
Eyes Behold

Sneak Peak Jordan had his head nuzzled in her neck trying to calm down . Rose patted his back affectionately running her hand down his arm in a comforting manner. " Jord-" " Shhh ... Let me . Pls little one. I.. I was so scared today ." He whispered in her neck . He pulled back and cupped her face in his hands . " I was so so scared . I didn't want to lose you , never ever and I thought today after seeing those comments and that post ... I thought. .. I thought I'll lose you. " His hands were shivering slightly. Rose put her hands on his and looked tenderly in his eyes. " You won't ever lose me Jord . I'll always be there for you. Always . " She whispered back to him comforting him. --------------------------------------------- It has dark pasts yet no broken souls ... It has celebrities and millionaire yet no marriage deals and egoistic fights ... It has a beautiful and kind girl and a rich player yet nothing in it is cliche... It has a group of friends who fight to death not only with each other but also for each other ... It has people who have lost their families yet strive to complete other's lost world... It has kind dedicated doctors , fun loving players, it has famous singers , it has deprived and lost souls , it has the light to pull you out of the darkness, it has strength to help you face life , it has many things worth knowing... It is my first story "Eyes behold" ... Because simply, a person might never let out the inner deep meanings of their life but eyes , eyes never lie .... So just behold their presence and look deep in them because they tell you everything... Everything...

Jobanjeet_Kaur · Teen
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12 Chs

Lover's Bay

Amelia couldn't help but sneak glances at the person sitting next to her . Ryder on the other hand was fed up of the two chitter chatter boxes sitting next to him . He had come here to spend some me-time alone with John Green . It was for the best . There was nothing like spending time reading novels . It had a solace of its own .

You could enter your own bubble yet never be alone . You may be surrounded by characters and yet never be interrupted. You could just feel everything the characters felt , just be one with them and travel the world and meet other people all by sitting at the same place . This feeling was just great and always made Ryder ecstatic.

But today after he woke up with a shitty headache he desired nothing more than having peace with his books , but these girls seemed to have different plans . Ryder was normally calm but after today's boring day and waiting for his friends who like always were late , he was not in the mood for this at all .

" Can't you see that people here are trying to read . Please lower down your volume or grab another place to have your daily gossips " he said just short of yelling . Amelia turned around to glare at him but then her expression turned to normal . She then plastered a fake smile and said , " Can't you see that people here are trying to have a conversation. Please stay quiet or grab another place to rub your bad mood on others . Thank you very much " she hissed back .

Ryder was taken aback to say the least . It was the first time he was talked to like this by anyone . Being son of the owner of multinational company had it's perks , having these looks just topped it up . The famous boy of the college just added to the perk . He was taken aback and stared at those ocean blue eyes seeing irritation swirling in them .

He sure might have looks but Amelia wasn't the one to judge by looks .She believed personality of a person was more important. So when she heard him speaking rudely and that too to interrupt right at the most interesting part of her story just added oil to the fire .She lashed back with equal potential.

"Well well there , let's just calm down and solve it out " Rose tried to reason out... She could see a fight building up and didn't want to create a scene on their first day here .

" Say that to him . He needs to understand that public places are meant to talk out and spend time with your loved ones "

" Oh!!! And she should know that public places are for the whole lot . She can't convert it into her private chit chat place . She should think of everybody sitting around too "

" If you need that much of a quiet , why sit in a cafe . Do you know of a place called library or haven't heard of one . Don't worry I'm new to this place but I'll find one and tell you about it . It'll help you . People go there to ..."

" I know what a library is and why people go there ." He cut in " Thanks for your advise by the way but I know where I want to be and right now I want to be right here "

"There is a price to pay for each decision. Then so this be yours . If you wanna stay here then listen to us chitter chatter around " she retorted back with a hiss .

She turned around and in a rather loud squeaky voice started to say ," So Roe where was I ? "

Rose led an apologetic look towards Ryder but rather continued with the conversation, " You were telling me how you shut Anna in the cubicle "

" Sounds like something she would do ..." Ryder mumbled but Amelia heard it well

She turned around and narrowed her eyes at him while Rose let out a laugh.. " Excuse me ??" She said in a low menacing voice while arching an eyebrow upward .

