatus(lucky old cat) and the translations are caught up A previous fanfic was made but taken down, I will adopt some ideas from the previous fanfics author and try my best to keep the spirit of the original story as best as I can with out holding nothing back. I will also use and bring back many plot points the author has seem to forgotten about and take advantage of the many tools the aurthor doesn't use. At the beginning the story may seem a little rush but I promise to keep up with the world building and lore, and the pace will slow down soon enough. Hope you enjoy my interpretation of the story and welcome back to Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God.

Black_flam3 · Video Games
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95 Chs

2746 Generous Dungeon

As the team entered the dungeon they were in an expansive field with giant statues of warriors in battle all over the place. Some statutes were broken, some sunk in the ground, others were fully intact. There's winds that can blow a person off their feet if they're not careful and tornados out in the distance. A massive thunderstorm was currently happening and the group saw thousands of bloodline grand lords wandering around.

"This is just too difficult. Uncle Yuan can we really clear this place?" Purple Jade asks a shaken Yuan Tiexin.

After taking in a big gulp he said "I don't know but Black Flame must have a plan." Currently trying to control his mana is extremely difficult and the crazy environment is lowering his concentration and stamina he honestly doubted he can last three days here even with tier 4 resistance.

"So this is a asura mode dungeon." Shi Feng took all of this in. In his past life he had done expedition dungeons but at most he did hell mode, Shadow had not qualified for asura or god mode difficulties, but he did get a lot of information on them and especially the Chaos Storms.

The game was simple in these dungeons. Players had to find the keys that would stabilize the dungeons and kill the last dungeon boss. Usually there were two or three keys at most six keys, the more you get the better the reward from killing the last boss. But finding them was a pain because they might be hidden in trap filled areas or a dungeon boss is guarding it, but players can make their lives easy by spending some time exploring the dungeon and acquiring tools that could help in getting the keys. The Chaos Storms has five keys they must find and three were being guarded by dungeon bosses and two were in monster infested areas.

"Ok everyone gets five of each item and equip at my order." Shi Feng then proceeded to hand out multiple all rounded devices, exotic stamina potions, and other resistance potions and foods the boost attributes and have other effects. The guild had spent nearly 600,000 gold making all these . This is another reason why expedition dungeons are so difficult, just the cost to prepare for one is insane.

"Guild leader Black Flame, do you perhaps have extra of these? Thirteen Thrones is willing to buy them above market price." Elder Wu offered. Every guild coveted these items that Shi Feng passed out as they were extremely useful, but their sources were very limited and every time candlelight would put them on the shelves they sold out. For Thirteen Thrones which is extremely far from candlelight businesses getting these items is extremely difficult. Yuan Tiexin and Hell Rush gave the greedy old man cold looks. They were just about to ask Shi Feng the same thing. After thinking for a while Shi Feng said "what I do have on me probably won't be enough to satisfy your needs, but the guild can make quite a lot in a few days. We will sell them at the candlelight chamber of commerce auction and since you guys are helping us we can set up a private auction for your guilds. What do you say?"

Elder Wu and the others liked this idea, if Zero Wing is willing to auction off these things they would gladly accept.

"Ok everyone split into ten groups of a hundred. MTs will charge forth and gain the monsters agro and separate them. Isolate the mythics in the horde and lore the bloodline grandlords to the fully intact statues." Shi Feng had raided and watched raid videos on the Chaos Storms too many times to count. He already knows the perfect strategy to beat this dungeon. Everyone did as Shi Feng ordered, with MTs leading their groups to lore the monsters and isolate the mythic monsters and as soon as large numbers of the grandlords were next to a fully intact statue, Shi Feng went to work.

"Everyone retreat!" Shi Feng then activated blade domain and sent his giant swords at the weapons these statues held causing them to fall on the lured monsters. When the weapons fell huge explosions of chaos energy bursted and ravaged the surroundings, and all the monsters caught in it we're either dead or heavily injured.

Everyone looked to Shi Feng as if he were a genius, they never thought that the statues were actually here to help players. Shi Feng had actually gotten this idea from a second rate guild that wasn't even that much stronger than shadow. When people found out they had actually cleared the hell mode of this dungeon fervent investigation were executed after all a second rate guild conquering the hell mode of a dungeon like the Chaos Storms was never heard of, and people found out the statues actually had the purpose to cause damage. After this secret was found even the first rate guild managed to beat the asura mode difficulty. For a time the teams led hordes of monsters to the statue traps and wiped them out, when only mythics were left they overwhelmed them and killed the monsters very quickly.

