
Eyes of the Purple Fox

A bank was rob and no one saw anything. only a card with a symbol on it was left behind by the robber at the bank. The card had a picture of a purple colored fox eye and a word that says "Eyes of the purple fox" Ever since that day, a lot of mysterious events begin to happen.

Mey_Na_4061 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Mount Rodney

You may think that this is a name of a mountain, but you're wrong.

Its the name of a secret police organization who responsible for protecting the world from aliens and magical entities.

Mount Rodney is a long name so they decided to give a short name that doesn't sound funny or stupid. "Mr-10" (pronounce as 'mister ten') is the their short name. But it does sound a bit funny.

I have written this story about a year ago but I forgot many of its original idea.

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