
Eyes Behold

Sneak Peak Jordan had his head nuzzled in her neck trying to calm down . Rose patted his back affectionately running her hand down his arm in a comforting manner. " Jord-" " Shhh ... Let me . Pls little one. I.. I was so scared today ." He whispered in her neck . He pulled back and cupped her face in his hands . " I was so so scared . I didn't want to lose you , never ever and I thought today after seeing those comments and that post ... I thought. .. I thought I'll lose you. " His hands were shivering slightly. Rose put her hands on his and looked tenderly in his eyes. " You won't ever lose me Jord . I'll always be there for you. Always . " She whispered back to him comforting him. --------------------------------------------- It has dark pasts yet no broken souls ... It has celebrities and millionaire yet no marriage deals and egoistic fights ... It has a beautiful and kind girl and a rich player yet nothing in it is cliche... It has a group of friends who fight to death not only with each other but also for each other ... It has people who have lost their families yet strive to complete other's lost world... It has kind dedicated doctors , fun loving players, it has famous singers , it has deprived and lost souls , it has the light to pull you out of the darkness, it has strength to help you face life , it has many things worth knowing... It is my first story "Eyes behold" ... Because simply, a person might never let out the inner deep meanings of their life but eyes , eyes never lie .... So just behold their presence and look deep in them because they tell you everything... Everything...

Jobanjeet_Kaur · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Jordan River

" We'll be getting on stage in 15" the crew head shouted .

Adrenaline shot through Jordan as he stood in front of Mia , his make up artist who finished his last looks and smiled satisfactorily. The poor soul had to stand on a stand to fix up the make up of this 6'3 giant while she herself was not more than 5.

Jordan fixed his black leather Gucci jacket and slicked his brown hair backwards. Even after being on stage many times in his 4 year long career , the excitement of climbing on was still fresh as new . He stood on his podium which would lift him up on the stage and got ready to come in the spotlight.He had come to Calgary after a long time and he was excited about it .

Wearing his signature smile which would make girls swoon bad , his podium started moving lifting him to the stage and the cheers , claps and hoots made him feel home . He got onto the stage acknowledging his band for today and took off a run to the centre of the stage .

The whole place roared up with cheers and shouts .

'I love you Jordan'

' Marry me '

'Jordan ! Jordan! '

He was loving it as he glanced around with a bright smile ," Hellllloooo Calgary "

There was another uproar and Rose had to shut her ears as the crowd behind her was going berserk. She and the others were standing ahead of the barriers between the stage and the crowd courtesy to Ryder who seemed extremely bored and uninterested in everything around him right now .' I am here only for these 5 idiots and they'll pay for it later ' he thought with a smirk . Amelia instantly narrowed her eyes at him to which he just shook his head with a ghost of smile on his face .

" How are we today ?" Jordan hollered over hearing the all too familiar loud cheers and jumbled replies . Though the enthusiasm in it gave him the much needed satisfaction. He gave a nod to the band indicating them to begin strumming his one of the most famous single ' Love irreplaceable' . The crowd burst out again .

" These lyrics are all dedicated to my fans whose love is truly irreplaceable. You all make me feel complete and myself."

With this he started his song leaving the crowd in awe .Rose and the group was brimming with excitement on seeing The Jordan River up this close. Ryder felt accomplished and pleased from their reactions .

'Your l-o-o-ove

Taught me to live

Your l-o-o-ove

Gave me air to breathe

Your l-o-o-ove

My new light to meet

Your l-o-o-ove

My irreplaceable sweet .'

All of them hummed the lyrics with him . Jordan couldn't help but grin throughout the song bouncing from one end of stage to the other and picking up pace once in a while with the song . Rose looked in awe at him all the time .If he wasn't near she would just glance on the big screen behind him showing the recording on the cameras set across the stadium . She just couldn't take her eyes off of him.

Jordan took a quick water break and joined the stage back with his favourite black guitar . He was going to play one of his personal favorite 'Eyes Behold ' . As he strummed the song on his guitar and started humming the tunes , he turned towards the band sitting just below the big screen to co-ordinate with them , his breath hitched slightly.

On the screen were Rose , Amelia and Claire doing their own signature move that they made together on this song years ago . The three long lost friends were so engrossed grinning at each other , reliving their memories that they never noticed the camera on them . They moved perfectly coordinated and were looking so happy that anyone could barely take their eyes off them .

Then realising something in the pit of her stomach, Rose glanced up only for eyes to go wide as saucers, the camera was solely focused on her now .That's when Jordan saw her eyes and he just lost it . He actually strummed a wrong tune causing Rose to snap her head towards him . That's when she noticed he wasn't looking at the audience as she had expected but was instead looking at her and now , for her .

Jordan while strumming the tunes and starting with the lyrics was glancing at each camera he could see. He was looking for her. The rainbow girl with Angel eyes , eyes that behold one .The song was so ironic to what he had seen .

Looking in her eyes he practically froze causing him to strum the wrong tune and Jordan wasn't the  one to sting wrong tunes, ever. She was a raw true beauty with those long jet black hair which he so desperately wanted to untie from the braid on which she probably spent hours on , to her rainbow dress which complimented her body completely, to her innocent face and those eyes , he was a goner .

That's when he found the camera he had been looking for and she was so close to him. This made him giddy as he practically jumped to that side of stage tryimg to make it look as casual as possible in his over excited state . Rose was busy humming the song with Amelia who had set a beat with her too , both clicking their fingers together when the beat went low giving the song a new effect.

Both the girls were snapped out of their trance when loud screams and gasps were heard all around and they looked up to see Jordan on their side of the stage . Amelia started screaming too but Rose attempted to hide somewhere, anywhere where she didn't have to confront him . She had seen him notice her on the screen and it was embarrassing enough .

Claire saw her attempts and decided to revenge the three years .So she side stepped and pushed Rose forward who stumbled but thankfully regained her posture. She quickly glanced up to ensure this had gone unnoticed but to her mortification Jordan had been seeing it all with an amused expression all the time and right now he was trying to stifle his laughter showing his dimples .He was thankful that he wasn't singing any lyrics at the time .

Rose didn't know from where she got the confidence but she sent him a glare to which he stiffened visibly , at least to Rose. She then turned her murderous glare towards the traitor who mouthed ' payback is a bitch Eve' grinning wildly at her all the while trying to hide behind Carlos who oblivious to  all this was now utterly confused .

Rose sighed restraining the urge to strangle Claire right then and there . This is when she realised the situation and blushed a deep deep shade of red , shaking her head as if it would get rid of the blush she went back to stand with Amelia pouting at her .

She looked up to see Jordan still lingering around and glancing at her once in a while .'This stupid must be finding it amusing ' she thought irritated . Her nose scrunched up a bit as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and shifted her weight to one leg drumming her arm with her fingers . She then raised an eyebrow at Jordan who smirked back and finally moved to the other side of the stage beating his head to the beat of the drum .

He had never enjoyed any concert as much as this one . Rose was really beautiful, even when she walked the corridors of the college , many heads turned to see her . She had that aura in her confident strides and that pull in her sweet smile to hypnotize anyone .

But Jordan wasn't the one to judge a book by it's cover . Sure she had the looks and especially her eyes were extremely alluring but how was he to know if she was as good at heart too ? Sure her eyes held care , love and truth , a fire to do right  , a softness to melt any heart and he knew eyes never lied but still he lured his heart to focus on the concert rather than the alluring beauty down there . After all he wouldn't get to meet her again..... or would he??

But how was he to avoid what destiny had already written for him ?