
Cavalry Battle

Izuku - Or Shoto...

Shoto - What?

Izuku - So, kind of one of us will need to climb on each other's backs...

Shoto - A no......

Izuku - Yeah... And my balance kind of sucks, so I'll have to climb on your back...

Shoto - Damn man.... Do you know how my back will be when this is over?

Izuku - It's all for a good cause... And you can go to Recovery Girl later, heal your back....

Shoto - Ok go... Get up there

Izuku then climbs onto Shoto's back, and soon the Present Mic starts counting down.


The battle then begins, and as expected the majority went after izuku, trying to get the 1 million chip....

Shoto - They fell like lovebirds into our trap...

Izuku - Isn't it? I didn't know they would be so dumb...

Shoto - They are already getting close...

Izuku - Let them get closer.... And then you start passing by all very quickly, got it?

Shoto - Yes!

When the other opponents were about to touch right izuku, Shoto just starts running towards each other... And mysteriously, every person Shoto passed close to fell to the ground and passed out...


The audience was going crazy as izuku was defeating all the opponents around him

Shoto - Didn't it work?

Izuku - I said it would be possible...

Shoto - I have to admit, your idea of ​​putting everyone an illusion was a great idea

Izuku - I'm a genius right?

Shoto - Yes, yes.... Now let's continue, I saw a team right there

Izuku - ok

Izuku and Shoto were heading towards a team of a boy with purple or lilac hair.... But he says something to izuku....

Shinso - Give me your chips

Izuku - No thanks

Izuku has a huge desire to hand over the token, but he soon realizes what it was, and then just takes the boy's tokens

Shinso - WHAT? But how was it not affected?

Izuku - Shoto let's go

Shoto - Okay!

Izuku and Shoto then move away from that place....

Shoto - Why do we move away?

Izuku - That guy... He has a power to probably control people's minds....

Shoto - Why do you think that?

Izuku - Because when he told me to hand over the chips, I almost did, but halfway through I realized what was happening...

Shoto - And how did you get out of his mind's control then?

Izuku - Dude one of my main moves involves controlling people's minds and making illusions.... Do you really think my mind is not prepared for this kind of thing? It's not so easy to control my mind...

Shoto - Yeah, it makes sense.... But now I think we'd better be careful....

Izuku - Why?

Shoto - Because Lida's team is coming with a gigantic speed towards us.....

Izuku then sees it, and realizes that they were quickly approaching them....

Izuku - Ok, let's just wait for them to get closer.... And then I put them in, isn't it an illusion...

Lida's team was very close to izuku, but he hurries up and makes the 4 stay, right, an illusion....

Shoto - Dude, I'm starting to think that this is all a joke for you.....

Izuku - But technically it's not a lie... Because like, you realize that we're going to fight Hades in the future, don't you? And if we lose the earth and humanity it's going to be literally D-E-S-T-R-U-I-D-O-S..... So this here is simple bullshit compared to what we'll do in the future.....

Shoto - On that side, you're not wrong...

Izuku - Exactly... Now let's roll up another team...

Shoto - How about the Bakugou?

Izuku - I liked the idea...

They then start heading towards the Bakugou team...

Shoto - I saw them, they are on the left further ahead

Izuku - Ok

Izuku then, with incredible speed, makes everyone on Katsuki's team an illusion

Shoto - Dude I had an idea...

Izuku - Which one?

Shoto - Why don't we go through the entire arena, and put EVERYONE an illusion? Because like, it's getting boring to do this.... And there's also the fact that I can't take it anymore IN THE DISGRACE OF MY BACK....

Izuku - Ok, ok.... It's also getting boring for me, let's get it over with....

Shoto - Ok

Soon, izuku and Shoto start to pass at an immense speed for all the teams, and leave them all an illusion.... After a while there was only the two of them standing in the arena, so they were declared the winners of that part... .... And right after Present Mic presents the last part of the festival, and also what to decide the winner of the sports festival.... Which, not surprisingly for izuku, was an individual battle, which was what izuku most was waiting.... The only reason he came to this festival was his fight with Shoto.... And obviously he was VERY excited for this moment....










In the other side of the world..... :

?????? - Kanon.... What brings you to my territory

Kanon - Sir.... I come here to ask for your help....

?????? - My help ? Kanon, what happened?

Kanon - So.... I don't know how I'm going to say this.... But Hades' specters have returned, and Hades has probably already reincarnated....

Soon a tremendous silence echoes throughout the place....

?????? - Are you saying that HADES reincarnated? And are you asking for my help to defeat him?

Kanon - Yes... I hope you accept-

?????? - I agree to help you

Kanon is surprised at how quickly he accepted the deal.

Kanon - Wait, is it serious? I thought you wouldn't accept...

?????? - Well, it's simple... If HADES comes back, he will want to dominate and destroy the world and humanity...  And I don't want the world to be destroyed...

Kanon - I get it.... You're going to do the old thing, "my enemy's enemy is my friend" right?

?????? - Exactly, but when it's all over, I'll go to my side, and you to yours...

Kanon - I'm ok with it...

?????? - Well, if that's the case, I'll be going..... There are people who need training now.....

Kanon - Look, the great Poseidon is training people?

Poseidon - I think you should already know, but I have no generals at the moment... So I need to train people to take on these posts, don't you think?

Kanon - It's true.... We Knights of Athena are not in a good situation either.....

Poseidon - I see..... Well, now I have to go.... Good luck in your search for Athena's reincarnation.....

Kanon - Ok, bye

Soon Poseidon goes somewhere that Kanon doesn't know where...

Kanon was about to leave, however he feels something strange....

Kanon - Show up, I know there's someone there

Soon a big man comes out of a rock revealing himself...

Kanon - Um, I knew there was someone watching me.... I was feeling a strange cosmos around here.....

????? - Very cunning.... I didn't expect less from Gemini Kanon

Kanon - Very well, talk, why are you here?

All for one - Very well, my name is all for one, and I came here to kill you .....

Kanon - Do you really think that a specter could kill me?

All for one - Who said I came alone?

Behind him appear 2 more specters

Kanon - 1 vs 3 ? I think this is not very fair....

All for one - I'm not known for being Fair, so it doesn't matter....

Kanon - Very well, come all at once, because you didn't beat me

All for one - That's what we'll see.....