Everyone was drooling at the loot that had dropped. The majority were level 140 secret silver weapons and equipment that rivaled ordinary fine gold items and the fine gold items were even better. They even found two pieces of a dark gold set for rangers called Sharp Chaos set, and the set effects and attributes could give epic equipment a run for its money.

"Guild Leader the item you wanted dropped!" Fire Dance then showed Shi Feng a gemstone. The gemstone released a very calming and protective mana. These gemstones were called Stable Chaos gemstone and all they did were stabilize the surrounding mana and use it as a little barrier. This was the main thing Shi Feng came here for. In the future players would enter more unfriendly environments, even tier 5 players won't fare so well without good tools the Undead World being one such place. But the Stable Chaos gemstones can actually protect players from these environments and the more you equip the better the effects. These gemstones are consumables though and only last 1 week.

Yuan Tiexin and Melancholy looked at the gemstone curiously wondering why it was so valuable to Shi Feng. At most it is a nice gemstone not particularly important.

Shi Feng wasn't surprised by their reactions, players didn't discover the secrets of the gemstones until tier 5 players appeared in the game. When it was discovered the price of these types of gemstones skyrocketed, but only certain places and dungeons had a good chance of dropping them.

The team continued on, for a day they killed horde after horde of monsters, the equipment that dropped made the other joining guilds burn with jealousy. So far Zero Wing netted three complete dark gold sets for elementalist, shield warriors, and curse mancers, two complete sets, for oracles, druids, summoners, rangers, and berserkers, and one complete set for all other classes. Not to mention the other lower ranked equipment. This is the beauty of expedition dungeons they give so many powerful items. In fact the 3% of players sources for equipment will come from expedition dungeons in the future, but only the highest leveled difficulty allowed for such high quality drops.

"If you guys are willing Zero Wing will auction some of the dungeon equipment as well in the private auction."

When the others heard this they were excited.

Shi Feng didn't mind, at least 40% of the equipment each individual main force member wore is epic rank while the rest is dark gold rank, and thanks to gaining large supplies of materials from both continents candlelight produces top tier equipment constantly.

The group made it to the first boss monster

[GoldenWind Wolf (superior mythic, level 140, 152,071,000,000,152,071,000,000hp)].

The team despaired at this hp, killing stronger mythics isn't as hard anymore for them but a mythic monster with such a huge health pool is crazy.

Shi Feng didn't look so worried though "Alpha MT squad you may break the limit!" He then activated miniature world and ring of brilliance suppressing the monster.

Ten MTs with excited looks all went up to the front lines looking at the wolf as if they saw a new play toy, confusing Secret Pavilion, Thirteen Thrones, and Hell Legion members. What they didn't know was that Shi Feng had given these ten people the tier 4 moon strider set for this raid.

"Assassins lure the surrounding monsters away from the boss, Aqua your group will hold of these monsters while we take on the boss."

The raid started and the assassins lured the thousands of grandlords away from the boss and Aqua along with 200 players kept them busy. The Alpha MT group then charged at the wolf. The wolf unleashed an attack

Tier 4 skill- Golden Slash

This attack caused the environment to change and unleashed tornadoes and causing large craters and that was only when the skill passed through an area. The Alpha MTs had no intention of dodging though, instead they licked their lips and activated the runes on the moon strider set taking the attack head on. When it hit them the group didn't even lose any hp and continued charging for the boss. They threw skill after skill at the beast and played with it.

"Guild Leader Black Flame may I know what those MTs are wearing?" He'll Rush had to ask, these MTs attributes easily surpassed his and it was clearly due to the set equipment they wore. Thirteen Thrones and Secret Pavilion representatives listened as well.

"They are wearing a tier 4 mana set called the moon strider set." Shi Feng said he wanted to take this opportunity to make a quick buck from these wealthy powers.

When they heard this their jaws dropped, not one of their guilds have even gotten a complete tier 3 mana set, but Zero Wing somehow got ten. Instantly a man from the Secret Pavilion lost his composure and went to Shi Feng "Guild Leader Black Flame, if Zero Wing is willing to sell some of the moon strider sets the Secret Pavilion is willing to pay a high price" when Yuan Tiexin saw this he was stunned, this man is a Grand Elder of the guild and is also a peerless monster, his name is Vast Wind and he only joined in this raid because he was curious to see not only Zero Wings strength but also another peerless monster like Shi Feng.

