
Ezuno: Codex Of The Phantom Prince

~Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here~ In the twisted realm of Ezuno, where reality merges with the fantastical, morality is but a fleeting illusion. Within this desolate landscape, Viktor Kirchner, a soul burdened by tragedy and despair, is thrust into a world of unrelenting darkness. Once an ordinary boy with dreams of living a normal life, Nick Carlin meets a grim fate, perishing in a futile attempt to save another. But death is not the end for him. Instead, he is granted a twisted rebirth by a deity cloaked in shadows and whispers, offering him a chance at a new existence in Ezuno—a realm steeped in sorrow and suffering. As Viktor navigates the unforgiving landscapes of his new reality, he is confronted by the harsh realities of this bleak world. Corruption festers within every corner, and innocence is but a distant memory. Haunted by visions of his past and tormented by the weight of his choices, Viktor grapples with the darkness that threatens to consume him from within. In a land where hope is but a distant memory and despair reigns supreme, Viktor's journey becomes a harrowing odyssey of self-discovery and redemption. Will he succumb to the temptations of power and abandon his humanity, or will he find the strength to defy the shadows and forge a path of light amid darkness? Amidst the relentless onslaught of tragedy and loss, Viktor must confront the demons that lurk within his soul and confront the grim realities of a world teetering on the brink of oblivion. In this haunting tale of sorrow and sacrifice, Viktor Kirchner must navigate the treacherous depths of Ezuno and confront the darkness that threatens to consume him, lest he be lost to the abyss forever. *This story is for the fantasy contest, so If you enjoy (which you will ;)) please send power stones!*

im_kalikk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 1: Life And Death

"And for our next quote, ' Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.' Who said that? How about you Nick?"



Death is something that is and will forever be unavoidable. But the point of life isn't to fear death but rather to enjoy the time you have with the people in your life. Or at least that's what my dad used to say. I honestly have no idea where he or my mother are. 

The two of them were special. My father was an influential politician and my mother was a massive actress, by definition, they were at the top of the food chain. But perhaps someone like me had no right to be their son. I have pretty much no expectations of myself. I just want to live a nice and normal life. In other words, I'm not special, not one bit.

Without the likes of parents or siblings, there were really only two people in my life who held any importance. I met them when I was probably only four and they pretty much stuck around since then. 

Alan Williams and his twin sister Ally had been in my life for around fifteen years and I simply never pushed them away. 

"Nicky, that guy was finally arrested." Said Ally breaking the conversation with her brother to speak to me. Nicky was a nickname she frequently called me. I liked nicknames, they made me feel important. 

"You mean the serial killer in China? Yeah, I saw that this morning. I'm glad they got him but still, damn almost seventy victims. I feel bad for the people that were killed. I hope they bring that sick fuck to justice."

We were talking about a killer as well a cannibal that resided in China. He had been taking and eating the organs of underage women in Liuzhou City. An area with a high crime rate, there they called him the "Eater". 

The three of us had skipped right around the time lunch began. I pulled my phone out to check the time when a hurling object began to make its way to us. 

I soon saw it was a man sprinting towards us, with something sharp. So In the heat of the moment, I twist my head to the person running towards us to make sure we were safe.

It was a heavy yet small man probably around 5 feet and at least a few hundred pounds doing his best to sprint towards us with a knife in hand. I was fairly taller than him, so when he came close, I stretched out and tripped him by the ankle, we watched him crash to the ground.

And within a matter of seconds, He began flailing on the ground like a fish out of water, a really fat fish.

He was sobbing almost uncontrollably. "Please! They're coming! they're after me!" He shouted as spit and sweat flew from his face.

"Wait... aren't you Carson's Dad?" Ally responded as the man simply sat in silence. Alan stared at me in utter shock at the fact that I had randomly tripped a man, I suppose he hadn't seen the knife yet. The air around us was stale and silent with nothing but soft whispers of moving gusts of wind.

"Just go," I said lazily hoping he would listen and go home. A crowd had now gathered around us wondering what was going on.

"No! T-the bad men are coming. Help me!" He shouted.

"Sorry, but I don't have that mu-" Loud and fast footsteps stopped me from finishing my sentence.

"There he is! Sir, we got 'em." Behind me was a tall and built man. Looking at the group who had made their entrance I was soon greeted with the sight of six tall and burly men.

A new man walked up wearing a dark brown suit top with matching pants.

"Aye, buddy! You owe us some money you fat fuck." He said as he approached us.

He had to be at least forty years old. He had a dark coarse beard with speckles of white here and there. His right eye had obtained an injury of some sort. From the patterns, I would assume burns. Even though you could guess his age was on the higher side, he was still very well-built.

The guy I had just tripped hurried to scramble off the ground so he could take off once again.

There was a slight metallic click as I glanced back at Ally. The sound froze my body as I slowly turned back around. The man they called "Sir" took slow but powerful strides towards the three of us. His attention was no longer fully on the guy on the floor. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash.

