Kanon and izuku were at that time in a cave that Kanon called home....
Kanon - Very well.... Now you can explain to me who you are specifically, and why you are here....
Izuku - Well as I said, my name is Midoriya Izuku, and I was a student of Shiryu
Kanon - What do you mean "was"?
Izuku - Well, he's no longer with us....
Kanon - Hmm... I understand, so he's already dead.... Well, I thought it was strange that a known cosmos disappeared recently....
Izuku-Well I answered one of his questions, can I ask one too?
Kanon - You are abused in brat.... But you can go, ask me
Izuku - What were you from my master Shiryu?
Kanon - We can say that we were old comrades in the war...
Izuku - So you were on his side in the holy war?
Kanon - Exactly
Izuku - Hey but how? Shiryu Avi told me that no one but him had survived...
Kanon - Well, it was technically to be true, however when Athena made that sacrifice along with all the other remaining knights.... I don't know what happened, but I survived along with him....
Izuku - Wow, really? But if so why Shiryu never got to tell me about you?
Kanon - Well, after all that, Shiryu decided to try to find people to train and become knights.... But I just didn't want to do that.... So I took possession of this island, and became a vigilante of a city near here....
Izuku - I see....
Kanon - But back to the main topic here... Can you tell me what the fuck you are doing here?
Izuku - Well, I came here to ask for your help...
Kanon - What do you mean?
Izuku - Well, how am I going to explain this... Hades may have reincarnated
Kanon - WHAT ??!?!?!???
Kanon - Explain that right boy.... What do you mean he reincarnated?
Izuku - Well, you don't know, but I'm at the most famous heroes academy in the world.... The AU.... And like we had an event a few days ago, and villains managed to invade the place where it was taking place. ...
Kanon - And what does this have to do with Hades?
Izuku - Well.... Their leader had a Sapuris.... And he seemed to know the cosmos, the armor and everything else....
Kanon - This is a problem.... But you want to say something else, right? I feel you are eager to say something else....
Izuku - Well, yes...
Kanon - Speak are
Izuku - Well, I have a request for you...
Kanon - What would he be?
Izuku - Could you train me?
Kanon - Wait boy... Are you sure you want to be coached by me?
Izuku - Well, at the moment you must be the only knight who has been alive for more than I don't know... 300 years? So you have a lot of knowledge, and you should already know how true knight training works.... And also why I need to be stronger, to face the dangers that are to come, and to protect those I love...
Kanon - Well, first I want to know something.... How long will you be able to stay here training with me?
Izuku - I have 1 month.... After that I have to participate in the AU sports festival....
Kanon - Um, I understand.... Well that's good, because I'll only train you for a maximum of 2 weeks....
Izuku - Hey? Why only 2 weeks?
Kanon - It's because in exactly 2 weeks, I'll take care of some matters .....
Izuku - What subjects?
Kanon - Some issues there.... (Keep what Kanon said....)
Izuku: But will you be able to train me in just 2 weeks?
Kanon - Boy.... Your training will be pike queen island of death.... Do you know this island?
Izuku - Yes, I saw it in the memories of the former Phoenix armor bearer.... His training was even there...
Kanon - So your armor is Phoenix... That's good...
Izuku - Why?
Kanon - Because I can almost kill you without having to worry if you're really going to die...
Izuku had gigantic chills after Kanon said that
Kanon - After this brief trailer of how your training will be, would you be willing to continue, even knowing that you will probably almost die several times?
Izuku - If it's for me to get stronger... Yes! I would be
Kanon - Perfect.... So that said, get ready for hell !!!
Time Skip 1 week...
It's been 1 week since izuku started training with Kanon, and this 1 week was definitely the worst days izuku has ever spent in his life... In that time he was beaten, thrown in the lava and almost died, he had to stay almost 1 all day inside a volcano to gain more resistance to lava, he was caught in illusions where he saw all the people he loved die, he was caught in illusions where he was tortured for more than 20 hours... In addition to every day having to fight Kanon, to see if he was really evolving...
