

lost in thought, when pain surrounds you ....., you just want to escape, you just want to be free. when all you want is silence, Then imagination kicks in you can't tell the difference between reality and Fiction. And all you see and hear is lies. "FICTION" A family shattered by a tragedy trying to over come the pain. mystery, lies,betrayed all arise as two kids with help from friends try to find the truth of what the F*** is going on.

chisom_eze ¡ Fantasy
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Real me

Isabella and kc sitting outside in the porch

Kc: Why are you here (turns to look at her)

Isabella: to ask for permission

Kc mind: so you took that seriously

Isabella: (gazing at the stars) I wanna be yoir friend

Kc: Why me (gazing at her)

Isabella: cause your (looked at him) special

Kc: how do you no (both staring into each other eyes)

Isabella: I believe we were destined to meet (gazing back at the stars)

Kc: (scoffed) it may be a meaningless coincidence

Isabella: not in my eyes

Kc staring at her with a tearful look

Isabella: look....(stared at him and there eyes locked)

Isabella smiled as a meteorite shower Isabella stared back at the sky waiting the meteo shower as kc stared at her without looking away

Isabella: it pretty, right

Kc: Truly mesmerising (as kc gaze never left her face with those words Isabella slowly looked away from the stars then their eyes lucked)

Kayla and Theodore watching from a mile away

Kayla: a beautiful site to behold, won't you say

Theodore: Truly beautiful

The scene turned dark as the two couples are seen.

Waiter: a beautiful way to end the night🤗

Next day

Every one(Kayla, kc, Isabella, Theodore) preparing for school with a smile on there face

Kc and kayla coming down stares

Kc & kayla: morning

Mom: kc how was your night (with a smile on her face)

Kc: fine

Mom: Isabella is that her

Kc: ma

Mom: what I could see the sparks

Kc: there was no spark

Kayla: ya right "Truly mesmerising "

Mum: I could tell am your mother after all

Mum & kayla: any thing to say

Dad:( coming down stares) kc

Kc: hmm

Dad: invite your girlfriend over for dinner

Kc: I don't have a girlfriend

Dad & mum & kayla: keep telling your self that

Kc: you all are the same am alone in this house

All laughed

Isabella & Theodore house

Isabella, Theodore , her mum and her dad all at the dining table

Her mum: who was that

Isabella: the family we visited last night

Her mom: a new love interest

Isabella: not really

Her dad: what

Isabella: it different with him

Theodore: are you sure

Isabella: I'll make it different

Her mum: haveing a love affair is not a problem we have never stopped you before be careful

Isabella: I always am (with a wide smile)

Theodore: don't hurt him

Isabella: i won't trust me it gonna be different no matter what


Kc and kayla: came down from the bus

Isabella: Hay kc

Kc: Hay

Kayla: go ahead

Kc: you sure

Kayla: ya

Kc :kk

Kc went with Isabella will Kayla left with Theodore

Kayla: we Need to talk

Theodore: OK

Kayla: not here can you skip classes

Theodore: sure

Kayla: Let go

Meanwhile kc and Isabella in the clock tower

Kc mind: Why will she say u should leave without her were Is she

Isabella: thinking about your girlfriend perhaps

Kc: I don't have a girlfriend (answered almost immediately)

Isabella: are you free after school

Kc: Why

Isabella: I wanna take you somewhere

Kc: oooooookay

Isabella: don't worry I don't bite

Kc: really, I didn't know

Isabella: ( chuckled)

Isabella mind: I didn't make a mistake after all

Kc and Isabella coming out of the clock tower and saw kayla and Theodore laughing

Kc mind: WTF

He approached them and grabbed kayla by the hand

They went to a secluded place in the school that no body new about it except from both of them

Kc: what was that can he see you

Kayla: uhm

Kc: how is that even possible

Kayla: I don't know

Kc: does he know

Kayla: not yet

Kc: well you better tell him

Suddenly they heard a noise af people screaming kaylas and kc ran out when arriving at the scene they saw Isabella and another girl fighting

Girl 7: you crazy butch

Isabella: say that again

Girl 7: or what

Isabella: ( Isabella stood up carried a stick beside her) u little f*cking ass b*tch u think you can beat me and get away with it, I didn't want to cause trouble I tried

Girl 7: you fu.....

Isabella: Let play ( she swing the metal and hit her across the jaw everybody screamed)

Isabella: you want to teach me a lesson it not my fault that your small ass could meet his every need ( with a smirk)


Kayla signaled Theodore so the slipped away from the crowd

Theodore: where we going

Kayla: do you trust me, let go


Girl 1: what are you doing

Isabella: haveing fun she started it ( as Isabella raised her up) does ut hurt let me help

( then she punched her square in the jaw)

Boy 2: what are you doing your going to kill her

Isabella: I didn't sleep with him cause I wanted to he begged me your a skinny f*cking ass with nothing to offer, didn't you call me crazy, there more were this came from,( she threw the metal she was holding)

Stay clear from me

( then Isabella saw kc and smiled passed through the crowd held his hand and left)

While later

Kc: what was that

Isabella: a fight among girl

Kc: what ( in shock)

Isabella: are you scared ( smiled)

Kc: no( came back to reality) wait your no longer a virgin

Isabella: it not a big deal

Kc: is that what you think then we have two different perspectives

Isabella: so what does it mean to you

Kc: if I want to loose my virginity I want to lose it with the right person I want my first time ( the person) to be my last

Isabella: my first ....

Kc: it wasn't good

Isabella: it wasn't mine to choose I was raped by my boyfriend

Kc: did you love hime

Isabella: I did with everything I have, so how do you want your first time to be

Kc: with someone worth losing it with, someone special

Isabella (smiled but a smile with pain)


Kayla: this way

Theodore: Why are we here

Kayla: to see the real me

(As they walked into the room Theodore eyes opened)

Kayla: that Me

(The view is shifted to someone on a bed in a hospital like room connected to machine)

The screen is died in two two showing the two couples and the lifeless Kayla body.

Writer: song been played at the ending

Is " breaking down "

By ailee

Read with the song

chisom_ezecreators' thoughts