
Eyes of the Purple Fox

A bank was rob and no one saw anything. only a card with a symbol on it was left behind by the robber at the bank. The card had a picture of a purple colored fox eye and a word that says "Eyes of the purple fox" Ever since that day, a lot of mysterious events begin to happen.

Mey_Na_4061 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

The first strike.

It was a bright sunny day when Chief Rodney was on his way to the bank.

"Good afternoon miss." Rodney said to the young girl walking pass him. She was startled.

"Who are you? " She asked. Then she remembered that he was the chief of Mount Rodney, the place where she works at.

"Wait, you're chief Rodney? is it? " The girl asked.

"I don't like you to call me chief. " Rodney said sternly. "Just call me Rodney. "

"Yes, Mr Rodney. "

"So why are you here? "

"I was send here by Avon. She said that someone said that a robbery is about to happen here. " The girl replied.

"Name? " Rodney asked the girl for her name because he didn't know what to call her. But the she thought he wanted to know the name of the robbers.

"I don't know their names or who they are. "

"I mean your name! " Rodney boomed.

"My name's Donna. " She said.