Izuku was at that moment being tortured, right, an illusion, and as a bonus he was also seeing his friends die... That was a punishment, for Izuku couldn't even touch Kanon in their last fight....
illusion on
Kanon then takes a bucket of lava that he had there, and throws it at izuku's head
Izuku although he was screaming in pain, his body was no longer as affected by the lava as before... This is thanks to Kanon having forced Izuku to stay like a volcano for 1 whole day.
Kanon - Well, we've been here for a while in this lava game... Let's change a little....
He snaps his fingers and you turn black all of a sudden... But izuku starts to see every friend of his dead on the ground...
Shoto - I-zuk-ku.... - Shoto appears to him all bloodied, and without most of the members....
Izuku Ps - Calm down izuku.... This isn't real... it's just an illusion....
Izuku tried to say that to himself... But just seeing the sight of his dead friends drove him completely crazy...
Uraraka - I thought you would protect us izuku...
Izuku - But I will...
Kirishima - You let all of us die..... Izubrow that can't be done.....
Izuku - But I won't let you...
Izumi - You're just a useless person who has an armor.... Today I'm even grateful that his father died, if he were alive he would have to see you being the useless person ever Hahahahahaha.... It's to be expected that you don't have strength and not ability to save anyone hahshshahahahahahahahahahs
Izuku couldn't say anything else... He just listened to his friends and some enemies, some kept cursing him.... And others were killed in front of him...
Izuku could easily say that until today, this would have been the worst moment in his life, because of so much pain he felt...
Illusion Off :
Izuku wakes up, but all sore, and almost crying from so much pain he felt
Izuku then goes outside the cave, and finds Kanon, observing nature.
Izuku - OR, KANON!!!
Kanon - What do you want boy?
Kanon - These young people these days.... Let's do this Boy... I want you to come on me, and use your full strength, let's see what you can do... Remembering that when you arrived here I couldn't even touch myself properly...
Izuku - I top
Izuku then wears his armor and starts trying to inflict punches on Kanon, but none of them hit him.... It's already been about 3 minutes since Izuku tried to punch right Kanon, and he dodged everything.... Izuku already full Besides, he decides to use his most powerful blow.
Izuku - Kanon, suffer from the wings of the Phoenix... BIRD PHENIXXXXXXXX
Izuku then spawns an EXTREMELY large bird, which surprisingly hits Kanon, and takes a lot of trees and rocks with it....
When the dust clears, it is possible to see a Kanon, without his shirt and with several bruises on his chest...
Izuku - B-but how? How was I able to hurt you?
Kanon - That's what I'm talking about boy.... When you came here you couldn't even hit me right, and when you hit me, you couldn't even hurt me.... And now you can hit me and you can hurt me much more ....
Kanon - You understand this right?
Izuku - Yes.... Now I understand....
Kanon - Perfect.... So let's continue with your training... Ok?
Izuku - YES MASTER!!!!
Time Skip 1 week
One more week passed, and izuku respected Kanon a lot more now.... In this 1 week Kanon took the opportunity to tell his story to izuku, in addition to improving izuku's illusion techniques.... And izuku focused this 1 week on learning Electric attacks... He even managed to form his first electricity attacks... He called it plasma lightning, and he had also formed one more... But this one he would guard for the festival
Izuku - Master, I really appreciate you accepting to train me during all this time... I don't know if I'll be able to reward you one day, for what you did for me....
Kanon - You don't need all this formality... Now tell me, what will you do in these 2 weeks that you have free, until the festival starts?
Izuku - I already know what I'm going to do.... I'm going to become a vigilante....
Kanon - What do you mean?
Izuku - Well, now that I've learned 2 new attacks, I can use them and no one will recognize me, and then I just have to wear a different outfit, with a preferred mask... And tell me, what's the best way to train scams? Obviously it's kicking ass, right, some villains
Kanon - Yeah you're not wrong.... Well I wish you luck
Izuku - I also wish you luck in your matter to resolve.... Whatever it is....
Kanon - One last thing kid....
Izuku - What?
Kanon - If you find Athena's reincarnation... Can you come talk to me? After all, the more Athena knights, the better!
Izuku - Yes, for sure... Now I need to go, Bye and good luck with your business
Kanon - Likewise !!
Izuku then goes to the shrine with her pendant and begins to prepare her things for her debut as a vigilante....