
F*ck Humans Are A Bunch Of Psychos!

What the hell?! At first, we were wiping the floor with those four-limbed mammalians! But what is this situation?! What the hell is the human fleet doing in our capital solar system?! The emperor thought as he watched the live video feed of a human battleship ram his empires fleets cruiser after the battleship's canons melted down from firing nonstop from the start of the battle. Only to hear his anxious ministers report. What?! The humans are orbital dropping their ground forces and beginning orbital bombardment during a fleet battle?! What the f*ck are they nuts?!? P.S. This book is inspired by The Strongest Interstellar Commander its a great book I suggest reading it.

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After delivering Lilith to the infirmary I arrived at the dean's office and once I did I pressed the holographic button inside the glass see-through tablet fixed to the wall.

"Come in!"

The voice sounded a little old but still full of vigor.

As it did the door opened up automatically by rolling to the right then splitting into two and finally retracting into the walls.

As I stepped inside the room I saw that apart l aside from the Dean, there was also a middle-aged man in the Navy's standard-issue black military uniform whose chest was full of merits of service.

I glanced at the man's rank only to notice that the man had 5 stars which meant that he was a marshal the highest rank an officer both from the army and Navy could obtain and only one person in the entire UNOE could have that rank.

It was the current minister of defense the highest Commander of the military after the president, Marshal Ares Von Death.

"Sir Marshal Cadet Dracula!"

I clapped my black combat boots with dried spots of blood on them together, straightened my back, and performed a military salute with my bloody right hand whose knuckles bones could be seen showing under my scrapped skin.

No matter how lazy and disobedient I appeared on the surface deep down I was a soldier down to my core so when it came to military discipline no one could claim that he was first if I said I was second.

Plus this man is the current god of war in each and every soldier's eyes he is the hero that saved the human race from extinction by almost destroying the Holy Briian Empires fleet inside the Kuiper belt with a force 3 times smaller than the enemy who had a technological superiority of almost three levels.

And I simulated that battle only gods knows how many times before I barely managed to win with only a few ships left in the fleet.

So no matter what this man deserved my respect.

Seeing my actions the Dean couldn't help but open his mouth wide in shock as he looked at me.

What the heck?! Who is this guy?!

The dean couldn't help but question Dracula's identity in his mind because it was the first time he saw him acting like this and no matter how he looked the current Dracula looked like a veteran in his eyes which was preposterous, but he was a soldier himself in fact he was the previous minister of defense before he stepped down and allowed Ares to take over after seeing his talent.

So no matter how he looked at Dracula he didn't see an 18-year-old but a battle-hardened veteran.

But soon his brows furrowed while his face darkened as he looked at the dried blood on Dracula's face, uniform and his swollen bruises and cuts.

F*ck this goddamn battle junky! He just can't spend a day without getting his fists bloody can he?!

The dean cursed in his mind as his facial muscles twitched a couple of times subconsciously.

Isn't this just embarrassing and slapping his face in front of his pupil?!

"How many did you fight cadet?"

The marshal asked me with a curious look on his face with no displeasure in his voice while looking at my wounds.

"90 sir and I beat the shit out of them all!"

I answered with a voice full of confidence while staring at the marshal's eyes who was half a head shorter than me.

"Hmmm, although you lost that's still impressive not everyone has the balls to fight that many people at once, don't worry you're still young you have much to learn...

The marshal started saying while nodding his head sagely only to cut his sentence short as his eyes almost popped out from his sockets as he stared at me with shock and disbelief written all over his face.

But seeing that I showed no signs of lying he took out his glass see-through holographic phone.

"Old man, where did you find this monster?"

The bewildered marshal couldn't help but ask as he looked at the dean with a face full of question marks.

"I told you didn't I, this brat is a f*cking anomaly but you didn't believe me!"

The dean said as he helplessly spread his hands.

"Alright cadet Dracula, wait what's your last name cadet?"

The marshal asked because even though he had the highest clearance after the president he still didn't have a high enough one to see Dracula's personal information.

Only the president had so he already knew that Dracula must have an extraordinary identity, he even started to suspect that he must be the result of bio-mechanical engineering but Dracula's answer made him even more confused.