"Excused miss " he said in a sing song way before standing up and leaving the place. There was no chance he could read the book any further . While similing lightly he exited the cafe only to look back and send a wink towards a dumbstruck Amelia before sauntering out of the place .

Rose despite various efforts could not stop the laughter from bubbling out . Muttering asshole under her breath she got up dragging Rose along with her . She was in no mood to complete that conversation or the heavenly coffee .

Earning a smack from Rose she whined " ouch !! What was that for ?? "

"Swear again and I promise you more " Rose pointed a finger towards her

"Ughhh!! miss goody two shoes ." She groaned and dragged an amused Rose out of the cafe.

They decided to return to their dorms . Dropping Amelia, Rose was about to leave when Amelia's door flew open and a super excited girl almost jumped at Amelia .Letting out a small yelp Amelia jumped back keeping a hand on her heart .

" Who amongst you is my roommate?" Before either could say anything she yelped again .

" No ! No ! Wait , let me guess "

She narrowed her eyes while keeping a thinking hand on her chin tapping her cheeks lightly . Her forest green eyes shone again and she pointed at Rose.

" You are the one . Aren't you ? "

Rose rubbed her hands together awkwardly while rocking on her feet she shook her head slightly . Her eyes widened in excitement and she yelped again .

" Oh it's you then. " She clapped her hands excited .

" Well ... Duh .. " Amelia sulked .Rose nudged her silently telling her to be nice .

The girl didn't seem to catch on to that and still excited turned to Amelia jutting out her hand " I'm Catherine Rosa , your roommate . What's your name ? "

"Amelia .. Amelia locksworth " she said shaking her hand . " And this is my best friend Rose Wilder " she said motioning towards the girl who was scanning her surroundings awkwardly .

That's when they realised they were still standing in the corridor and getting weird looks from all those passing by . So the three entered the room.

" Oh !! I'm so excited to have a roommate ,my roommate last year left mid session , I had to stay in this big room all alone .Thank God they assigned one this year. I'm just so happy " Catherine shrieked .

Both the girls were taken aback by her excitement but soon it rubbed on Amelia too lifting up her mood .

" But you don't even know me , how could you be so excited to have me in the room for all these years ? " Amelia pointed out .

" Oh! I know for a fact we'll go together quite well . I could see it in your room decor .Especially that dream catcher . It's so cute ." she gushed .

Amelia smiled as Rose glanced over to the rainbow dream catcher and gasped . It was the one she gave her as a birthday gift on their 15th birthday , just before she left .She turned to look at Amelia who was smiling remembering that day .

"Roe made that for me on our birthday" She smiled at Rose who seemed more happy than a child who got his favourite toy .


" Oh I meant Rose . I call her Roe. "

"And our birthday?"

"Oh ! We were born on the same day . She is 5 hours elder to me .Just from different mothers . " Amelia shrugged .

"That's so cool . Best friends and birthday twins . Wowww !!! "

" Yeah I know right !! " Rose smiled .

"And I definitely love the Jordan River poster .That guy is just so awesome Can never got over his voice ,angelic !! " Catherine exclaimed

" Definitely!!! Just look at him . Only a fool can't melt seeing this handsome young lad . Isn't it Roe ? "

" Oh yeah ! He definitely has something. The songs that he writes and sings have so deep meaning that it just takes my breath away . But is he as good in person as we see him ?What if he is just like those superficial stars going on just for fame ? "

"Way to go Roe !! Just enjoy his good looks and awesome voice . Why do you need to go so practical always ? "

" Can I call you Lia and you Ro-ro ?"  Catherine suddenly exclaimed .

This was so off the topic but when what she said settled down their minds Amelia laughed"Oh definitely!!Right Ro-ro ?"  She asked choking on her own saliva .

Rose put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. " Definitely no " she said shaking her head .

" Oh then it's a definite yes !!!" Catherine exclaimed .

Rose looked at her disbelievingly ." Oh okay then . You right here are catty for me from today . "

The victim groaned and mumbled ' not again' under her breath.

" So catty ..." Rose clapped her hands happily,".. are you a sophomore because you are definitely not a freshman "