
f#ck love, fake love

white lies, school dance and bad boy Hunter McCarthy. the top three things that are going on in Ivy Hasting's life with her innate ability to burst out lies about her love life. to save face, she enlists the help of the infamous (but very attractive) Hunter McCarthy by asking him to teach her. from lessons in self-confidence to unconventional teaching methods, Ivy has two weeks to find a partner for the school dance. only problem? well, you'll have to find that one out for yourself. and in the mean time, f*ck love.

kallistoclesx · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"What," a voice began, startling me but my perked up senses made me get up and lock the door from the inside, "the fuck?"

Taking a breath of relief, I looked around to find who had spoken just then.

"Down here, human blizzard," a very annoyed male voice snarled. I did as told and literally fell back against the wall. A highly irritated Hunter McCarthy was getting up from the floor.

"Hunter?" I breathed out, leaning as back as I could against the wall. Hunter was well, looking like a hunter. "What are you doing here? In a girl's washroom?"

Dusting himself off, he scowled. "Touching up on some make up, idiot."

I almost believed him, had the sarcasm in his voice not given it away.

"Why was the door locked?" I blurted out before I could even form the complete sentence in my head. Out of habit I covered my mouth with my hand. I really did need to learn how to shut my mouth.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked, arching up his eyebrow. He had leaned against his side of the wall. He was deflecting my question.

And I was an idiot not to pick up on that. "I need your help."

"So you say," he tilted his head, looking annoyed even before hearing what I had to say.

It was evident why he was a well known player. And despite knowing he was never going to be serious with any one of them, girls fell like Humpty Dumpty around him. Each of them getting as broken as Humpty Dumpty did.

"I want you to teach me," I began, looking down cause it was hard to look into those intense eyes.

"Teach you what, Ice Girl?" he raised his eyebrows and leaned his head towards my direction.

There was gap of ten feet between us. But he could just air kiss me from where he was and I'd turn into Jell-o immediately.

"How to get guys to like me," I muttered. I hadn't realized how idiotic and embarrassing it sounded until I had said it out loud.

"Why is that a problem?" he moved forward, away from the wall he was leaning and crossed his arms. He screened me from top to bottom, I tried not to flinch. "You've got pretty decent looks, love."

Oh yeah. I had completely forgotten that he had the sexiest accent on the planet. The British accent. He had studied in England all his life, before coming to this small town which no one had heard of.

And every time he said love, girls went crazy.

I was on my way to be like them girls.

"You're forgetting that I'm the human blizzard," I sighed, my head being pulled in by the force of gravity. "Everybody likes to stay in a five feet radius away from me."

He tilted his head with a mischievous grin on his face. Uncrossing his arms, he took three perfect sides to come stand right in front of me.

Boy, did he smell nice.

"Not everybody," he smirked. With the crook of his finger, he lifted my chin up. My face was directly looking at his, as if I had just handed my face in a platter for him to gaze at. Or scrutinize. "You've got a pretty face, love. Once the ice melts, there is a high chance you'll end up like sparkling water."

That, in every sense of the word, did not make sense.

"Does that mean you'll help me out?" I asked, unsure of his response.

He exhaled, retracting his finger from my chin. "I'm not sure. You have potential. But," he shook his head, "I can't really teach you into making guys like you."

"But you're the epitome of bad guys, smooth talking Casanovas and pick up guru," I protested, pleading for him to agree. "You've got to have some idea."

"Haven't you got me on a pedestal?" he rolled his eyes. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his dark hair. "I'm sorry, ice girl. Something people are born with. Can't help you with that."

Darn. "How am I going to attend the dance alone?" I mumbled to myself, walking towards the mirrors and splashing my face with water. I needed clarity.

"Do you mean the The Spring Valley Dance?" his voice, surprised and startling me. I thought he had left. "You want to make a guy like you so you can go to a dance with him?"

Now he made the dance sound like a dirty cheap brothel.

"Well, that's the dream," I sighed, wiping my face with a paper towel. Turning to face him, I shrugged.

"Its two weeks away," he muttered, his eyes intact on my actions. "Your ice princess to Disney princess transformation is going to take a lot longer than that."

"Like I said," I threw the towel into the bin and met his eyes, "that's the dream."

He let out an exhausted and frustrated sigh. "I'm making no promises here, but if you want it so bad- I can give it a shot."