"Little Melancholy you must try to convince Black Flame to sell us those moon strider sets, see if they want a share of that island we have discovered, maybe we can use that to get a stable source of the set." Elder Wu whispered to Melancholy and he agreed. The moon strider set can change the status quo in God's Domain. For every top tier expert equipped with it is like gaining a pseudo peerless monster. Shi Feng wasn't surprised at the desperate looks he got from these representatives.

"Zero Wing can sell some of the sets but they won't be cheap. Each set will cost 40,000 gold and 30,000 magic crystals."

The price made them all suck in cold breaths of air. After a little bit of thinking

Vast Wind said "in that case the Secret Pavilion will like 200 moon strider sets."

"Guild Leader Black Flame Thirteen Thrones will also like 200 sets"

"Netherworld Empire will also buy 200 sets"

If they could arm their void and domain realm experts with a set these guilds can accomplish many tasks they couldn't before due to lack of strength.

Shi Feng rolled his eyes, he only had enough seven luminaries crystals to make 100 sets not 600, but the wealth of these guilds astonished him. 200 sets will cost 8,000,000 gold and 6,000,000 magic crystals, not even Zero Wing can earn so much in a week.

"Making the moon strider set requires a lot of time and materials, I can only sell each guild 100 sets and only 30 sets within two days. If you're willing to wait about a month I can sell you 110 sets in total." Shi Feng said

He only has enough free materials to make an additional 50 sets, and he doesn't want other guilds to get their hands on to many of these mana sets. If they do they can do a lot of things they couldn't before and change the timeline even more.

The others agreed, while it wasn't the ideal amount they wanted it's better than nothing and besides they would need a lot of time to collect the necessary funds. Shi Feng then signed a contract with them handing over ten moon strider sets to each guild in two days after the dungeon raid and an additional 100 in a month. In exchange they would pay Zero Wing 400,000 gold and 300,000 magic crystals as a deposit. Shi Feng was excited he now had 1,500,000 magic crystals, this is more than enough for his needs.

The rest of the team joined in killing the boss when the Alpha MTs secured their aggro. In less than twenty minutes Shi Feng activated divine providence and Flame burst and the boss went down dropping over a hundred items. It had dropped one of the keys for the dungeon which was a clear orb the size of a head. While most were rare materials, scrolls, and potions, the boss dropped two pieces of a seven piece epic set equipment for mage classes called the Golden Gale set. It was a level 120-170 set and top tier among epic sets. While the others were hoping Shi Feng would sell the full set if they acquired it he had no intention to. The set provided a natural resistance to negative environmental effects that would be useful in the Undead World.

For the next four days the team cleared out any monster and all the bosses in the dungeon and gathered the six keys needed to 100% this dungeon. While this was thanks to Shi Feng's leadership and the ring of gospel, the strength Zero Wing members displayed while fighting was incredible. Not only did these Zero Wing members use powerful combat techniques, some even used silver combat techniques which most domain realm experts can't even do and they dodged attacks as if they were taking a stroll in the park, when fighting thousands of monsters each member could easily overwhelm three grand lords while keeping a mythic busy at the very least. The ridiculous strength the Zero Wing members displayed made these superpowers reevaluate the guild. Instead of looking at Zero Wing as a superfirst rate guild with potential to be a super guild, they now saw them as a guild with strength on par with some veteran super guilds.

Shi Feng also got an incredible haul, over the past five days he got 14 dark gold sets, for elementalist, summoners, swordsmen, clerics, druids, and shield warriors, 11 dark gold sets for rangers, guardian knights, and curse mancers, 8 dark gold sets for assassins, oracles and berserkers. As well as almost completing the seven piece epic set for mage classes and getting five pieces of an eight piece epic set for physical classes. But the best thing was he got over three thousand Stable Chaos gemstones, but that was the result of clearing out every monster they could find.

The team made their way to the final boss but when they got there they saw an injured NPC. The NPC is a beautiful girl with short red hair and crimson eyes, and she wields a blue diamond staff and you can see the white flames in the staff. Shi Feng dropped his jaw when he saw her, not because of the NPCs beauty but because he knows this NPC quite well. This NPC guarded the most dangerous God Mode Regional Dungeon throughout God's Domain. This is Christie.

"What is she doing here?"