"I don't have a last name because I was an unregisted citizen before joining the academy sir, my earliest memories are of the slums I don't even know who my parents are sir"

I answered truthfully because I had nothing to hide and yes the earliest memories of the original host are that of scavenging for food in trash cans in the slums.

"I see..."

The marshal muttered under his breath as he leaned against the dean's holographic table while massaging his temple.

"Alright, cadet Dracula answer me what do you think will happen let's say 10 years in the future?"

The marshal asked as he crossed his arms and focused his gaze on me.

"Truthfully sir there's no point in talking about what will happen in ten years because once the empires reinforcements arrive which will happen at most in 4-6 years humanity will either get exterminated or enslaved and as for building more defensive platforms or spaceships"

"We are already over the limit that our civilization can support as for recreating the miracle you did in the Kuiper belt sir no matter how good you are in the face of an overwhelming force that is almost 3 whole levels technologically superior to us"

"And already knows our mode of operations there is only defeat in the end and there's no question about it"

I answered bluntly without sugar coating my words and that was the reality of humanity's current situation as for how I know so much insider information that no ordinary Tom and Harry could get their hands on.

Well let's just say the current president and I have a special relationship.

The marshal couldn't help but swallow a lump of saliva after hearing my prediction because after all he himself knew better than anyone else just how deep in shit the UNOE was but even though he knew there was no chance of victory he still thought more optimistically.

At least he still hoped that the UNOE will continue to exist for at least ten years but my words shattered all his hopes and no matter how he thought about it he couldn't deny my words because deep down he knew that I was right.

"But as long as you give me the resources I need then I promise that in ten years I'll stick the UNOEs flag inside the empire's capital!"

I said after seeing the marshal's face morph into that one who was ready to give up.

Hearing this Ares couldn't help but look up at me and once he saw the confident look in my eyes an emotion called hope sprouted in his heart again.

"Alright Cadet Dracula that's all you may leave"


I answered while saluting.

"Old man, do you think he can really do it, or is just an arrogance of a youth?"

"I'm not sure if he can do it but there's at least one thing I'm sure of and that he is like a cockroach no matter how many times you crush him to death he will always get back on his feet stronger than ever."

The dean answered without any sign of hesitation in his voice.

"Alright I decided old man not only I'll give him the highest possible rank after graduation but I'll also give him command of Einherjar"

Hearing this the dean couldn't help but suck in a mouth full of cold air because although he was only a dean now he still had a lot of connections so he knew what Einherjar was and it was the UNOEs next generation warship which was the crystalization of humanity's cutting edge technology and at the same time humanity's last hope.

But what the dean and marshal didn't know was that all the technologies used in the Einherjar starting from the artificial gravity that the starbase itself was using to the deflectors were all provided by Dracula even the warship itself was designed by him and if they knew all that well let's just say they would also start doubting life itself.


"So what kind of punishment did you receive this time?"

Aurora who was leaning against the wall of the corridor with her hands crossed under her E-sized breasts which made them look even bigger asked after seeing me walk past her.

"Nothing the Dean just wanted to chat"

I answered while shrugging my shoulders innocently causing Aurora to stare at me suspiciously for a couple of seconds.

"The dean asked you to come just to have a chat and he didn't even say anything after seeing you in this state?"

Aurora asked again with a sarcastic tone.


"You know what forget it if you don't want to talk about it so be it"

Aurora said angrily while stomping her foot.

Just as she was about to storm off I grabbed her hand causing her to look at me with a murderous look.

"Jeez don't give me that look..."

Come on we already know each other for almost 4 years Shouldn't you at least warm up to me just a little already?

I said while complaining in my mind.

"Give one good reason why I shouldn't kick you in the balls right now"

Aurora who was a full-on iceberg goddess right now said with a murderous look.

"Become my XO after we graduate, you know as well as I do that you're the only one who can keep up with me anyone else would just drag me down"

I said seriously causing Aurora's bloodred brows to furrow.

Truthfully I don't have much hope that shell agree since she's too arrogant to be number two...

I thought only for my brain to short circuit for a moment upon hearing Aurora's answer.

"Fine after all who else will keep you in check other than me"

Aurora said as she turned arround and started walking leaving me standing in place.

Well, it seems like my efforts weren't in vain after all.

I thought happily while scratching my nose as my lips curved a little.

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