
Turning Point

Things went peacefully for Títílopé after meeting with the prophet and she graduated from college successfully. She also completed her one year mandatory national service in the year 2019 without paranormal entities approaching her. She lived her life carefree and started day dreaming of how to run her small fashion designing business once the national service programme end.

Then sometimes in October 2019, a message from a distant male friend appeared on her phone:

"I know you might not take this serious, dear, but I saw you in my dream approaching a vast green land and suddenly out of nowhere thorns grew out of the ground to immobilize you from reaching the green land. Please, pray about it."

Títílopé simply looked at the message and called it's bluff off.

"This guy is just a jealous idiot because I told him I just opened a small business centre. Whew! Envy is really a big disease."

Títílopé then called the friend and lambasted him to the core.

"I rebuke all the negativity you're sending my way and I send it back to you...you wicked soul. You couldn't congratulate nor celebrate me when I launched my working space but decided to send me this?" Títílopé replied with utmost irritation.

Her friend merely apologized and Títílopé blocked him, labelling him all sorts of names.

"Guess who's ready to become a fashion designer superstar?!!!" Títílopé posted on her WhatsApp status.

With time, customers started trooping into Títílopé's shop and things were going smoothly until two weeks later.

Some boys that do play at Títílopé's shop at their leisure period started putting up funny attitude for no serious reason. This got on Títílopé's nerves and a serious fight ensued. A lot of people took sides with the guys and they all agreed never to patronize her store again.

Títílopé did all her best to maintain her business for sometime but all efforts proved abortive. She also noticed intense hatred that people have for her even when they do worse things publicly and people continued to love them the more. Her mind went back to the dream her former friend warned her about and she decided to visit a babalawo (sherman).

On getting there, the man listened attentively to all she has to say.

"Are you married?" he asked

"No, Sir." she replied.

"Are you dating anyone?" he asked further

"No, Sir."

"I will start dating you." came his reply.

His response came as a shock to Títílopé as she pondered over it that the man haven't even talked about where the problem is coming from talkless of proffering the solution.

"Okay, Sir." Títílopé replied.

The man beamed with a smile of satisfaction and told her when next to come.

Títílopé left with a heavy heart but decided to play along till she finds solution to the matter at hand.

On the next visit, the man sat at his temple and told Títílopé to ask her questions. She asked about the source of her problem. The man made the divination and told her:

"The problem is from your father's side. The person casting evil spells on your is so close to your father like a vein in his neck. This person turns your morning into night and your night into morning, so you will never be able to make it in life."

The response shocked Títílopé. Her mind went several places.

"Who's this person, Sir?" She asked.

"I can't tell you, dear. You will scatter the whole house once you leave here." he replied confidently.

The babaláwo then mentioned the items for propitiation of sacrifice and the amount to be paid. Títílopé thanked him, paid and stood up to leave.

"When are we seeing next, my darling." He asked.

"Anytime you want, Sir." came her reply.

"Alright dear, have a nice day ahead." he said doing all he can to be romantic.

"Urghh!" Títílopé mocked and rolled her eyes while turning her back to him and proceed to make her way home.