I couldn't tell how much but it was a very large sum of money. He tossed it to Alan and put his finger up to his lips smiling.

"Four thousand dollars cold hard cash. And all you have to do is keep your lips sealed?"

Lunch would be ending soon, and although he might have been a classmate's parent there was no way I would step into his business. Especially when this gangster guy has a gun on him. I took a deep breath as I crouched down to pick up the money and motioned for us to walk away. 

I turned back and saw Ally staring at me with a mix of fear and frustration. She walked up close to me and began to whisper.

"We can't just leave him out here. That's Carson's dad for Christ's sake!" She shouted in a hushed tone.

I'm not one to play hero ever in my life. So why would I start now? That's what I thought at least but my body had other plans as my legs had already turned back around to face the man who was their gang leader.

"I'm sorry but can't you two work something out?" I spoke up. The man looked at me and cocked his head to the side, he looked confused and upset. As if someone had just said something odd and stupid. Which was exactly what I had just done.

"Lemme ask you somethin'. If some retard was slacking to pay you back after roughly thirty thousand dollars and you find out they spent it all on food and porn you'd be pretty pissed off to right?" He asked me as his right hand clutched his firearm a little bit harder, an assistant of his placing a lit cigarette in his mouth. 

"I-I mean I guess. But still, you guys could do som-" A glaring pain struck my head as I was interrupted. I felt the whole world tilt on its axis as I stumbled on the street.

My hand shakingly went to my nose which was the sorest of all spots and found a rather large quantity of blood falling from my nostril.

The fucker hit me with a pistol. Fuck it hurt so fucking bad. 

"Ain't no way some little bitch is about to tell me how to handle business and my money. Now take the cash I gave you and get out of here."

God, you have no idea how bad I want to run mister. But I can't, I simply won't move. Why? I have no idea my body just won't go.

I thought before taking a glance at Ally, I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. Dark eyes and even darker hair, like that of a raven.

He took one more step towards Carson's father and dragged him up to his feet. I don't know what in the world had come over me but for some reason, I couldn't let the fat loser get jumped... Or worse. 

I walked towards the man they had called the boss and wound up with one good punch. I then pushed him off and into the road. 

There wasn't a car or anything it was simply to get him off the big guy. As I turned to run once again a fiery pain went through my body. I felt it in my spine, then my chest, then my arms, and then it was dull.

I fell to the ground as something pierced my side. I had been struck with a bullet.

I know it missed my vitals but I would still probably bleed out.

I always thought when the day of my death came I would be calm but I was so painstakingly wrong. I thought as I wailed in pain and agony and writhed on the ground.

I looked up at Ally and Alan as they screamed for me. They both crouched down to me and several shots rang out. I watched as two spears of light blasted into Ally's stomach and she crashed to the ground. I heard two more shots ring, my eyes were now closed and I didn't have the strength nor energy to look around but I felt a large weight fall on top of me. 

I couldn't see it but I knew Alan had fallen on me. The last shot rang as my ability to hear faded away and another thud was present. I assumed it was Carson's dad.

Is this what happens when you play the part of a hero? I got all of us killed. Is it my fault? My fault? Mine? Me? His?

There was blood everywhere. The heat of my blood was beginning to cool down. And then even the air around me was cold. No that's not true, we were in the middle of autumn. If anything was cooling down...It was me. I knew what it was, it was the embrace of death. 




"Nick. Welcome to my paradise.", said a voice.

Or more like voices, it felt as if a choir of people was speaking perfectly in sync. Upon hearing my name I remembered what happened and I almost collapsed at the fact that I had been shot.

 No matter what direction I looked in it was nothing but white. The white wasn't bright as if it was a light source rather it was a dull-looking texture as if it were the walls of a courtroom.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked as I spun in circles listening to the voice chuckle. It was terrifying. Even though I couldn't see anyone it felt as if the whole world was staring at me.

"Who am I? I am a God, I go by the name of Satanael. But many just call me Satan" Boomed the voices.

I couldn't respond properly, in my haste I let out a nervous chuckle. 

"What's wrong Nick?" asked the 'God' that had pulled me to wherever I am.

"Oh, it's nothing. But isn't that a pretty bad name for a God? Like doesn't it go against the entire bible?"

"Do you believe the Bible to be of our works? It's simply a fabrication of the distorted truth. I shouldn't even be in this realm yet I know that much."

"What do you mean? You shouldn't be here what does that mean?" I asked the voices.

There was a slight silence as if the being was thinking. 

"The protectors of your realm are on vacation, and I'm filling their shoes." 

I fell to the ground as the floor rumbled beneath me. These tremors continued for some time before calming down. I found my footing and pushed myself up I cleared my throat as I called out to the voices once again.

"W-well. What do you need me to do?" I asked my voice almost giving up on me from fear.

Once again another slight awkwardness. The voice let out a small sound but immediately finished. Before going into a calculated silence. 

"There exists a great deal of power throughout the realms. And no mere mortal is capable of practically harnessing that power. Me and my associates are running a little bet on who could potentially create that mortal. And I will send you to is a playpen for that bet." 

