
Eyes of Aliye: Ungrateful Reincarnator

I found myself reincarnated in a fantasy novel with shitty lords and relatives. Where a father can kill child, and wars are common place. In fact I was reborn in the moment my father killed my former self and now I must survive if I am to play this game of the nobles out. MC powers; mind control. Warning: strong language

Ensii99 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Training ground

Training ground

I didn't have any siblings growing up since Jack only has one other child and he doesn't know she exists at the moment. But I grew up with cousins. Older cruel cousins that makes my life hell. And one of those ways they do that is in the training ground.

I knew I was in trouble the moment I came to the training ground the day after mother gave me Cvela to see them sneering at me. They were jealous of course that mother bought me a better toy than they'd ever had. They were four of them within the age range of 12 to 8. Of course to my former self's eyes they were just kids but what they put me through had made me come to regard them as true villains.

The training ground was a cobble stone courtyard in the keep manned by Celso Nemberg the arms master. Celso was a black one eyed man, with a cruel attitude. Like usual he left the training of me to my cousin Kyle, a scawny, ugly dark haired boy. Kyle is 12 and will soon be gone to the Royal Magic Academy to study. The royal academy is where the novel's story started when Rea gained a controversial attendance to the prestigious school, but that and how is story for another day.

For now Kyle handed me a wooden short sword and demanded I parry his attacks. For my age he was supposed to hold back, and to some extent he'd, I suppose, but the attacks he sent me were meticulously made to punish me rather than to teach me. And when I failed to show 'progress' he had the right to punish me for real.

He made me spread my hands to the side and lift one of my legs, and I am to hold that position until he saw fit. As my hands and legs burned I look into his eyes to see him grinning. At that moment I developed a seething hatred for the boy, Celso, and even my father that demands things be made extra hard for me. At that moment of rage I caught hold of Kyle's mind with a forceful push. He reeled back eyes wide. Even though I'd never used my powers on him or any of my cousins he knew my powers and could guess what I was doing. His hands glowed green and vines started growing around me. I didn't give him the chance, I rampaged inside his mind in anger and defiance, not giving him any suggestions, just screaming all my frustration. Kyle screamed and collapsed to the ground drool licking from his mouth.

Celso punched me in the face before I knew it. I heard the others screaming and tried to rise again only to receive another punch. The world went dark.

I awoke in a dungeon of sorts. The place was dark and cold and stank. My whole body felt like the time in high school that the jocks beat me up for saying something to Sarah, only worse. I was hungry too. I went to the bars and looked out into the empty stone hallway before sitting back in resignation. I know I'd messed up. I'd always had a temper hadn't I? My wife always said it was my weakness.

After what felt like hours I heard footsteps coming and a ray of yellow light. I did not lift my eyes till the person holding the lantern stopped in front of my cell. He rang the bars. "Get up Saint," he said kindly.

I lifted my eyes to see Hold, the stable master staring down at me with beady eyes. He was an impossibly tall man with a turf of brown hair atop his head. He wore a sleeveless vest that showed off his muscles. He was like a giant race or something. "what's happening?" I asked.

The cell door swung open. "Come. Your mother awaits you."

Hold led me out of the cell, through the maze of the dungeon and out through a portcullis. It was night time, the full moon was in the middle of the sky and the Highvoid castle stood in the distance. A night escape? I met my mother by a river. She was dressed in a red cloak, the hood pulled down over her head. She knelt down and hugged me then kissed me and wept for only a few seconds before rising. "Thank you Hold," she said wiping her tears, sniffing.

"My pleasure my lady," Hold replied. "You'd best leave. I'll cover your tracks." Then he turned and left. I noticed mother was not the only one there. Cvela and Kina were there too, and two horses.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Your father wants you dead for your mistake," mother replied. "Remember this night Saint."

"I will," I promised. "But where will we go?"

"V'alkre. My sister is lady there. It's a bitter week journey and the Highvoid's will follow, so we'd best leave."

I mounted the same horse as my mother while Kina and Cvela mounted the other. I gave one glance back towards the mansion then we were gone in the night.

Thanks for reading.