
Eyes Only for You

Veridin let go of his hand and stepped back, leaving him standing alone in the air. He slid his arm behind his back, holding out his hand out to Anaroth once more. A grin spread across his moonlit features, violet eyes sparkling mischievously behind golden strands. “Your highness Anaroth, may I have the honor of your first dance?”

TheKatKing · LGBT+
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33 Chs

Meetings and Greetings

Veridin stopped in his tracks while the woman clothed in white quickly walked over to them. She stopped and clasped her hands together when Veridin turned around. Anaroth had never seen Veridin be so visibly disturbed that the only other word to describe his expression was uncomfortable. It was somewhat refreshing and entertaining to see.

"Saint Lilis, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh please! Don't be so formal! Aren't you here to whisk me away in a romantic fashion? The saint and the hero king running off together; What a beautiful love story that would be!"

Anaroth could barely contain his laughter when Veridin pursed his lips together. This was a fantastic sight to see. Veridin glared at him when their eyes met. Anaroth couldn't look at him for more than a moment or he would have burst into laughter.

"Saintess, haven't you tired of those fantasies?"

"I can dream, can't I? Maybe one of these days, my fantasies will get to you. Anyway, what are you here for?"

"I was here to see the high priest," Veridin sighed.

Lilis glanced to the side, her voice solemn, "I suppose you haven't heard then."

"Heard what?"

She began to fidget with her hands. "The church has split into two factions. A few days after the peace treaty was signed, the high priest began to voice his displeasure with the demons. He said that the goddess would condemn anyone who joined hands with them."

"Then what of the other faction?"

"We call ourselves the Union Church." She placed her hand on her chest. "I believe the goddess would never abandon a lost lamb. The goddess would never want to see her children die senseless deaths. That is why I choose to follow you."

His eyes widened. "Thank you. For believing in me."

"I will always believe in you, Sir Veridin. You are kind and just. However, while the church is in this sorry state, your coronation will be put off…"

"Don't worry about that. You telling me this is enough."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more help." She turned back to Anaroth and bowed deeply. "I sincerely apologize for my late greetings, your majesty."

"Oh, there's no need for that." Anaroth stumbled over his words. This was the first time a human had shown him such respect.

She straightened up with a smile. "Thank you for your benevolence. Just as I thought, you too are a kind person."

He smiled. He could see the hesitation and determination in her eyes. She was a purehearted person who sincerely cared about her people. For the sake of peace, she was willing to set aside any prejudices she may have and look past their differences. Her eyes held hope for the future.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Saint Lilis. I look forward to seeing you again in the future."

"Of course your majesty. Have a safe trip. I will offer my prayers for your future."

She bowed once more and the two left. Veridin let out a sigh when he slumped into his seat. Anaroth bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"She's a nice person."

"She's not bad. She's intelligent, but not as sharp as you. If only she would stop fantasizing about storybook romance."

Anaroth opened his pocket watch with a grin. "That's what makes her so unique."

"She doesn't have to be unique though?" Veridin squinted in displeasure.

Anaroth chuckled softly, closing the pocket watch and looking out the window. Times were changing. Humans and demons, maybe in his lifetime they would be able to live side by side. He glanced at Veridin. He was grateful. Without Verdin, this would all be a distant dream. He smiled to himself. Maybe the next two months wouldn't be so bad.

A month passed by in a hurry. Veridin had practically holed himself up in his office while Anaroth worked on the budgeting and construction of the transfer circle. Rowan had officially become the instructor for the imperial guard. The laws drafted to put a stop to slavery were being finalized. Everything was accounted for. For Veridin anyway. Anaroth however, found himself half asleep in a carriage on his way to Duke Hollin's domain.

It was a five day trip from the capital to the hunting grounds of the spring hunting festival. Veridin had given him no forewarning of their departure. Though that had no bearing on the construction, Anaroth was a little more irritable than usual. He yawned, stretching out as best as he could in the confines of the carriage. Glancing across from him, he stared at Veridin.

Leaning on his arm, his breathing was slow and rhythmic. Pale light shone across his features. His golden hair looked platinum in the soft light. His eyelashes quivered with each jolt of the carriage. Hidden behind those were eyes of striking violet.

Thinking back to a month ago, Anaroth begrudgingly admitted that he was in fact handsome. Though it wasn't his face that Anaroth found captivating. As he leaned forward, he thought he could see a glimpse of those purple eyes.

"Have you resorted to admiring me whilst I'm ignorant?"

Veridin had, in fact, opened his eyes. Anaroth quickly leaned back and cleared his throat. Embarrassment flooded his chest. He couldn't seem to look him in the eyes anymore. He looked out the window and listened to the sound of the carriage. That's when he finally noticed; Veridin's breathing hadn't changed.

"You weren't asleep in the first place."

Veridin seemed to realize his mistake as he took a deep breath and sat up. "I never said I was asleep."

"You certainly seemed aware then. Tell me, do you even sleep?"

The subtle widening of his eyes made Anaroth sure. The reason why they left so early five days ago, the reason why he always knew what was happening, and the reason why Anaroth had never seen him asleep. Anaroth narrowed his eyes when Veridin chuckled softly.

"Wouldn't that make me something other than human or demon? Every creature needs to sleep."

"Veridin, give me a proper answer."

"You'll have to accept that one. We're here."

Anaroth grit his teeth, then sighed. Why should he care in the first place? Whether Veridin sleeps or not shouldn't matter. Yet it made him irritated. Was it that Veridin hadn't let his guard down around him? Anaroth stepped out of the carriage, that must be why.

He glanced around the venue. It was similar to demon hunting festivals. The only notable difference was the lack of women participants in the hunting aspect. Though it was called a festival, it was truly an event for nobles. The glares surrounding him made him stiffen. He hadn't felt this out of place since his debut back in his own kingdom. He quickly scanned the crowd for Veridin. He wasn't left alone here, was he?

"Greetings your majesty."

The voice that came from his side startled him. He turned to see a woman dressed from head to toe in fiery red. Even her hair was a beautiful shade of crimson. Her golden eyes sparkled beneath waves of scarlet as she bowed.

"Ah, you must be Miss Betchner…" Anaroth vaguely remembered the description of nobles a servant had given him.

"That's correct, your majesty. I am Maria Betchner of the Betchner Duchy."

She stood up straight with a courteous smile. Anaroth knew the look in her eyes. It wasn't as subtle as Veridin's gaze. It was a glare of arrogance and the desire to use the person in front of her. Anaroth relaxed a bit. Anyone is easier to deal with than that snake.

"Seeing as you approached me first, you must have something to say."

"You are very quick, your majesty. I would like to introduce you to my friends."

I'm really excited to publish the next few chapters. I'm publishing this one early because I'm a few chapters ahead, but the normal schedule is Wednesday and Saturday! I hope you're ready for the roller-coaster that's approaching...

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