My face lit up. "Really?"

He ruffled his hair. "No promises."

"No promises," I echoed back, but with a cheerful tone to it.

A cough from one of the stalls startled me. I had forgotten that we were inside a girl's washroom.

"Hunter?" an accented male voice called out. So he wasn't alone. Or touching up on some make up, like he said he was.

"In here, Zach," he replied, his gaze fixed at me. I swear, he looks at me like I'm a caged animal that could go all Madagascar any time.

"Could you unlock the door now?" Zach asked, frustrated.

Okay. Why were two guys in a girls washroom? I shuddered at the thought.

"Tell me what I want to hear, Zachary," he retorted, without bothering to move an inch.

"Just let me out!" his voice yelled, banging the door. He was pretty strong, whoever he was. He shook the doors pretty hard, the bolts would come out anytime.

"You know what you have to say." He leaned sideways against the wall.

Though I had no idea what was going on, but damn, it was interesting to watch.

"Hunter," he gritted, banging the door one last time. "I'm never getting high again. If I do, you get my share of the money from the trust fund. All of it."

It wasn't hard to guess that he didn't want to say it. It came out forced. Very forced.

Wait. Trust fund's money to Hunter?

Was he an extortionist?

Did I just make a deal with an extortionist?

"Time for the truth, Zachary," Hunter pressed on.

I could hear Zachary muttering curses. They weren't good to hear.

"Who put you in there?" Hunter demanded to know. Boy did his voice sound scary.

"What are you going to do about it?" Zachary scoffed. "Beat the crap out of them?"

Was this a case of bullying?

"I won't, if you tell me." Hunter sighed. Whoever Zachary was, Hunter cared.

"Danny and the other guys," Zachary gave in. It was clear he didn't want to tell. But Hunter can be persuasive.

Hunter grinned, and walked to the stall which kept Zachary captive. "Now, that's a like good brother."


Unlocking the door, Zachary aimed a punch at Hunter's face, he dodged it easily like he had seen it coming.

"Fuck you, Hunter," he cursed in that British accent of his.

Damn. Even cursing sounds nice in that accent.

Looking at me, he retracted his fist that had punched the air.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," he apologized. His entire demeanor changed.

"Its okay," I answered though it sounded more like a question.

"Blizzard, this is Zachary," Hunter introduced. "Zach, this is Blizzard."

I scoffed.

Zachary' eyes widened in amazement.

"You're the ice monster?" he gaped, shocked and amazed.

"Yes," I sighed. Everyday I get a new name.

"I'm a big fan!" he grinned, coming near me.

"Uh- thanks?"

"You're just amazing. I have heard a lot about you!"

My cheeks burned. This was the first time someone had been amazed to see me. Embarrassment was an understatement.

Hunter eyed us with an intense curiosity. Like how you'd watch a small kid learning to walk. And fall.


"Call me Zach, please," he smiled. By now he was standing right in front of me. I could see how they were brothers.

The same dark hair, though Zach's was a coupe shades lighter. Hunter's eyes were stormy gray but Zach's were green. A light green that almost seemed grey and yet had a hint of blue.

"Zach, it is then," I sighed, confused why he seemed like a dazed fan girl in a BTS concert.

Hunter was the taller of the two, at six feet two. Yeah, his personal bio had circulated around in the first two months he was here. I suspected Zach to be a couple inches shorter, around six feet one or six feet.

My average height compared to them made me feel like a midget.

While I was busy analyzing them, they were anticipating what I had to say next. I had got so caught up in the way they looked that I had forgotten what I had intended to say.

I was such a bright kid. Sigh.

"Its nice to meet you," I greeted him with a warm smile, trying hard not to show how awkward I felt. Well, what else could I say? That's the first thing that popped into my head.

Zach welcomed it with a smile of his own. The kind of smile you'd give to a rockstar or an actor you admire. "It's an honor to meet you too."

Honor. Gee. What was I? A superstar? I refrained from saying that out loud.

"Now this is quite a scene," Hunter mused in amusement, like how you'd watch a dog do his tricks. "He's taken a liking to you."

Zach being the poor dog in this case.

I glanced at Hunter, then back at Zach. One had a look of amusement and mischief all over his face, the other- complete adoration and awe.

Just what had I gotten myself into?