"A playpen?" I asked.

"Do you believe all life is important? Nothing in this universe is important there is only one important entity, The Creator." The god began ranting as it completely ignored my question. 

It spoke with such flair in its voice, also seemingly quaking at the word of "Creator" as if someone were speaking of something they held dear.

"Anyway, I suppose it's only right for me to show myself right?" And with that, all the voices joined into one singular octave.

The "God" I had been hearing then appeared to me. It was a female, and she had incredibly pale skin with eyes that resembled that of a turquoise gemstone.

"Why are you in a school girl outfit?" I asked snapping out of my daze. She walked towards me with a sense of elegance that almost made me go light-headed.

"Because...I simply felt like it. I like these types of outfits, I think they suit me."

Spoke Satan, smoothing out the creases in her uniform. I noticed that she was clear of any imperfections. Like seriously, the God or Goddess rather that stood in front of me was perfectly proportional.

"So why do you need me? What does this job entail? I understand you're making textbook heroes... But why me? "I asked taking a glance into Satan's' light blue eyes.

"Lottery, you simply got lucky I suppose. But on Earth, you were rather smart, I don't doubt you could be of use in a crime scene," She chuckled to herself.

"Uh. If that's the case why not just bring back a detective? Wouldn't they be able to help a lot more people than a lousy teenager?" I asked scratching my head. 

"I could, but where's the fun in that? Where's the fun in grabbing a star that illuminates the galaxy when you could fuel a nova that engulfs it? She asked with a gleam in her eye, her focus and attention not quite on me anymore.

I shook my head, as I had no real clue what she was talking about.

"Anywho, make sure you don't die. It would be extremely embarrassing. I've placed so much on you already as it is and plan on getting more as you grow so please don't disappoint me." She said as she began to stand and walk a few paces backward.

"U-um... I guess? I don't know, I don't want to die but I don't think I'm fit to be a hero either."

"That's fine. As long as you're aware." She stuck her hand out. "Take it." She ordered.

Not wanting to get into any altercation I walked forward and took her hand. It was incredibly soft and cold She put her forehead on mine and took my other hand it was as if we had begun praying.

"Repeat after me." She instructed. 

"Listen, mortal, to my whispered plea,

A gift of might I bestow upon thee.

With power vast, reality bends at your call,

Kingdoms tremble, and foes shall fall.

But know this truth, a somber decree,

For every boon, a burden, as you'll see.

In exchange for this might, a path you'll tread,

Through trials and suffering, where solitude spreads.

Loneliness deep as the darkest sea,

Yet forward you'll march, unfalteringly.

Destiny's weight, a crushing load,

But victory beckons down the winding road.

So pledge thy soul, in shadows cast,

To emerge triumphant, firm, and steadfast.

Do you accept this pact, in shadows deep?

To conquer all, and secrets keep?"

She pulled her face away from mine as we finished reciting her odd poem. Her eyes seemed somewhat watery as her eyes glanced off in the distance. The air around us thick and melancholic. 

She looked back up at me as she let go of my two hands, repeating her words "Do you accept this contract?"

I thought and pondered back on earth I spent years doing nothing but pushing a boulder with a twig, I never got anywhere, I never did anything. If she was going to allow me to make myself useful to at least one person I could accept the risk.

I'll make sure nothing happens to the new people I meet. I'll protect them. even if I was unable to protect Alan and Ally, I can live on for them. Like she said I have to keep moving forward, so they can rest peacefully and I can live a life I'm proud of.

"For the sake of my new life, and for the sake of the old I, Nick Carlin accept this offer and contract," I spoke with dedication in my heart.

"If that's the case, you can leave now!" And with that, she snapped her fingers and I was stuck in almost a tunnel of white, black, red, blue, green, and any other color imaginable. It was as if I had been transported through a tubed aurora borealis. If it didn't feel like I was falling at a few thousand miles per hour, it would have been beautiful.




In the royal nursery, there was a new miracle. Elden Kirchner had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. He had white hair that almost swallowed all color in sight, paired with the most gorgeous set of eyes. They were a deep blue, the shade of that of a serene lake.

The Priests' clergy informed a few royal servants to inform the Emperor of his newborn baby. After around half an hour, he came rushing in.

"Have you chosen a name yet?" The Emperor asked Elden while holding the newborn in his arms. 

"Now now darling It's the father's job to name a son, and the mother's to name a daughter. I believe he is your son after all."

Replied Elden lying down on the hospital bed. There were beads of sweat dripping down from the pain of labor, but she kept a calm face and allowed her body to rest properly.

"Right, well if that's the case I shall name him."

The Emperor pondered momentarily thinking of a suitable name for the newborn child.

"Not a name... But a title rather, Viktorius, for the passion of always chasing glory." Werner, the Emperor said with a smile on his face.

And that was the fateful day that Nick Carlin died and Viktor Kirchner was born.

A day that would never be forgotten, for better or worse...